关于买衣服的英语短文(衣服大合集 关于衣服你需要知道的英文表达)

本站作者 2023-12-24 16:22:00










dress up打扮好,穿得漂漂亮亮

I have a date, I should dress up tonight.

zip up拉上拉链

You should zip up. It's cold today.


button up扣上扣子

I should button up my jacket.

do up整理衣服,可替代 button up 与 zip up

I must do up my jacket.

have on穿的什么

what do you have on today?

put on穿上/戴上

I put on your hat.

throw on快速穿上/戴上

I must throw on my T-shirt, I go to school.

try on试穿

Could I try it on?

take off脱下

I took off my hat, now I have no hat.

kick off踢掉/脱掉 鞋子, 特指踢掉鞋子

He kicked off his shoes when he went home.

wear in磨合

if you wear in something such as a pair of shoes, you wear them until they fit your feet better and are more comfortable.

It’s always so painful wearing in new shoes.


Could I try this on?我可以试试这个吗

It's 20% off.这个打8折

I want to buy a pair of shoes.我想买一双鞋

What's the price for the jacket?夹克多少钱

How much does it cost?这个要多少钱

Could you make it cheaper?

Could you come down a bit?能便宜点不

Could you put them in separate bags?能装在不同的袋子里不

I am just browsing.我只是看看(当店员像你疯狂推销时)

Where's the fitting room?试衣间在哪里

Do you have this in stock?这个还有库存吗

It's a little pricey. 这个有点小贵

It's more expensive than I thought.

It's seems to fit well. 这看起来很合身

I'll take this. 我就要这个了

I'll look around more stores. 我再逛逛其他店

The jacket is too small for me.这夹克对我来说太小了

Do you have it in a bigger size?还有更大的尺码吗


do laundry洗衣服,不是 wash clothes

I need to do the laundry tonight.

washing machine洗衣机

I want to buy a new washing machine.

laundry room洗衣房

Where is the laundry room?


There is no detergent.

hand wash手洗

I have no washing machine, I need to hand wash my clothes.

dry clean干洗

The sweater has to be dry cleaned.

air dry晾干衣服

Now I have to air dry my clothes.


hang up挂起来

I like to hang up my clothes.

fold clothes叠衣服

Folding clothes is a good habit.

iron clothes烫衣服

I have a date, i need to iron my clothes.

put away收拾好

You should put your clothes away.

store away(换季)存起来

Winter is coming, let's store our summer clothes away.


Zip up! Winter is coming.

