
本站作者 2024-02-16 13:11:00


英中对照 food handed out in contempt嗟来之食【成语来源】food handed out in contempt嗟来之食one year during the spring and autumn period (春秋时期,770-476 bc), there was a the qi state (齐国) was severely strickend by a famin

英中对照 Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌There was a state called zhou (周) in the chinese history.中国历史上有一个国家名叫“周”。One day, the king of zhou asked his officials for advice on deal with prisoners of wa

英中对照 mere copycat东施效颦【成语来源】In the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (西施).传说春秋时期,越国有一美女,名唤西施。She often suffered from pains in her chest, an

英中对照 Ji Anlived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall m

英中对照 In the Jin Dynasty (265-420) there was a famous writer whose name was Zuo Si who, however, was very naughty and did not like to study when he was a small kid.His father often got angry, and yet y

英中对照 be afraid of one's own shadow 草木皆兵 in ad 383, the king of former qin (秦朝), fu jian (fú jiān 苻坚), led a huge army to attack eastern jin. 公元383年,秦王苻坚率领步兵、骑兵90万,攻打江南的晋朝。 after losing the firs

英中对照 a drop in the bucket九牛一毛 li ling was a great general during the time of emperor han wu-di (hàn wǔ dì汉武帝). he was a very good fighter, and he won every battle. 西汉时代有个很有名的大将军名叫李陵,他骁勇善

英中对照 within an ace of winning 功亏一篑 Once a man planned to build a terrace. 古时,有一个人要筑一座九仞(八尺=一仞)高的山。 He worked very hard and spent a lot of time digging and carrying earth. 他十分努力的建造这座山,并且花了很多时间挖土、搬运泥土。

英中对照 Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums 望梅止渴 One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition against Zhang Xiu. It was extraordinarily hot. The burning sun was like a fire, and the

英中对照 Calling a Stag a Horse 指鹿为马In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to usurp the throne day and nig

英中对照 In the Western Jin Dynasty there were two young men.One of them was Zu Ti and the other was Liu Kun.Both of them were men of ideals and integrity who were chivalrous and of a sanguine disposition

英中对照 In the song Dynasty (960-1279),there was a scholar whose name was Wen Tong and who styled himself Yuke. He was not only admired by others for his great learning, but also enjoyed widespread renow

英中对照 highly talented才高八斗 tsau pi and tsau jr were sons of tsau tsau. both were very gifted writers, and tsau jr was especially quick-witted. 曹丕与曹植都是曹操的儿子,二者均有才华,特别是曹植更具文采。 after tsau tsau's death, tsa

英中对照 Showing Off One's Proficiency with the Axe Before Lu Ban the Master CarpenterIn ancient times, Lu Ban was supposed to be a consummate master in construction and sculpture. Carpenters respect him

英中对照 怒发冲冠In the Warring States Period, Lin Xiangru, chief min-ister of the State of Zhao, was sent as an envoy to the State of Qin to ask the ruler of Qin to return a fine piece of jade to Zhao. But t

英中对照 do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse投鼠忌器there is a story in "hanshu" telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and had a large collection. among them was a rare vase made of

英中对照 What is Said Carries Weight一言为重In ancient times, there was a prime minister named Shang Yang in the State of Qin. He was held in high regard by the King. In the year 359 BC, he prepared for a pol

英中对照 To have an image of bamboo in one's mind入木三分Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and

英中对照 Perfectly impartial大公无私During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), a very noble official caled Qi Huangyang lived in the State of Jin. One day, the king summoned him to court and asked, &qu

英中对照 Give up halfway半途而废 During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue. One day he saw a piece of gold on the road and picked it up. He took it home and

