
本站作者 2024-01-07 23:50:00




1、innovate; bring forth new ideas; blaze new trails; make innovations; inaugurate. 勇于实践,大胆创新。

2、Do not reinvent the wheel but be creative and inovative. 不要重新发明轮子,但要有创意和革新。

3、New Pants are currently working on a new al. 新裤子乐队目前正在筹备新专辑的创作。

4、Professionals with clear agendas to bring investment, new entrepreneurship and new businesses are welcome - full stop. 他认为,只要是有清晰的战略来引进投资、新创业人以及新的业务的专业人士,都应该受到欢迎 — 句号。

5、It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories. 创新和发展军事理论。

6、Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity. 热情是创新的命根子。

7、Just as you can search posts, so too can you create them afresh. 正如您可以搜索帖子,您也可以重新创建帖子。

8、An innovation was the corset, separate from the skirt. 与裙子分离的紧身衣是当时的一大创新。

9、Double-click the newly-created subdirectory to make it current, and create another subdirectory named profiles. You now have a %HOME%ss_vncprofiles directory 双击新创建的子目录让它成为当前目录,创建另一个子目录 profiles。

10、The objective of innovation-oriented education is to cultivate and produce compound-type talents with innovative personality, innovative consciousness and innovative ability. 创新教育的目的是培养和造就大批具有创新人格、创新意识、创新能力的复合型创新人才。

11、The thing about true out-of-the-box thinkers is they d never use this cliche. 真正的创新思想家是不会说出这句陈词滥调的。

12、They then create a new email, attach the updated spreadsheet, and send the email to the next approver in the chain. 然后创建一个新电子邮件,附加更新的电子表格,并将电子邮件发送到链中的下一个审核人。

13、Creating a new package creates new empty subdirectories under the main directory hosting the Application Developer project. 创建新包时,将在 Application Developer 项目所在的主目录下创建新的空子目录。

14、No 'Goldman Banker Sets New Mansion Record' stories. No quotes from Lambo dealers saying 'Thank God for Goldman.' 换句话说,不能让“游艇救助”成为新闻头条,不能有“高盛银行家创下豪宅新纪录”之类的报导,也不能让兰博基尼的经销商发出“感谢上帝创造高盛”之类的感叹。

15、Munchkin's ? innovative Bottle & Nipple Brush is two brushes in one! 创新设计的奶瓶奶嘴刷是二合一的刷子!

16、The innovative science and technology achievements of Prof. Santilli and hadronics established by him; 桑蒂利教授创立的强子力学的原始创新科技研究成果;

17、Without those winds, in other words, 2009 might have set a new record for open water. 如果没有这些风,换句话说,2009年可能已经创下开放水域面积的新纪录。

18、The thing about true out-of-the-boxthinkers is they'd never use this clich. 真正的创新思想家是不会说出这句陈词滥调的。

19、Well-built innovation cultures don’t just support innovation; they give it roots. 健全的创新文化不只是支持创新,而且提供创新的源泉。

20、I now quote her here, as she puts it: "creating change, bending the rules and exploring the unknown are catalysts in driving innovation at Xerox. 我现在引用她的一句话,她说:,创造变革,灵活大胆,探索未知,是施乐创新的催化剂。

21、Innovative: dare to be innovative. 创新的:敢于创新。

22、We need light, innovators, and creative people to get us through our energy crisis. 我们需要光明,创新者和创意分子来挽救能源危机。

23、In the aspect of outer structure, it mainly includes complicated chapter structure, innovated sentence structure and sufficient allusion. 在“外结构”方面,主要有曲折的章法、创新的句法、博赡的典故。

24、Innovations should be made on the basis of renewal of ideology and knowledge, quality, and the editing level. 高校学创新应从观念更新、知识创新、品牌创新和编辑创新等几个方面下功夫。

25、Employment of innovational methods, innovational thinking and innovational examples in NTI is researched. 研究了创新技法、创新思维和创新案例在网络群体创新中的应用;


26、At present, we should be familiar with fully these new models, organize and inspire innovation with the non-linear thinking. 当前时期对创新行为的管理就应充分认识这些创新新模式,以非线性的思维创设良好的创新环境,从而组织与促发创新。

27、The thing about true out-of-the-box thinkers is they'd never use this clich. 真正的创新思想家是不会说出这句陈词滥调的。

28、Ferran Adria - One of the world’s most renowned chefs, Adria is a maniac about creativity and innovation. 斐朗·阿德里亚(Ferran Adria) –世界最著名的大厨之一,创造和创新的疯子。

29、new branches must be created from the trunk, except for new sub-branches (if needed) which must be created from a branch 除非是因为必须从一个branch中创建一个新的子branch,否则新的branch必须从trunk创建

30、The coal geology work will take on a new look in the near future. 力求以新的理念开创煤炭地质信息工作新局面,争取创新、创优、创效。

31、Combing E-business activities on campus and E-business experiment teaching will create a new way in E-business experiment teaching, and it will foster students' innovative ability. 开设创业性电子商务实验,将校园电子商务实践活动与电子商务实验教学相结合,开辟电子商务实验教学新途径,培养具有开拓创新能力的电子商务实用人才。

32、The model of independence-innovation includes original innovation, compositive innovation, absorbant innovation. 自主创新的方式主要包含原始创新、集成创新和消化创新。

33、The latest trends in global financial innovations include innovations in financial institutions, financial products and financial supervision. 目前,全球金融创新的最新动向包括金融机构的创新、金融产品与服务的创新、金融监管的创新等。

34、Numerous counterexamples show the perils of solitary innovation. 有很多例子表明单打独斗的创新的危害性。

35、Presently, entrepreneurship, innovation and excellence-creating are the sublimation of the spirit. 在新的历史条件下,“创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华。

36、Can enums be subclassed to add new elements? 枚举可以为其创建子类来添加新元素?

37、Through innovations in the fields of theory, organization, education and management, base and team, Party building in colleges and universities will be raised to new heights. 要通过理论创新、组织载体创新、教育与管理创新、阵地创新、队伍创新来开创高校学生工作的新局面。

38、Then create a new Leiningen project with lein new couchdb-from-clojure. Add Clutch and clj-http to the project.clj 然后使用 lein new couchdb-from-clojure 语句创建一个新的 Leiningen 项目。

39、The competition in knowledge economy times is essentially the competition of innovatory talent with innovatory consciousness, innovatory skills and innovatory practice. 知识经济时代的竞争实质上就是拥有创新意识、创新技能和创新实践的创新型人才的竞争。

40、Creates a new subkey or opens an existing subkey. 创建一个新子项或打开一个现有子项。

41、Create new root folders and subfolders. 创建新的根文件夹和子文件夹。

42、The next example demonstrates how to create a new package. 的例子演示了如何创建一个新的包。

43、And I provide innovational concept of Symbiosis Cooperation Marketing. 提出了共生型合作营销的创新概念。

44、To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team.       具有典范性的创新确保了这次成功。

45、Innovative technologies provide new ways also to follow, examine and learn languages. 创新的技术还为我们观察、研究和学习语言提供了新的手段。

46、Samsung Electronics wants to be seen as an innovator. 三星电子想被看做一个创新者。

47、Actually said that last or sentence to innovative old proverb, but China enterprise high-level and the tallest leadership, which have a like Steve jobs as promoting the improvement and innovation? 其实说到最后还是那句要创新的老话,但中国企业的高层和最高领导,哪有一个像乔布斯一样推进改良和创新的?

48、They are not inventive and cannot "play" with language the way humans do. 它们不像人工翻译那样具有创新性,能遣词造句。

49、Women's higher education should attach importance to cultivate female university students' creative thought, innovative personality, innovative wisdom and "four-self" spirit. 女子高等教育应注重培养女大学生的创造性思维、创新人格和创新智慧、“四自”精神等基本素质。

50、Finance computerizing is a foundation of modern finance and financial innovation. 金融电子化是金融创新的技术保障。


51、Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails.      为了拓展业务,他需要提高整个团队的管理技能和创新能力。

52、Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation.       这不是一件纯粹为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是进行了大胆创新的非凡作品。

