简单的轻松的英文 简单容易的多种英文表达方式,你知道多少

本站作者 2024-02-16 13:13:00


1. easy

not difficult to do, and not needing much effort 容易的,不费力的

an easy task 不费力的任务

The house was easy to find. 那房子很容易找。

2. simple

easy and not complicated - used about things such as instructions and explanations, or about machines and systems (使用说明或机器、系统等) 简单的,容易的

The system is relatively simple to operate. 这个系统操作起来相对简单。

a simple recipe for chocolate cake 制作巧克力蛋糕的简单方法

3. straightforward

easy to understand or do, and unlikely to cause you any problems 简单的,易懂的

a straightforward explanation 简单易懂的解释

The calculation is fairly straightforward. 这种计算相当简单易懂。

4. user-friendly

easy to use - used especially about computers or written information about how to do something〔尤指计算机或书面说明〕易使用的,易掌握的

Their website is very user-friendly. 他们的网站很容易使用。

a user-friendly guide to owning a dog 易懂的养狗指南

5. undemanding

easy because it does not take a lot of effort 要求不高的,不费力的

It was an undemanding role for someone of his experience. 这工作对他这样有经验的人来说并不难。

6. cushy

informal【非正式】 a cushy job is easy to do and needs very little effort -often used when you are envious of the person who has it (工作) 轻松的,容易的 (常用于对做某工作的人表示羡慕)

It's a pretty cushy job- all she has to do is drive a nice car around. 她的工作太轻松了,只要开着好车四处转悠就行。

7. mindless

so easy that you can do it without thinking - used especially when it makes you feel bored 无须动脑筋的 (尤指内容枯燥乏味)

mindless tasks 机械的工作

8. painless

without any difficulties or problems - used especially when you expected something to be much worse 不费力的 (尤用于表示原以为某事要难得多)

Finding the carhire place at the airport was relatively painless. 找机场的租车处没费多大劲。

9. be plain sailing

BrE【英】 be smooth sailing.

AmE【美】to be easy and with no problems that you have to deal with 顺利,一帆风顺

Things should be plain sailing from now on. 从现在起一切都该一帆风顺了。


10. be a piece of cake

informal【非正式】 to be very easy to do, any undertaking that is easy to do 小菜一碟,轻而易举的事

English idioms are a piece of cake! 英语习语不过是小菜一碟!

11. be child's play

informal【非正式】 to be surprisingly easy, or much easier than something else which is very difficult or dangerous 极容易做〔与困难或危险之事相比〕

Getting such details is child's play when you know how to do it. 只要掌握了方法,获取此类信息自然是手到擒来。

Climbing in England is child's play compared to climbing in the Himalayas. 在英格兰登山与攀登喜马拉雅山相比简直如儿戏一般。

12. be a breeze

informal【非正式】(also 又作 be a doddle. BrE【英】) to be very easy to do 很容易做,做起来很轻松

The software is a doddle to use. 这个软件很容易使用。

13. it's not rocket science

informal【非正式】 used when saying that something is very easy to do or understand, and you do not need to be intelligent to do it 那并不是难做的事 (表示不必很聪明就能做成或理解某事)

Making your PC run faster isn't exactly rocket science. 让个人电脑运行得更快一些并非什么难事。

