
本站作者 2024-03-10 01:13:00


关于”爱情美句“的英语句子27个,句子主体:beautiful love sentence。

英文句子模板1:beautiful love sentence

1、Two: he loves her more than Rosalie ever loved Emmett.



2、Marriage is originally a manifestation of love. But now, such a beautiful happiness is dominated by "betrothal gift", it is so sad.


3、Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. -Mark Overby.


4、She loves the beauty of nature, especially love the bright moonlight.

道指成份股中,卡特彼勒(CAT.N: 行情)升0.9%,报79.27美元,艾克森美孚(XOM.N: 行情)攀升0.7%,报66.95美元.

5、CAT.N) rose 0.9 percent to $79.27 while Exxon Mobil (


6、By doing this over and over, you will strengthen your ability to relax before you spend time with your loved ones.


7、Five talkers, four beauties, three lovers.


8、Love must tolerate un- perfectness.


9、Love is the beauty of soul.


10、The movie is about a sweet, touching romance story between a girl and a boy after their online encounter.


11、D. vision studio works pleasure is the best moment coagulation carved, make it become the continuation of the eternal love.

而我则喜欢以吃来发洩情绪, 特别是吃我最爱的浓味美食。

12、Everyone have their own way to unwind themselves whenever they're frustrated or depressed, and my cure is to eat, especially to eat some rich-flavour food.


13、In Naxi language, it is called Wu-Lu-You-Cui-Ge, the land of dying for love, which is the spiritual homeland for ancient Naxi young men and women in pursuit of perfect love.


14、From this aesthetic approach and harmonization with nature, a person can naturally cultivate a respect and caring for the "right things".

先生们,爱不要求什么– 这是爱的美。

15、Sirs, love has no claim - and that is the beauty of love.


16、Only one of the four seasons to see the beautiful, in order to ultimately not belong to their own love, was worth it?


17、On the ideal and career pursuit in the establishment of a new home, it is you love to make beautiful music extension.


18、He was tall and dark and incredibly handsome, with long, tapering fingers and a gentle nature — the most perfect person to instruct me first into the ways and wiles of love.


19、The classification in St-Emilion is complex. Do not confuse St. -Emilion-Grand-Cru and St. -Emilion-Grand-Cru-Classé fewer and much better.


20、As the errors are moved to love through cleaning, the situation is allowed to unfold divinely, perfectly.

21、He made Truth and Love so beautiful and royal that the heart perforce did reverence.祂将真理和仁爱表现得如此美妙和高贵,令人心中油然而升崇敬之情。

22、It's human nature to love beauty.爱美是人的天性。

23、So beautiful because it's too young, like a fairy living in the wrong forest, that love is obviously wrong.太美的承诺因为太年轻,就像是精灵住错了森林,那爱情错的很透明。 诘。

24、Beauty, wit, high birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time. (Troilus and Cressida )美貌、智慧、门第、臂力,事业、爱情、友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。 ——莎士比亚《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》。

25、Leaden-eyed despairs , where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes , or new Love pine at them beyond tomorrow.忧伤和灰色的绝望,而“美”保持不住明眸的光彩,新生的爱情活不到明天就枯凋。

英文句子26:,26、Exxon Mobil shares were down 艾克森美孚(XOM.N: 行情)跌2%至66.70美元.雪佛龙(CVX.N: 行情)下滑

2 percent at $66.70. Chevron Corp fell

2.4 percent to $76.24.


27、Venus, representing love and beauty.启明星,是代表爱与美。

28、Still remember 《the orange Be getting reder 》nautical mile, show grain to deduce in the court of badge state of sad but beautiful love story.还记得《橘子红了》里,秀禾在徽州的庭院中演绎的凄美爱情故事。

29、I desire fortunes and fames.我爱财富与美名。

30、i give of more many, but you are it happened that to want to hide.不好意思只能给你回答英语的!

31、Such is human nature, that man like money women like beauty.这就是人类的本性--男人爱钱,女人爱美。

32、Loveis a wonderful feeling, and you've known, know each other, love eachother achievements of this beautiful, I love you and thank you!相爱是一种很美好的感觉,与你相识、相知、相爱成就了这种美好,我深爱你和感谢你!

33、Love is the beauty of soul. 爱是心灵之美。

34、Pros: unlikely to close in our lifetimes; beautiful; meditative; as permanent as love itself.赞成者:在平常时候不太可能会接触到;很美;令人沉思;像爱情本身一样永恒不变。

35、Five talk, four beauty, three love.五讲,四美,三热爱!

36、Fox monster's beauty, kind-hearted, clever, witty and her love of loyalty give people an unforgettable impression.狐妖任氏的美丽善良、聪明机智、对爱情的忠贞不二,给人们留下了难以忘怀的印象。

37、To be frank, do you love beauty?老实说,你爱美吗?

38、秀美动人的,可爱的 She looks lovely in white。

39、Order from an exclusive menu brimming with choices, tastefully presented on refined tableware designed by Givenchy.精心设计的机上菜单,搭配高雅的纪梵希餐具,您可从中挑选钟爱的菜色尽情享受美食。

40、When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.当你沉浸在爱情里的时候,你永远都不觉得疲倦,那是因为现实比梦景更美好。

41、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。

42、Love, money, status, power, identity, values, family, tolerance, forgiveness, which is the real good and evil, like beauty and ugliness?爱情,金钱,地位,权势,身份,价值,家庭,包容,原谅,哪一样才是真正的善恶美丑?

43、Beauty, , wit, high birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time. (Troilus and Cressida . )美貌智慧门第臂力,事业爱情友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》 》。

44、If that were your condition, if love has been perfected in you, what would your relationship be to the law?如果你是这种情况,如果你的爱已经完美了,你和法律的关系会是怎样的呢?

45、“Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you,” Frederic says.弗雷德里克说:“你不应该关注自己受伤的情绪,而应学会去寻找周围的爱、善、美。”

46、On tasting the temperament of chant to flowers, we see the beauty of youth, of departure …而咏花词中浸透着的那种青春美、别情美、沧桑美,则表现出了一种别样的审美情趣。

47、Flowers. . Affectionate post-it notes. Simple compliments. All of those things add up. So show your affection every day.鲜花,深情款款的留言,简单的赞美,所有这些叠加起来,足以证明你日日的爱恋。 。

48、Mike Ho, nickname as Xiao Mei, become a popular and well-received handsome man with "Love Contract", "Devil Beside You", "Marry Me" and other idol dramas.贺军翔,昵称贺小美,凭借《爱情合约》、《恶魔在身边》、《我们结婚吧》等偶像剧的男一号,成为大受欢迎的美型男。

49、When you love someone, you value that person highly-so highly that you have made a choice to offer your resources to nurture the one you love.当你爱上一个人,你会觉得这个人是非常理想和完美的,你下定决心,把自己的满腔热情奉献给你爱的人。

50、By this, Einstein was telling us that, while simplicity is a virtue, a correct solution to a problem must address all the relevant facts.通过这句话,爱因斯坦告诉我们,虽然朴素是一种美德,但问题的正确解决方案必须涉及所有相关的事实。

经典英文句子51:爱情美句,51、Suppose I'm beautiful I'd always be worried by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would make me sick.设想我美丽动人,我会始终深感不安,惟恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情令我厌恶。

52、Five talk, four beauty, three lover.五讲,四美,三热爱!

53、Love comes at a price, though -- a date on the Singapore Flyer costs 140 US dollars, which includes a gourmet dinner at a spa resort.不过爱情是“有价的”——在新加坡摩天观景轮上约会需花费140美元,其中还包括在温泉休闲区的一顿精美大餐。

54、Ms. Winfrey called it “the single greatest love story, in 22 years of doing this show, we’ve ever told on the air.”温弗瑞称:“这是我们做这个节目xx年来,所讲述的最美好的爱情故事。”

55、Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love.美之石,爱之石。

56、The amiable virtue of humanity requires, surely, a sensibility, much beyond what is possessed by the rude vulgar of mankind.仁爱这种和蔼可亲的美德确实需要一种远比粗俗的人所具有的优越的情感。

57、I believe that you have loved me, but it is too ruthless, and these are all beautiful and weaken .我相信你也曾爱过我,只是时间太无情了,把这一切美好都冲淡了。

58、This pair operates on entirely different levels: Cancer wants love to be emotionally transcendent, Libra seeks perfect intellectual communion.这对组合在完全不同的水平线上:巨蟹希望爱情站在情感上至高无上的地位,天秤则寻求着思维上的完美交融。

59、love is the beauty of soul. 爱是心灵之美。

60、Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing was easy to read aloud, easier than Emilia Galotti and Intregues and Love.《无用之人的回忆录》易于大声朗读,远比《艾美丽雅-迦洛蒂》和《阴谋与爱情》要容易得多。

61、Therefore, in ancient Chinese literature, the most beautiful image of women is nothing but the lovely image of daring to fight for their own love and happiness.因此在中国古代文学中,最美丽的女性形象也不过是敢于为自己的爱情和幸福而斗争的可爱形象了。

62、Love comes at a price, though -- a date on theSingapore Flyer costs 140 US dollars, which includes a gourmet dinner at a sparesort.不过爱情是“有价的”――在新加坡摩天观景轮上约会需花费140美元,其中还包括在温泉休闲区的一顿精美大餐。

63、Upstairs Bess, putting down her shabby suit case, said, "I'll sleep like a rock tonight, " without a word of praise for her lovely room.到楼上,碧丝放下了她寒酸的皮箱说:「今天晚上我会睡得像一块石头。」 却一句也没有赞美她可爱的房间。

64、东式映画工作室的工作乐趣在于凝刻最美好的瞬间,使之成为永恒爱情的延续。D. vision studio works pleasure is the best moment coagulation carved, make it become the continuation of the eternal love.

65、Thee legend of white snake Bai Suzhen, in order to repay Xu Xian , fell in love with him andfinally got married.传说白蛇白素贞,为了报答许仙的恩惠,与许仙结为夫妻的凄美的爱情故事。

66、If I can achieve this "future", I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.如果我能实现我的这个梦想,我想,我那时就真正的长大了,那时我相信我的亲情,友情,爱情将会变的十分完美,十分幸福。

67、Love is indeed a many-splendored thing, but sometimes we all need to tie ourselves to the mast.爱情很多时候确实是很美好的,但是我们有时候恐怕真需要把自己绑在桅杆上。

68、May: Calm down, sweety.阿美: 冷静一点,亲爱的。

