
本站作者 2023-04-02 23:51:00


1)Light and shadow光与影

1.Light and shadow as means of art,has been reasearched widely and deeply in construction,painting,photography and other fields.事实上,由于园林造景元素的多样性和灵活性,光影在园林中的艺术表现拥有无限的魅力,因此讨论园林光与影的审美价值有着积极的现实意义。


1.the interplay of light and shadow光与影的交错,明与暗的相互作用

2.Charms of Light and Shadow--Analysing the application of light in European Baroque art;光与影的魅力――浅析欧洲巴罗克绘画中光的运用

3.On the Aesthetic Value of Light and Shadow in Architectural Environment;建筑环境中光与影之审美价值的探讨

4.A Melody of Moonlight and Shadow--The artistic conception in moonlight in the eyes of ancient Chinese Poets;光与影的旋律――古人笔端的月下情境

5.Solvent Effects on the Fluorescence Properties of TNS and ANS溶剂对TNS与ANS荧光光谱的影响

6.Microlithography processes: Study the interaction between photoresists and exposure light. Application: microlithoghy.(二)微显影制程:研究光阻与曝光光源的作用.应用:微显影.

7.Study on the Effect of Pulsed Electric Field on the Conformational Changes of Protein by Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Laser Raman Spectroscopy;荧光光谱与激光拉曼光谱研究脉冲电场对蛋白质构象的影响

8.Microscopy and coherence tomography systems, LIDAR and LADAR, fiber-optic sensors.18显微技术与同调断层摄影系统,光雷达与雷射光雷达,光纤检测器。

9.Influence of Toner and OPC on Laser Print Quality墨粉与感光鼓性能对激光输出图像质量的影响

10.Simulation and experiments of monitoring curves on development of holographically recorded photoresist gratings光刻胶全息光栅显影监测的模拟与实验

11.Influence of Optical Interference and System Aberration on Laser Beam Parameter Measurement Precision光学系统像差与光场干涉对激光参量测量精度的影响

12.The influence of thermal effects in a beam control system and spherical aberration on the laser beam quality光束控制系统热效应与球差对激光光束质量的影响

13.Analysis and Design of Optical Projection System for MEMS Grating Light Modulaotor Based on LED Light Source基于LED照明的MEMS光栅光调制器的光学投影系统分析与设计

14.Design and Experiment of Projection Display Optical System Based on Grating Light Modulator基于光栅光调制器的投影显示光学系统设计与实验

15.protected from heat and light with shade or shadow.用树荫或者阴影与光和热隔开。

16.a fretwork of sunlight and shadow日光与树影交错而成的图案

17.a device used in photography to synchronize the peak of a flash with the opening of the camera shutter.摄影中闪光与快门同步进行的装置。

18.A Study of the Change in Binocular Accommodation and Refractive Status after LASIK;LASIK手术对调节与屈光状态的影响

The shadow intermingled with the sunshine.阴影与日光交错。

3)Lighting and Artistic Expression光影与艺术表现

4)Light and Building Photography光线与建筑摄影

5)influence of light and temperature光照与温度影响

6)light and shade光影

1.Applications of Light and Shade in Landscape Spaces光影在景观空间中的应用

2.Discussed the use of light and shade built by colors,angles,directions and so on in architectural appearance lighting.该文重点探讨了泛光照明中灯具、光源的数量布置,色彩,角度,方向等营造的光、影在建筑外观亮化中的运用,并对轮廓灯照明、内透光照明、动感照明的光影亮化建筑外观效果做了简单描述。

3.Then they present the functions of shadow in interior decoration in terms of art arrangement as well as the design on how to enrich the function of light and shade.通过分析各时期空间环境中的光影效果,阐述光影产生的原因、运用范围的转移、不同光源的控制等问题,试图从环境艺术陈设层面解释和推崇光影在室内装饰中的作用,丰富和探索光影在室内环境艺术设计的不同作用和设计手法。

