并列短语举例20个 并列句例句20个

本站作者 2024-04-14 09:12:00



She is smart and beautiful. 她聪明且美丽。

He is not only handsome but also kind. 他不仅英俊而且善良。

The weather is sunny today, so we decided to go out. 今天天气晴朗,所以我们决定出去。

I love to read books, but my brother loves to watch movies. 我喜欢读书,但是我弟弟喜欢看电影。

You can choose to go by train or by bus. 你可以选择坐火车或者公交车。

She is a great singer, yet she is also a talented dancer. 她是一位出色的歌手,但她也是一位有才华的舞者。

He is not rich, nor is he poor. 他不富有,也不贫穷。

The food is delicious, and the service is excellent. 食物很美味,服务也很棒。

The movie was boring, but the popcorn was good. 电影很无聊,但爆米花很好吃。

I want to travel to Japan, or maybe Korea. 我想去日本旅行,或者去韩国。

He is studying hard for the exam, for he wants to pass it. 他为了想要通过考试而努力学习。

I like to eat pizza, and my sister likes to eat burgers. 我喜欢吃比萨,我妹妹喜欢吃汉堡。

She is not only beautiful but also smart. 她不仅漂亮而且聪明。

He is tall, yet he is also very slim. 他很高,但他也很苗条。

The book is interesting, but it is also difficult to read. 这本书很有趣,但它也很难读。

You can either choose to study or to work. 你可以选择学习或者工作。

She is both a doctor and a teacher. 她既是医生又是老师。

He is not happy, nor is he sad. 他既不开心也不难过。

The party was fun, and I met a lot of new people. 聚会很有趣,我认识了很多新朋友。

She is tired, yet she is still working hard. 她很累,但她还在努力工作。



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