和颜色相关的英语短语 和颜色有关的英语句子个

本站作者 2024-03-07 18:15:00


关于”和颜色有关“的英语句子50个,句子主体:and color related。

英文句子模板1:and color related


1、For the material channels I use Color, Reflection, Bump and Specular.


2、They say the label is to do with the colour of a typical Korean broth.


3、Colors than have blue are cool colors because we associate blue will cool water and ice.


4、Re-paint, Colour touch up, Colour Change and Interior Lining Modifications.


5、Music has its own color, warm or cold degree like temperature.

有两种颜色( 白色和黑色) 棋子连胜。

6、There are two color ( white and black ) chessmen in a row.


7、Settings are left as they are with only slight adjustment to occluded color from black to dark brown to match wood color.


8、It's unwise to wash whites with coloureds, ie coloured clothes.


9、Paper-cuts are all handmade and their main color is red as well as multicolor and some other colors.


10、Colour Appearance Attributes: Every colour has three basic characteristics: hue, lightness and chroma.


11、Colour and turbidity.


12、Achromatic: Without color. Black, white and gray are achromatic, but called colors by artist.


13、Which color do you like best?


14、The hair on the legs and feet should be a darker shade than the topknot .

我顺着它望过去,看到这里还有很多其它颜色的染料,颜色鲜艳– 紫色,桔红色,蓝色和绿色。

15、I looked beyond it and there lay even more paint in bright colors like purple, orange, blue and green.


16、Available in a range of colours as green gray red yellow and natural.


17、Its available in three colors- Volcanic Black, Wine Red and Earth Green.


18、I begin by choosing colors related to hue 120, mathematically.


19、These three lights with their respective colors just do positively mean these things.


20、They are two basic colors, albino and sable (reddish-brown).

21、Eye color dark brown, except in livers and liver parti- colors where hazel is permitted, but the darker the hazel the better.除了肝色和带肝色的杂色狗允许有榛色眼睛(较深的榛色更好)外,其他颜色狗的眼睛颜色为深褐色。

22、For example, a color may have a green, yellow, or purple hue.例如,一种颜色可能有一片草坪, 黄,或者紫色的颜色。

23、What do you like to do in the weekend?你周末喜欢做什么?

24、Characteristics - Bass vary in colour from silver, green and bronze .特性-低音的颜色从银、绿色和青铜有所不同。

25、The colors are blue, chocolate, cream, lilac, red and seal.颜色有蓝色、巧克力色、奶油色、淡紫色、红色和海豹色。

英文句子26:,26、Of all the colors in the spectrum, blue is an appetite suppressant .在光谱的所有颜色中,蓝色是一种抑制食欲的颜色。

27、The color of pigmented objects is named for the color that people see.有色素的物体的颜色,根据人们看到的颜色命名。

28、It is even possible that your favorite color tells a lot about you.暖色和冷色都会影响到人的感觉。 人们是根据颜色不挑选产品的,更重要的是,颜色影响到一个物体的外观,甚至可以根据你所喜欢的颜色就能了解到有关你本人的许多情况。

29、JOHN: We have this new model in red, white, black, or silver.约翰:新款式的颜色有红色、白色、玄色和银色。

30、Phrases with colors can be translated in three ways: word-to-word translation, similar meaning translation and free translation.有关颜色的短语有三种方法翻译:直译,近译和意译。

31、Blue, blue-green and turquoise is the color of compassion and also the color of peace, health and happiness.蓝色、蓝绿色、绿松石色是同情的颜色,也是和平,健康和幸福的颜色。

32、The Single glassware bottle is colorful, in red, yellow, blue, white, black etc. , imitating different jades.单色料烟壶有:红、黄、蓝、白、黑等各种颜色和模仿各种玉石颜色的仿制料。

33、Which color do you like best?你最喜欢什

34、It has no shape, no color and no weight.它有没有形状、 无颜色和没有重量。

35、This is the color of hopefulness, and of our connection to nature.这种颜色代表着希望,以及我们和自然的关联。

36、Rather we can say that objects have everycolor they appear to have, in their different contexts. So my shirt does nothave a true color—only truecolors.或者,我们说物体在不同背景下呈现的颜色都是它的颜色,因此我的衬衫没有一个真实的颜色——有的是N多真实的颜色。

37、The relative size and the relative colors are defined as the residual of sizes on size- magnitude relation and the residuals of colors on color- magnitude relations, respectively.为了得到光度相等时,盘状星系的颜色和尺度之间的相关性,我们定义了光度相等时表征星系尺度的“相对尺度”和表征星系颜色的“相对颜色”。

38、It comes in red or black velour.有红色和黑色丝绒两种颜色。

39、There're many other colors too---orange, brown, purple, white and black.世界上还有许许多多其他的颜色---像橙色、褐色、紫色、白色和黑色。

40、Unrelated colors should not be mixed, and colors should not be reversed.不应当混合无关颜色,而且颜色不应当反白。

41、Favorite color:Bule, Purple, Pink and White.喜欢的颜色:蓝色,紫色,粉色和白色。

42、The dolphin, known as the white dolphin: But the color is determined by their body with a pink color, some gray color.白海豚,称为白色海豚:但是确定的颜色是,它们的身体带有粉红的颜色,有的是灰白的颜色。

43、It is essential for realizing color constancy to acquire color descriptors that are not affected by illumination and geometry conditions.使图像获得不受光照和几何条件影响的颜色特性描述是实现颜色便常性的关键。

44、STEP 第三步:橙色颜色主题- 我们的三个主要颜色为绿色(叶),黑色(文字)和橙色。

3: Orange Colour theme - Our three major colours are green (leaf), black (text) and ORANGE.

45、Draw a tiger. Color it yellow and black.画只老虎。给它涂上黄颜色和黑颜色。

46、The resultant negative transparency is essentially complimentary to the original scene in both tone and color.最后得到的负性透明片,在色调和颜色方面均和原景物成互补关系。

47、How many books do you have?你有几本书?

48、Labradors come in three colors: black, chocolate, and yellow.拉拉有三种颜色:黑、巧和黄。

49、Lore has it that there are really three Trinities: red, green and white.传说特里尼第山脉有三种颜色:红色、绿色和白色。

50、The color of objects is a psychology physical quantity. It has relation with the object itself and human color vision.物体的颜色是一个心理物理量,既与物体本身有关,又与人的颜色视觉有关。

经典英文句子51:和颜色有关,51、The high-resolution multi-layer textures include all relevant shader-maps for the material properties like the color-map and the bump-map.高分辨率的多层纹理包括所有有关着色器地图,像颜色贴图和凹凸贴图的材质属性。

52、Review colors from Book 1-2. If there are paints and paintbrushes, children can draw a picture using the colors. Same with crayons.复习第1-2册的有关颜色的内容,如果有颜料和画笔,孩子们可以用他们来画画,同样也可以用蜡笔这样做。

53、Puppies are born black and tan and are normally darker in body color, showing an intermingling of black hair in the tan until they are matured.幼犬在出生时的颜色是黑色和棕色,颜色很深。他的颜色是棕色中搀杂着黑色毛发,直到成年后。

54、Ragdoll cats come in a variety of different colors and patterns.布偶猫猫有不同的颜色和花色类型。

55、The content of carotenoid and flesh color of muskmelon fruit with 80 varieties were determined.对80多个品种的测定结果表明,厚皮甜瓜果肉颜色与色素的含量和组成有密切关系。

56、Screens and Connections can have different colors.屏幕和连接可以有不同的颜色。

57、A style can have any number of attributes: background color, border color, border width, border style, font color, font family, and font size.一个样式可以有任意个属性:背景颜色、边框颜色、边框宽度、边框样式、字体颜色、字体集和字体大小。

58、It is a little big. It is white and green. I like my desk.桌子有点儿大,它的颜色是白色和绿色。

59、In this file, colour is defined in two parts: palette and colours.在这个文件中,颜色被定义为两部分:调色板和颜色。

60、A wide range of colours are available, including fluorescent and metallic pigments.有许多不同的颜色可用,包括荧光色和金属色。

61、Comes with chart, instructions and color codes.配有图表,指示和颜色代码。

62、Tannins give tea astringency, colour, and some flavour.单宁有茶的涩味、颜色和香味。

63、Modulated colours from skin pink and paler shades to a more intense mauve.调制出的颜色从肉皮儿颜色粉和浅玄色到更强烈的淡紫色。

64、The nose should be dark and fully pigmented, black, liver, or slate, depending on the color of the hound.鼻镜的颜色深,色素充足,黑色、肝色和兰灰色,根据被毛颜色有所不同。

65、Tan: All tan hair is darker at the roots than in the middle, shading to still lighter tan at the tips.棕色:所有棕色的被毛都应该是跟部颜色教深,中部和尖端颜色较浅。

66、Available in both White and Black!有黑和白两种颜色。

67、Primary colours take out everything except their own colours.三原色能够提取除它们原有颜色外所有其他颜色。

68、The riddle "What hand is the penny in?" is related to the riddle, "What color is the chameleon on a mirror?"“哪只手里有钢镚儿”的谜题和“镜子上的变色龙是什么颜色”的谜题相关联。

69、Color: Peppers, Beetroot, Zucchini, Strawberries and Yams add a great variety of fresh and exciting colors to dishes.颜色:辣椒、甜菜根、西葫芦、草莓和山药可以让你的食物有很多新鲜和亮丽的颜色。

