
本站作者 2023-12-19 06:57:00


1. In conclusion,(总之)

In conclusion, it can be said that technology has greatly impacted our daily lives. (总之,可以说技术对我们的日常生活产生了巨大影响。)

2. To sum up,(总结起来)

To sum up, the main causes of climate change are human activities and natural factors.(总结起来,气候变化的主要原因是人类活动和自然因素。)

3. All in all,(总而言之)

All in all, the project was a success despite some initial challenges. (总而言之,尽管一开始遇到了一些挑战,但这个项目还是取得了成功。)

4. Ultimately,(最终)

Ultimately, the decision lies in the hands of the board of directors. (最终,决定权掌握在董事会手中。)

5. In summary,(总结一下)

In summary, the research findings indicate a strong correlation between exercise and mental health.(总结一下,研究结果表明运动与心理健康之间存在着密切关联。)

6. To conclude,(总结)

To conclude, it is evident that education plays acrucial role in shaping a person's future. (总结起来,教育在塑造一个人的未来方面起着至关重要的作用。)

7. In a nutshell,(简而言之)

In a nutshell,the company's financial performance has been steadily improving over the past year. (简而言之,公司的财务表现在过去一年中稳步提升。)

8. Overall, it may be said(大体来说,可以这么说...)

Overall, it may be saidthat without water there can be no human. (可以说,没有水就不可能有人类。​)

9. To summarize,(总结一下)

To summarize, the main advantages of renewable energy sources are their sustainability and environmental friendliness. (总结一下,可再生能源的主要优势是其可持续性和环保性。)

10. To wrap it up,(总结一下)

To wrap it up, the team's hard work and dedication led to the successful completion of the project. (总结一下,团队的辛勤工作和奉献精神使项目成功完成。)

11. In closing (最后)

In closing, class of 2021, we would like to leave you with some words of wisdom. (2021届的毕业生们,最后,我们将留给你们几个词,它们可都是至理名言。)

12. Finally, it may be concluded…(最后,可以得出结论...)

Finally, it may be concludedfrom the passage that this girl's father is a teacher. (最后,我们可以从文中得出结论,这个 女孩的父亲是一位老师。)

13. in short (总之,简言之)

Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging (试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。 总之,只要是有挑战性的。)

14. Taking everything into account (考虑到一切因素)

Taking everything into account, are you satisfied with Beijing as a place to live? (把所有的一切算进去,把北京作为一个居住地,你满意吗?)

15. On the whole (归根结底)

On the whole, our opinions are the same. (归根结底,我们的意见基本上是一致的。)

16. All things considered (考虑周全)

All things considered, I think you have behaved marvellously in coming here. (从各方面考虑,我认为你来这儿是一个非常明智的举动。)

17. In sum (简而言之)

In sum, he is a man of high principle. (简而言之,他是个很有原则的人。)

18. Everything considered (一切都考虑到)

Everything considered, he has done a good job. (所有因素考虑在内,他做得很好了。)

19. By and large (大体而言)

They were, by and large, a very young and promising elite. (他们基本上是非常年轻有为的精英)

20. In the end (最后)

In the end, the little boy came home and apologized to his mum. (最后,这个小男孩回家并给他的母亲道歉了。)

