
本站作者 2023-11-14 13:03:00


关于”保持好心情的句子“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Keep in a good mood。

英文句子模板1:Keep in a good mood

1、You can maintain an inner attitude of emotional and mental detachment, and refuse to allow every minor event play with your feelings and evoke anger. 你可以保持情绪与心智上超脱的态度,可以拒绝让鸡毛蒜皮的小事影响你的心情,使你动气。

2、Stay young at heart. 保持赤子之心。

3、Get enough sleep, be physically active, drink plenty of water, eat nutritious food, and keep a good mood. 保证足够的睡眠,多做运动,多喝水,吃有营养的食物,并保持良好的心态。

4、You have more people skills, you are more likely to talk about what you do - because it fascinates you - and you build without knowing a specific context you create opportunities. 每天保持良好心情,你还会有更强的人际交往能力,更有可能对自己的工作高谈阔论 - 因为它让你着迷 - 在不知特定背景的情况下,便创造好机会构建了这一切。

5、Sixth, to be optimistic, and contented good mentality. 保持乐观、知足长乐的良好心态。

6、And what is more, it is a good way to keep balance of status mind. 而且,它是一种保持心态平衡的好方法。

7、We can do is to raise their body and maintain good state to enthusiastically greeted his arrival. 我们能做的是把自己的身体养好,保持好的状态,以满腔热情迎接他的到来。

8、Tablecloth also should be chosen had matched, often rotate, can maintain clean sanitation, the 2 happy mood that are the person that cause repast, stomachic . 台布也应选配好,经常轮换,一可保持清洁卫生,二是引起就餐者的愉快心情,增进食欲。

9、You keep that love, to make it complete, or tear you stick close by heart. 好好保存那爱情吧,使它完整,不然就撕裂你所贴紧的心。——拜伦。

10、Establish confidence, keep a mood happily and actively exercise, enhanced physique, in order to improve the disease-resistant ability. 树立信心,保持心情痛快,积极锻炼,增强体质,以提高抗病能力。

11、A predictable daily framework, clear and consistent rules, and an organized house make kids -- and parents -- more relaxed and comfortable, and that means everyone has emotional equilibrium. 每天看到家里始终保持干净整齐,井然有序,能让孩子们——和家长们——感到更加轻松愉快,这也意味着大家都有个平静的好心情。

12、Keith Frazier: Just let everyone stay calm, OK? 泽 :让每个人都保持心灰意冷静,好吗?

13、He prefers hanging jeans by a belt loop to preserve their shape. 他喜欢拿钩子勾住皮带环,以保持好裤形。

14、They are vicious and relentless in the protection of their children, who they keep safe and hunt for. 在保护孩子的时候她们凶猛而不留情面,孩子是她们保持安全和为之打猎的对象。

15、When you get in God, you have enthusiasm deep in your heart. 保持热情就是“与神同在”,你的热情发自你的内心。

16、One good deed a day will keep old man gloom away. 日行一善, 可永远保持无忧无虑的心情。

17、Prof Hsee concluded keeping busy helped keep people happy. 奚教授由此得出结论,让自己忙一点有助于保持好的心情。

18、There is little you can do but then there's little you need to do - other than remain buoyant and patient. 你能做的事情其实很少而且你并不需要做什么,还不如保持开朗的心情,耐心等下去。

19、As we keep a good mood our world will be a sunny land which is resounded with soft music. 如果我们保持一个好心情,我们的世界将是一个充满阳光的地方,充满了柔和的音乐。

20、And though both groups’ moods improved after two months, only the low-fat, high-carb group kept up the good feelings. 不过,虽然在减肥成功之后的两个月内,两组人的情绪都很不错,但是只有食用高碳水化合物低脂肪食物的那组人持续保持了这种好心情。

21、This is when the mood must remain light for it to favor you... 在此刻一定要保持心情愉快。

22、The weather became really fast and the temperature is really bad, go out to bring jackets, sleeping blankets to cover, and eat more fruits and vegetables. maintain a good mentality! 天气变得真快,气温变得真坏,出门外套要带,睡觉被子要盖,多吃水果青菜,好好保持心态!

23、Conclusion The micro-flow perfusion with hypothermic blood cardioplegia solution has a good myocardial protection effect of warm ischemic pig heart graft. 结论低温含血保护液微流量持续灌注对热缺血猪心的心功能以及心肌组织有较好的保护作用。

24、And though both groups' moods improved after two months, only the low-fat, high-carb group kept up the good feelings. 虽然这两组人的情绪在两个月之后都提高了,但是只有饮食结构为低脂肪、高碳水化合物的那一组保持着良好的心情。

25、Raisa maintained her intellectual interests and followed her own career. 赖莎保持着她那知识分子的情趣并追求着自己的事业。


26、Beginner’s Mind is great, but it’s not so useful when crossing the road. 保持童心是好的,但在过马路的时候童心可没什么用处。

27、But it is better placed as a result of the exceptional package of capital, guaranteed funding and liquidity support. 但是由于出台了一揽子特别的资本、保证基金和流动资金支持措施,现在的情况好多了。

28、Scowling, "stay-away" signals Keeping a positive, friendly expression. 皱眉,“远离”的信号保持友好,正面的表情。

29、Maintaining sinus tach. 保持窦性心动过速。

30、Despite the natural shrinking of the pal pool, maintaining friendships is crucial to Daddy's well-being, of course. 当然了,尽管朋友圈子会自然而然地缩小,维护好友谊对爸爸保持身心健康还是非常重要的。

31、On the other hand, a good psychological (mind), to maintain better about more good deeds, Jide. 另一方面,要有良好的心理(心态),保持身心愉快,多行善积德。

32、It is better to remain single than to get into a relatio hip you don't plan on staying in. 所以如果你不准备盖亚什么性格最好长期保持的恋情,那最好还是保持单身。

33、"Keep strong, if possible. In any case, keep cool. Have unlimited patience" (B. H. Liddell Hart). “如果可能,保持强壮。任何情况,保持冷静。要有无限的耐心” (B·H·里德尔·哈特)。

34、Is good intention affection how retentive? 好心情是怎么样保持的?

35、How can you just maintain good mentation? 怎么样才可以保持好心理状态啊?

36、No matter how worthy you are, you must maintain humility and carefulness, do your work well. Gold will always eventually shine! 就算你最了不起,也一定要保持谦虚谨慎,做好自己的事情,因为金子总会发光的!

37、The idea was to embarrass you into keeping your heart rate at that level. 这个点子就是要用难堪来让你保持规定的心率。

38、"It's hard to be in a good mood when you're not playing well, " Furyk said. 福瑞克说:“当你打得不够好的时候,你很难保持好的情绪。

39、Whatever your reasons for being unhappy, you need to maintain your professionalism and prevent a bad attitude from sabotaging you. 不管是什么使你不开心,你仍需要保持你的专业性,不要让不好的情绪妨害了你。

40、For example, how to help our next generations keep up a good state of mood when they handle a lot of pressures upon their schoolwork and employment? 比如,在面对巨大的升学压力和就业问题的同时,如何使孩子保持良好的心态?

41、The unique fragrance of bamboo, oral keep long bright, give you the day in a good mood. 特有的竹叶清香,使口腔保持长时间的爽洁,给您一天的好心情。

42、Make an effort to exercise and you'll reap benefits beyond mood-boosting endorphins and maintaining a healthy weight. 尽量多运动,你能获得不少好处,比如分泌出让心情舒畅的安多芬,以及保持体重。

43、Sometimes I feel more tired than before, and I can keep in good mood . 有时候我会感觉比以前更累,但是我能保持心情愉快。

44、Du Xueyan recalls and Cao Zixuan's love, the hearts of the ice began to melt… She was in a good mood and began to look up Cao Zixuan's safe. 杜雪颜回忆起曾经和曹子轩的恩爱,心中的冰雪开始融化……她整理好心情,开始翻查曹子轩的保险柜。

45、Have good hygiene. 保持良好的卫生习惯。

46、Doctor told Meng Nimeng uncle do have the symptoms of alzheimers disease, want to let him keep good mood, and good control diet. 医生告诉孟妮孟叔确实有了老年痴呆的症状,要让他保持好心情,并且控制好饮食。

47、Before the milestone, most couples enjoy an extended honeymoon period where both go out of their way to keep well-groomed and observe good manners. 而在此之前,很多情侣都处于热恋期,两人都用心地装扮自己,努力在对方面前保持好的形象。

48、Choose an upright chair and sit well back so that your spine is straight. 挑一把竖直的椅子,坐好,保持脊椎的挺直。

49、EXAMPLE: My optimistic friend is always chim no matter what happens to him. 无论发生什么,我那乐观的朋友总是保持心情舒畅。

50、Keep us wide-awake in order that we may love You with all our minds. 帮助我们保持清醒,好叫我们能全心全意的爱您。


51、But it will keep you in a happy, productive mood today. 但是它将会使你今天保持快乐和多产的心情。

52、Meaning : Just go day by day and don't worry …Take things as they come and keep smiling. Keep your spirits up. All will be well. 只要天天过下去, 不要担心…既来之, 则安之且保持微笑。保持情绪高昂。一切都会好起来。

53、Before the milestone, most couples enjoy an extended honeymoon period where both go out of their way to keep well-groomed and observe good manners。而在此之前,很多情侣都处于热恋期,两人都用心地装扮自己,努力在对方面前保持好的形象。

54、First, keep the mood is bright, liking to speak, not afraid shameful. 首先,要保持心情开朗,喜欢说话。

55、Consistency among Eclipse plug-in GUIs is a good thing. Eclipse 插件 GUI 能够保持连贯性是件很好的事情。

56、As a backpacker you should take only necessities with you and always keep yourself in a good mood. 身为一个自助旅行者,你应该只带必需品,还有时时保持好心情。

57、Focus on the emotions, not the words, and stay calm. 关注情感,而不在于言辞好恶,然后保持心态平衡。

58、Last but not least, always keeping a good mood can make half the work with double results. 最后但并非最不重要的是要经常保持一个好心情,这样做起事来才可以事半功倍。

59、The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water. 朋友之间保持一定距离最好(君子之交淡如水)。

60、So, always remember to keep a happy mood wherever you go or whatever you do. 因此,无论在哪里,无论做什么,都要保持心情愉快。

61、Her sister praised cheung Po tsai for father try dew filial, make cheung Po tsai in a good mood. 娣妹大赞张保仔为父试甘露尽孝,令张保仔心情大好。

62、Be happy. When you don't have what you want 保持心情舒畅。如果你得不到你想要的

63、Make sure you laugh regularly to keep your mood up. 保持一定量的笑会让你心情很好。

64、Results After psychological intervention, the score of anxiety, loneliness and negative emotions were showed significant reduction in the intervention g… 结论心理干预模式可缓解手术患者的负性情绪,帮助其保持较良好的身心状态。

65、You have to keep in peace with the deep wish and enthusiasm. 要有深切的希望和热情,保持平静的心态。

66、Keep in touch with them. That's my New Year's resolution. -That's good. 与他们保持联络。那就是我的新年决心。- 那很好。

67、Humor in times of stress, however, clearly makes us feel better. 在受到压力时保持幽默,无疑会使我们心情舒畅。

68、Jsut to keep in touch and all those kids of things. 只是为了保持联系,所有这些事情的孩子。

69、Keep, oh, keep the young heart open. 请保持,呵,保持那糼小的心灵。

70、With his usual wit and good humor, Jono has written a guide with everything you need to keep your online groups healthy and productive. 伴随着Jono风趣和好的心情,对于你需要保持你的网卡团队健康和丰富的一切事情,他有一个书面的指导。

71、What one thing is your sure fire bad mood buster? 哪个是你确保消除心情不好的灵药呢?

72、Keep smiling, keep loving, and be always compassionate, as these will force those of lesser intentions away from you. 保持微笑,保持爱的内在,并且总是保持慈悲之心,因为这些情绪将驱离那些不好的企图伤害到自己。

73、Keep it dark, well-ventilated and quiet. 通风不好? 保持卧室光线偏暗,通风良好,保持室内安静.

74、The 3rd must maintain curiosity to new thing, without curiosity, also with respect to intangibility new opportunity. 第三必须对新的东西保持好奇心,没有好奇心,也就不能把握新的机会了。

75、Tangle resistant zipper keeps your cables in line and your mind at ease. 防打结拉链保持你的耳机线成一直线,并让你心情舒畅。

英文句子模板76:Keep in a good mood

76、Women want to share their knowledge and passion for travel with their customers. The best agents are intellectually curious. 女性希望与她们的客户分享自己的见识和旅行热情,最佳的代理商总是保持一颗好奇心。

77、Their car kept up high speed for several kilometers before they arrived. 在到达之前,他们的车子保持高速行驶了好几公里。

78、Roland had sown wild oats? Bink had never imagined such a thing. He remained silent, afraid of what was coming. 罗兰也种过野生燕麦?宾克从来没有想过这件事。他继续保持沉默,好像担心接下来的事情。

