
本站作者 2023-12-19 00:41:00


马桶 closestool/toilet

花洒 shower head

浴缸 bathtub

浴帘 shower/bath curtain

镜子 mirror

牙刷 toothbrush

牙杯 tooth glass/mug

刷牙 brush one’s teeth

漱口 rinse one’s mouth

毛巾 towel

浴巾 bath towel

洗澡 take/have a shower/bath

洗手 wash one’s hands

洗脸 wash one’s face

洗头 wash one’s hair

肥皂 soup

拖鞋 slipper

地漏 floor drain

厕纸 toilet paper

湿纸巾 wipes

卫生巾 sanitary pad/napkin

厕纸架 toilet paper holder

剃须刀 shaver/razor

沐浴露 body wash

洗发水 shampoo

护发素 hair conditioner

洗面乳 facial cleanser

洗手液 hand sanitizer

洗手池 sink or wash basin

热水器 water heater

排气扇 exhaust fan

泡泡浴 bubble bath

搓澡巾 sponge

皮搋子 plunger

马桶刷 toilet brush

防滑垫 bath mat

排水管 drain pipe

浴缸塞 bathtub plug

照镜子 look in the mirror

上厕所 go to the bathroom/washroom

冲厕所 flush the toilet

通马桶 plunge the toilet

马桶堵塞 the toilet is clogged/plugged

