
本站作者 2023-04-06 05:54:00


1)prevail healthy trends弘扬正气


1.Pointing Out Current Malpractice,Encouraging Healthy Trends--Elementary comments on Critical Reports;针砭时弊 弘扬正气――批评性报道浅议

2.Pointing Out Current Malpractice, Encouraging Healthy Trends --Elementary comments on Critical Reports;针砭时弊 弘扬正气──批评性报道浅议

3.Study on Upholding New Ethos and Good Conduct and Improving Quality and Ability of University Leaders;高校领导干部要弘扬新风正气,不断提高素质与能力

4.Environmental Justice:New Area of the Justice Virtue Carried forward by the Government环境正义:政府弘扬正义美德的新领域

5.They became genuine embodiment of godly love and carriers of cultural traditions.是真正体现爱德、弘扬文化传统的宗教。

6.We shall serve justice and candor, and all things that make for the right.我们将伸张正义、弘扬公正,全力走上正轨。

7.American Environmental Literature: The Greening Genre Advocating Environmental Justice美国环境文学:弘扬环境正义的绿色之思

8.3. Upholding the spirit of solidarity.三、弘扬团结精神。

9.Dissertation about Building Up and Developing Correct and Distingue Concept of Honor or Disgrace and Keeping Up Advanced Character of CCP;试论树立和弘扬正确高尚的荣辱观与坚持党的先进性

10.Carry forward and cultivate the national spirit弘扬和培育民族精神:

11.On Unique Spirit of Gannan Teachers College--Precious Spiritual Fortune and Constant Motive;宝贵的精神财富 兴校的不竭动力――论大力弘扬赣南师院人特有的“精气神”

12.Encouraging Patriotic Tradition and Developing Patriotic Spirits;发扬爱国优良传统,在新时期弘扬爱国主义精神

13.Promotion of Culture of the Chinese Nation弘扬中华民族文化──台湾观画随感

14.Promote sportsmanship and international exchanges.弘扬体育精神,促进国际往来。

15.We should disseminate science and promote the scientific spirit.普及科学知识,弘扬科学精神。

16.(Four) Carry Forward and Disseminate the Olympic Spirit(四)弘扬和传播奥林匹克精神

17.Enterprise culture should be glorified with coherence strengthened.弘扬企业文化,增强企业凝聚力。

18.We should carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation.我们要弘扬中华民族的优良传统。


1.Discussions of the development and fostering of Chinese national spirit;弘扬和培育中华民族精神的几个问题

2.On the cultivation and development of the national spirit of college students;试论大学生民族精神的培育与弘扬

3.We should bring the developmentand cultivation of the national spirit into the whole process of .要把弘扬和培育民族精神纳入国民教育的全过程。


1.Thoughts on Developing Traditional and Harmonious Cultural Education;弘扬传统和谐文化教育的思考

2.On the basic ways to develop and cultivate the national spirit;试论弘扬和培育民族精神的基本途径

3.On ways of developing national music art in music education;浅谈在音乐教育中弘扬民族音乐艺术的途径

4)carry forward弘扬

1.Institutions of higher learning should carry forward and cultivate the national spirit strongly;高校应大力弘扬和培育民族精神

2.To realize the socialism modernization, China must carry forward and cultivate the Chinese national spirit furtherly.它具有历史性和承续性特点,它经过了不断培育、弘扬、和发展的过程。

3.This paper talks about the ideological connotation and its channel to carry forward special zone spirit through ideological education from the aspect of ideological education of higher institutes.本文从特区高校思想政治教育这一视角,论述高校思想政治教育弘扬特区精神的思想内涵及其途径。


1.Analyzing the spirit of hospital and developing the sprit of hospital;解析医院精神 弘扬医院精神

2.Developing and fostering the national spirit -On the mission of the higher learning institutes in the current cultural construction;弘扬和培育民族精神――浅谈高校在当前文化建设中的使命

3.This paper deals with the scientific connotations of the national spirit as well as ways and the significance of cultivating and developing it.在大学生中弘扬和培育民族精神,对社会主义现代化建设有着十分重要的意义。


1.<abstract>it is extremely important to cultivate and promote Zheguang Spirit when our college tries to upgrade ourselves into the undergraduate line and intends to build up a media college with characteristics of being famous at home and unique with programs.在学校努力升格为本科并向建立一所"国内知名、特色鲜明"的传媒学院目标迈进中,培育和弘扬学校的精神至关重要。

2.Liquor culture is the soul of the product, which brand and culture are in the same strain and promote each other.弘扬酒文化可以推动东北三省白酒行业的健康发展。

3.Being accord with the trend of peace,development and cooperation,the people in Zhijiang have explored and integrated the resources of Zhijiang peace culture,and they have epurated,sublimated and promoted the kind of culture.芷江人民顺应和平、发展和合作的时代潮流,挖掘整理、整合芷江和平文化资源,提炼、升华和弘扬芷江和平文化。

弘扬【弘扬】  在佛教中,指佛菩萨传播教法,化导众生。至后世,渐指大力宣扬一切思想或观念。唐・玄奘《大唐西域记・迦湿弥罗国》:“当于此地建国安人,弘扬佛法。”《元代白话碑集录・重编百丈清规法旨》:“好生遵守清规,修行办道,专与上位祈福祝寿,报答圣恩,弘扬佛法者。”吕《中国佛学渊流略讲》第五讲:“三论宗的开创人吉藏,弘扬关河三论,曾著《三论玄义》,反复解释三论之间的关系。”现多作发扬光大解,如“弘扬祖国传统文化”等用语。(无名氏)

