描写长城的英文句子一篇作文 描写长城的英语句子个

本站作者 2024-03-30 05:41:00


关于”描写长城“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Describe the Great Wall。

英文句子模板1:Describe the Great Wall


1、I also wrote an article on "The Great Wall" in my critical collection on Kafka, entitled The Castle of the Soul.


2、Hence, the Revised Standard Version now simply translates this same passage as "his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food".

3、There are two pandas in the zoo . 在动物园里有两只熊猫。

4、• The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 长城是世界七大奇迹之


5、Tablets from the time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the Hanging Gardens,although descriptions of his palace, the city of Babylon, and the walls are found.


6、The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.


7、Van Persie's manager wants his skipper to stay for the long-term but he played down the matter at his pre-match press conference on Tuesday.


8、Chapter two categorizes Bi-cheng"s Ci and assesses their features and styles."


9、The deliverance of Jerusalem is not just another of ancient history’s sidelights, Aubin asserts, but one of its pivotal events.


10、Through the description of natural scenery, Bing Xin expresses her loyalty to soul which made readers feel the tremendous fascination in her writing.


11、Old Dragon's Head, the First Pass under Heaven, Longevity Hill, the Great Wall at Mount Jiaoshan, Temple of Lady Mengjiang compose the tour of culture of the Great Wall.



16, the vice-chancellor wrote to the Chinese embassy in London.


13、So he ordered his soldiers to build walls along the border


14、On that time, the soldiers could march on the top of the wall.


15、The earliest ancient Great Wall of China - Chu Great Wall.


16、The first chapter, combined with the details of the works to show the customs, historical anecdotes, to investigate the human shape of the city.


17、Ming Dynasty in "outside" outside Great Wall, but also has constructed"in side" the Great Wall and "in three passes" the Great Wall.


18、As a writer famous for depiction of wars, Astafiev is also a veteran who abhorred wars.


19、In City Lights he described the courage and strength of the poor in their struggles during the Great Depression of the 1930's .


20、Changhengge is a novel which depicts the City of Shanghai though the life of a woman.

21、Author Tom Wolfe wrote that Las Vegas is the only town in the world where the signs make up the skyline.作家汤姆·乌尔夫曾描写道:拉斯维加斯是世界上唯一一个通过众多招牌的光芒在天空勾出轮廓的城市。

22、Giraffes are drinking water . 长颈鹿们在喝水。

23、Writing the source code and deployment descriptor files in a J2EE application can be tedious.编写 J2EE 应用程序中的源代码和部署描述符文件可能十分冗长乏味。

24、And the " city of marble… paved with emeralds ", as English art historian John Ruskin described it, welcomed the travelers with open arms.…用翠玉铺路”,张开双臂欢迎游客。


25、 A Chinese saying goes like this," You are not a true man until you get to the Great Wall。"(不到长城非好汉)。

英文句子26:,26、Today's Great Wall is different from the old one, it comes from the time of the Ming Dynasty.现在的长城和原来的那个可不一样,它起源于明代

27、The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese. 长城是中国的标志。

28、Study on Austin Coates' historical novel City of Broken Promises and its literary strategies and historical depiction of Macau.研究奥斯汀。科茨的历史小说“失约之城”及其中有关澳门的文学策略和历史描写。

29、The script described a city-covered planet plagued by pollution and home to the Emperor's throne.剧本里描写了一个被城市覆盖的星球,其污染严重,是皇座的所在地。

30、" TheTimes Literary Supplement observed that the author "can certainly write," and went on to say that "if she can learn to shape as well as she imagines, she may write an extremely good book."<< 时代>>文学增刊认为作者"肯定擅长写作,"而且"如果她能学会充分的描写她的想象,她难说可以写一本极好的书.

31、You should not miss the Great Wall. 你不要错过长城。

32、The parts of the Great Wall located at Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai in Beijing were all constructed during the Ming Dynasty.位于北京的八达岭长城、慕田峪长城、司马台长城都是明代修筑的。

33、Could you describe what were the differences between the Chinese students in L. E. S. P. and those in China?你可以描述一下在下东城高中的中国学生和在中国读书的写生有什么区别?。

34、Shihuangdi wanted to protect China's northern border.史皇帝想守护中国的北部边疆

35、It first comes from the time of the Qin Dynasty.它最早起源于秦朝

36、The famous scholar in Northern Song Dynasty, Yang Kan's Huangjifu is the first literary fu article in describing the Prefecture of Kaifeng, Dongjing at that time.北宋著名学者杨侃的《皇畿赋》,是文学史上描写北宋都城东京开封府的第一篇赋作。

37、This essay will describes the Chengguan dialect which has the Gan group phonological features.文章对洞口城关镇话为代表的赣语特征进行了大致描写。

38、The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It is about 4000 miles long. 中国长城是世界上最伟大的奇观之一,大约有4000英里长。

39、A happy childhood and some detailed descriptions constitute the book of My Memories of Old Beijing.一个欢乐的童年和一些细腻的描写,构成了林海音的《城南旧事》。

40、For this "new" kind of technique Chen filmed about three hundred ink drawings depicting the life of city-dwellers, as well as the streets of Guangzhou.为了这一“新”的技术创造,陈劭雄拍摄了三百张描绘城市居民生活以及广州街道的水墨速写。

41、• You should not miss the Great Wall.你不要错过长城。

42、He wrote a lot, I've only read Triple Gate, Chang'an City and A Fortress.他写了很多,我只看过《三重门》、《长安乱》和《一座城池》。

43、The sprightly, lifelong Chicagoan grandmother apparently left her home city "kicking and screaming", according to one relative.根据一位亲属的描述,这位精力充沛而长寿的芝加哥祖母明显是“大声抱怨”着离开她家乡的城市的。

44、The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. 长城很宽,足够五匹马、十个人并肩行走。

45、The commercial award ", his books describe the true self in acquiring, also describe your history!"《商道裁决》这本书籍里抒写了真实的自己成长史,也在描述自己的创业史!

46、There are horse roads and beacon towers of the Great Wallinside.内有古长城马道、古长城烽火台。

47、You set The Strain in New York. In the past, your depictions of the city, from Mimic to Blade II to Hellboy, have had a fabulous aspect.比如从“Mimic”到“刀锋战士2”(Blade


48、With the development of virtual technology and three-dimensional geospatial data collection technology, more and more cities began to build their own digital city.和灭实拟技巧的收铺,地球空间数据获取脚腕如摄影测量、激光扫描等技巧突飞猛入,越来越长的城市开初建设本人的数字城市。

49、Some sections of the Wall are covered in graffiti and irreparable damage has caused to much of the wall's structure.长城部分城墙满是涂鸦,给长城城体带来了无法弥补的创伤。

50、You make a full day to the Great Wall Mutianyu section, a less visited section of the Wall.你花了一天的时间去长城参观,少慕田峪长段长城。

经典英文句子51:描写长城,51、Please write about the effect of tree planting on air in a city.请写写植树对城市空气的作用。

52、Now it is a good place to visit.现在,这是一个旅游的胜地

53、The Great Wall is the name for a wall.长城是一堵墙的名称

54、"The ritual of the hunt was always the same, " the narrator writes of the affair that unfolds in Kensington and various chateaux.“狩猎的程式总是一样的。” 他在书中如是描写发生在肯辛顿(Kensington)和许多城堡里的情事。

55、That same source described the peculiar patterns of her robes as a traditional Ansata design that symbolizes knowledge and learning.书里还把她长袍的特殊款式描写为传统的安萨塔设计,代表知识与学问。

56、According to the difference of the temporal distance between the surroundings and the city centre, an isochronal temporal map can be drawn, where time is taken as a measuring unit.时间地图是利用时间作为量算单位,根据城市外缘各点与城市中心的时间距离长短差异描绘出的等时线地图。

57、Despite the locals' nickname referencing the Great Wall of China, the Vietnam Wall is more like Hadrian's Wall -- a Roman-era wall on the border of England and Scotland.尽管当地人对这段长城昵称时,引用了中国长城,可是越南长城有点像英国的哈德良长城(Hadrian's Wall)。 哈德良长城是在英格兰和苏格兰边界上的罗马时代城墙。

58、• The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.长城是世界七大奇迹之

59、It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. 在古代没有机器的情况下,在古代建造这样一堵墙是非常困难的。

60、Describe a longhouse.描述长屋的布局。

61、In China, there have been a three peaks of the Great Wall built, namely, the Qin Great Wall, Han Great Wall, Ming Great Wall.而我国曾经出现了三个修筑长城的高峰,分别是秦长城,汉长城,明长城。

