
本站作者 2024-04-08 02:32:00


1) Live in the present 活在当下

2) Ducks in a row 井井有条

3) Not give a monkey’s 毫不在乎

4) To chicken out 临阵退缩

5) Butterflies in my stomach 心情七上八下

6) Have egg on your face 狼狈不堪

7) To have a change of heart 改变主意,改变态度

8) The salt of the earth 诚实善良的人

9) Ask for the moon 异想天开

10) A dab hand 内行,老手

11) Out on a limb 处于危境,孤立无援

12) To make a song and dance about something 小题大做

13) A piece of cake 易如反掌

14)To the letter 一字不差

15) Bread and butter 生计

16) A tough nut to crack 棘手的问题

17) Busy bee 大忙人

18) Up to speed 了解最新情况

19) In the red 欠钱,亏损

20) To go under the knife 动手术



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