
本站作者 2023-10-10 13:33:00





advance courageously; forge valiantly ahead

"奋勇"英文翻译summon up all one's courage ...

"前进"英文翻译advance; go forward; forge a ...

"打出一条路,奋勇前进" 英文翻译:    fight one’s way

"奋勇" 英文翻译:    summon up all one's courage and energy 奋勇杀敌 fight the enemy bravely; 自告奋勇 volunteer for special duty

"千奋勇" 英文翻译:    qian fenyong

"前进" 英文翻译:    1.(向前行动或发展) advance; go forward; forge ahead; make progress; march 大踏步前进 make big strides forward; 继续前进 continue to make progress; 摸索前进 feel one's way; 破浪前进 breast the waves; 全速前进 go forward at full speed; 前进中的问题 problems accompanying our advance and development; 工作稳步前进。 the work is progressing steadily. 他们在大雪中无法前进。 they made no progress in the heavy snow.2.[穴位] qianjin

"奋勇当先" 英文翻译:    muster one's courage and fight in the vanguard

"奋勇而起" 英文翻译:    rise up courageously

"奋勇杀敌" 英文翻译:    fight the enemy bravely

"奋勇向前" 英文翻译:    forge ahead

"奋勇直前" 英文翻译:    screw up one's courage and push forward

"鼓起勇气, 奋勇" 英文翻译:    pluck up courage

"自告奋勇" 英文翻译:    offer oneself; come forward of one's own accord to proffer; offer one's free services; offer to take the responsibility upon oneself; offer to undertake (a task); volunteer for some special duty; volunteer one's services for; volunteer to do sth.; willingly take the responsibility upon himself

"自告奋勇自愿" 英文翻译:    come forward

"自告奋勇,挺身而出" 英文翻译:    step forward

"自告奋勇站出来" 英文翻译:    comes forward

"朝前进" 英文翻译:    advance on

"离开, 前进" 英文翻译:    pike along

"前进, 发生" 英文翻译:    go forward

"前进, 干吧" 英文翻译:    to go ahead

"前进, 进行" 英文翻译:    go along

"前进,行进" 英文翻译:    make ones way; make one’s way

"前进,勇于" 英文翻译:    move on, be brave

"前进,加工" 英文翻译:    process

"前进,进展" 英文翻译:    advance n. development or improvement; forward movement; get along (with)


Let us go forth to lead the land we love .


Raise your standards, my brave men, and set neither measure nor limit to your merited rage .


The ship buffeted through the big waves


The ship buffeted through the big waves


When you find yourself in charge , you are rather uncomfortable , but you have the savvy to get the job done


Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity , of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease


Lead him , i pray , not in the path of ease and comfort , but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge


These splendid achievements have greatly increased the confidence of all our ethnic groups to forge ahead on the path of socialism with chinese characteristics


The clang and majestic melody embodies the image when the first five - star red flag rose slowly and the heroic and lofty spirits when the pla soldiers bravely forged ahead


I can remember miss temple walking lightly and rapidly along our drooping line , her plaid cloak , which the frosty wind fluttered , gathered close about her , and encouraging us , by precept and example , to keep up our spirits , and march forward , as she said , like stalwart soldiers



