
本站作者 2023-08-09 10:22:00




1.As the beam envelope mismatch is the major source of the halo formation and the related emittance growth in high intensity linac, some extensions based on the four-step method are developed, and the causes of beam mismatch in RFQ are analyzed and a matching dynamics method is proposed to minimize the emittance growth and the related beam loss.模拟计算和束流实验证明不匹配是直线加速器中强流束产生束晕的直接原因。

2.Based on the short channel series model, in which the fixed oxide charge and impurity atoms obey Poisson distribution, the physical causes of mismatch are discussed in detail for .基于短沟道系列模型,MOS氧化层中的固定电荷和杂质原予服从泊松分布,分析了NMOS和PMOS器件不匹配的物理原因,并验证σVT/VT遵循与1/(?)成比例的结论。

3.Random device mismatch plays an important role in the design of analog circuits.集成电路工艺过程中,由于不确定性和随机误差或梯度误差等原因,产生一些理论上完全一样的MOS管,在实际上是有偏差的,这种偏差就称为器件的不匹配。


1.Unit name mismatch: '%s'单元名不匹配'%s'

2.She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage.她订下的婚约极不匹配.

3.The configuration information for type {0} does not match its metadata.类型 {0} 的配置信息与其元数据不匹配。

4.File validation error -mismatched guide package.文件验证错误-不匹配的指南包。

5.File validation error -mismatched logo package.文件验证错误-不匹配的徽标包。

6.Supplied data does not match field datatype提供的数据与字段数据类型不匹配

7.The signed public key does not match the presented public key.签署的公钥与所提供公钥不匹配。

8.Type of the request is unknown (perhaps version mismatch)请求的类型未知(可能是版本不匹配)

9.The name on the security certificate does not match the name of the site安全证书上的名称与站点名称不匹配

10.The assembly version does not match the database version.程序集版本与数据库版本不匹配。

11.Binary fact forward and inverse Object names do not match properly.二元事实的正向和反转对象名不匹配。

12.The number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.指定的参数数目与预期数目不匹配。

13.The password you typed does not match the password for the sign-in name.键入的密码与登录名密码不匹配。

14.The passwords you typed do not match. Retype the trust password您键入的密码不匹配。请重新键入密码

15.Passwords do not match. Enter the passwords again.密码不匹配。请再次输入密码。

16.The password and confirmation you typed do not match. Please retype them.密码和确认密码不匹配。请重新输入。

17.The confirmed password does not match the password. Please type them again.确认的密码与密码不匹配。请重新键入。

18.Your passwords do not match. Please re-enter the password.您的密码不匹配。请重新输入密码。


1.Adaptive variable structure control for delay systems with mismatched uncertainties;不匹配不确定时滞系统的自适应变结构控制

3)Different matching不同匹配

4)probability of mismatch不匹配率

1.In this paper,the probability of mismatch is given on basis of the research situations of computer aided tolerancing(CAT).在分析计算机辅助公差设计现状的基础上 ,引入不匹配率 ,研究尺寸公差与形位公差在产品性能要求上的互相约束关系 ,从而提出包括尺寸公差和形位公差的综合公差优化设计模型。

5)thermal mismatching热不匹配

1.Residual stress exists in the PMMA microfludic chip due to the different thermal expansion coefficience,also called thermal mismatching of the mold and the polymer,which can result in the warpage and deformation of the chip.PMMA微流控基片在热压成形结束后由于模具和聚合物的热膨胀系数不同――热不匹配会产生残余应力,从而造成基片翘曲变形。



