
本站作者 2023-06-13 02:24:00



【成语】: 无拘无束 【拼音】: wú jū wú shù

【解释】: 拘、束:限制、约束。形容自由自在,没有牵挂。

【成语】: 天马行空 【拼音】: tiān mǎ xíng kōng

【解释】: 天马:神马。天马奔腾神速,象是腾起在空中飞行一样。比喻诗文气势豪放。也比喻人浮躁,不踏实。


【成语】: 挥洒自如 【拼音】: huī sǎ zì rú

【解释】: 挥:挥笔;酒:洒墨。形容画画、写字、作文,运笔能随心所欲。

【成语】: 运用自如 【拼音】: yùn yòng zì rú

【解释】: 自如:活动不受阻碍。形容运用得非常熟练自然。

【成语】: 悠然自得 【拼音】: yōu rán zì dé

【解释】: 悠然:闲适的样子;自得:内心得意舒适。形容悠闲而舒适。

【成语】: 落魄不羁 【拼音】: luò pò bù jī

【解释】: 落魄:穷困,不得意;羁:束缚。潦倒失意,行为放纵。也指豪迈不受拘束。

【成语】: 放浪形骸 【拼音】: fàng làng xíng hái

【解释】: 放浪:放荡;形骸:人的形体。指行动不受世俗礼节的束缚。

【成语】: 倜傥不羁 【拼音】: tì tǎng bù jī

【解释】: 倜傥:洒脱,不拘束;羁:马笼头,比喻束缚、拘束。形容洒脱豪放,不受拘束。

关于成语(自由自在)的成语解释和意思【拼音】: zì yóu zì zài

【解释】: 形容没有约束,十分安闲随意。


【成语】: 身不由己 【拼音】: shēn bù yóu jǐ

【解释】: 由:听从。身体不由自己作主。

【成语】: 不由自主 【拼音】: bù yóu zì zhǔ

【解释】: 由不得自己,控制不住自己。

【成语】: 鬼使神差 【拼音】: guǐ shǐ shén chāi

【解释】: 使、差:指使。好像有鬼神在支使着一样,不自觉地做了原先没想到要做的事。


First of all, I saw the Tang River flowing slowly, clear to the bottom, about 100 meters wide. The water here is really clear, and I can almost count the pebbles at the bottom of the river. Those ... all fish come and go in groups, free to find their delicious food, wandering in their own country, with no side of their heart, very comfortable.


The birds are free to play in the sky.


. the golden chrysanthemums are blooming, and the little white rabbit looks at the beautiful chrysanthemum with envious eyes; the leaves on the big tree fall to the ground with the wind, as if the yellow butterflies are dancing in the wind; the clear bottom pond is like a big mirror, reflecting the beautiful posture of autumn; the ... all fish in the pond swim freely, you see how happy they are!


The boy sat there, playing with his toys.


The masses here can live and work in peace and freedom, relying on the party's reform and opening-up policy and their own hard work.


I want to be a white cloud in my sky. I can be free and carefree. I can listen to things outside my window with two ears. I can jump out of three boundaries, not in five elements. Can be free, regardless, experience the feeling of no weight. When you see a fire, you can also incarnate as a drizzle to save people from water and fire.


A group of pigeons are flying freely in the air.


These beautiful swans are playing freely on the lake.


Everyone yearns for a free life.

.爱情是不受制约的;一旦制度想施 ... ,爱神就会振翅远走高飞;爱神和其他诸神一样,也是自由自在。乔叟

Love is unrestricted; once the system wants to exert its power, the God of love will fly away; like other gods, the God of love is also free. Chaucer


. the bird is humming a little song in the sky, flying freely, the flowers are cheering for him, the grass is dancing for her, he and Baiyun sister play hide and seek in the sky, everything is so beautiful.


. after a while, I was able to swim in the water. Inspired by my father, I memorized the essentials of swimming, and with the help of lifebuoy, I relaxed as soon as I lay on the water, and then I could swim freely on the water.


If give me the right to choose, I would like to be a free white cloud.


. when the wind is calm, you can float and sink in the sea water, free like a jellyfish.


. the lovely little goldfish is swimming freely in the VAT.


. in the sun, chrysanthemums are dazzling, like little stars, flashing. The bees also came to the party and danced freely in the flowers. It seemed that there were countless Fairies in front of me. They danced happily together, and the joy could not be mentioned.

