夸奖别人的英文短句 20个称赞别人的英文句子

本站作者 2024-03-19 01:43:00


赢得别人对自己的赞许,是人类一种本能的需要,人们正是在别人的赞美声中认识自己存在的价值。而且,适当的夸赞会拉进彼此之间的距离,但是,在称赞别人的时候你还只会用 cute和 good吗?

1. You look great today. (你今天看上去很棒。)

2. You did a good job. /  Nice going! (你干得非常好。)

3. You're looking sharp! (你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)

4. You have a good sense of humor. (你真幽默。)

5. You're really talented. (你很有天赋。)

6. You have a good taste. (你很有品位。)

7. You are so energetic every day. (你每天都这么精神。)

8. The colour you wear is very nice. (你穿的这个颜色很好看。)

9. Your intonation is unique and your words are full of appeal. (你的语调独特,言谈话语中充满了感染力。)

10. You have a nice figure. Is there any secret? (你的身材可真好,有什么秘诀吗?)

11. I appreciate you very much. (我很欣赏你。)

12. Nice talking with you. (和你聊天真愉快。)

13. You are very knowledgeable. (你学识真渊博。)

14. In dealing with this problem, you really have generals. (在这个问题的处理上,你真有大将风度。)

15. You are the most beautiful in my heart. (你在我心中是最美。)

16. You have a beautiful voice. (你的声音真好听。)

17. You make me more and more confident. (你让我越来越自信。)

18. I heard that your eloquence is not bad. I must have seen it today. (听说你的口才不俗,今天得见果然名不虚传。)

19. I am very happy to work with you who are intelligent and experienced. (我很高兴和你这样智慧和有经验的人共事。)

20. You have a good personality. (你的个性很好。)

