
本站作者 2024-07-27 23:08:00


启迪智慧,edifying wisdom

1)edifying wisdom启迪智慧


1.It is characterized by imagery, encouragement, self-awareness, universality and temporal nature.它在启迪智慧、民化俗、真崇美、情养性等方面发挥着独特的功能。

2.Englighten the Wisdom and Mould the Soul--Thought of the Ideological and Political Work on College Students;启迪智慧 塑造心灵――关于大学生思想政治工作的思考

3.Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.因为谜语能启迪智慧又饶有兴趣,所以流传过程中深受社会各阶层的欢迎。

4.He was all brilliance. He gave me continued flashes of wit.他才华横溢,不时地给我以智慧的启迪。

5.Humanities Enlightenment for Editors Thinking and Wisdom;人文思想资源对采编人员思维智慧的启迪

6.Together, they represent union of wisdom and method, or the attainment of Enlightenment.它们加起上来就是智慧与方便的结合,或者达到启迪。

7.Renewing Teaching Contents and Inspiring Wisdom--A Case Study of Directing the Appreciation of Hongloumeng革新教学内容 启迪人生智慧――以引导鉴赏《红楼梦》为例

8.If you are open to all these lessons, it can impart to you valuable bits of wisdom that will guide you along your path of life.如果你乐于学习所有这些课程,你将会从中得到宝贵的智慧启迪,引导你在人生旅途上一路走好。

9.Emily Dickinson s Wits in Life Experience Presented by Her Poetry;从诗歌创作中看埃米莉・迪金森的智慧人生

10.Our souls are lighted with wisdom from on high.我们的心灵是由天赋的智慧所启发的。

11.Act as the key to knowledge; enter the kingdom of wisdom.开启知识的钥匙,走进智慧的殿堂。

12.Wisdoms and Modern Enlightenments of DuShiShuXun;《杜氏述训》的处世智慧及其现代启示

13.Mind mapping-the golden Key of motivating Human Mind;思维导图――开启人类智慧的金钥匙

14.On intelligent labyrinth of enlightenment --On Can Xue s short stories;关于启悟的智慧迷宫――残雪小说论

15.Elicitation of the Taoist Moral Wisdom to the Mental Health Education道家道德智慧对心理健康教育的启示

16.Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.音乐是比一切智慧,一切哲学更高的启示。

17.Learn to enlighten, than, we can truly benefit, truly, benefit human beings in the world.随时学习启发智慧,才能真正的为人类谋幸福。

18.Pre-school Education in Music;开启儿童智慧的大门――试论学前音乐教育


wisdom enlightener智慧启迪者

1.Being students "common experiencer"is the psychological base of the being of teaching tact;being students "wisdom enlightener"is the actual strategy of the development of it;being a"constant reflector"is the only way of the exaltation of it.教师成为学生的"共同遭遇者"是教学机智在教学现场适时产生的心理基础;做学生的"智慧启迪者"是教学机智生成发展的行动方略;做教学的"持续反思者"是教学机智提升境界的必由之路。

3)the inspiration of mcnds心智启迪

4)enlighten nationals'intellect启迪民智

5)divinely inspired wisdom神灵启示的智慧


1.Discussion of philosophical meditation on the relationship between knowledge and intelligence of Jing Yueling;论金岳霖对知识与智慧关系的哲学沉思

2.The Han of the Fool Turning into the Intelligence with Accept the Mistake to Read;傻子的汉化智慧与接受误读

3.Cbinese Education under the Life Visual Field:Come from Living, Promote Intelligence, Reach Life;生命视野下的语文教育:源于生活,升于智慧,达于生命




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