| invincible, challenge yourself, will be brilliant!
| in the face of difficulties, pressure becomes motivation, dare to challenge yourself.
| As long as you dare to challenge, success is not far from you.
| The wheel of life can be more stable after experiencing setbacks again and again.
| Dare to challenge and never give up.
| Strengthen confidence and challenge yourself.
| Face challenges and be fearless; Facing the future, full of confidence.
| On the ideal road, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself.
| Do something new every day, challenge yourself, and let yourself grow and progress.
| The most difficult thing in life is to challenge yourself. Only by challenging yourself and the limits can you paramore and achieve brilliant achievements.
| From today, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself!
| Embrace dreams and meet challenges.
| Only pressure has motive force, and only hard work has harvest!
| Don't always stare at your weaknesses, but think more about your strengths, which is actually quite good.
| hone your will in practice and temper your skills in challenges.
Only those who dare to accept challenges are the real warriors, and those who can conquer themselves can stand between heaven and earth.
| Break through yourself, challenge yourself and be your best self!
| Be a man and dare to challenge.
| Face up to challenges and dare to collide.
, like an eagle soaring in the sky, it flies high.
| Everyone should challenge themselves, because everyone has their own goals. Only by challenging themselves can they move forward towards their own goals.
| Give life a challenge so that you can make a breakthrough and create a miracle of life.
| There are many challenges in life. Don't let them defeat you. You can't back down when faced with great challenges.
| only action, zone. Only actions can change one's knowledge anxiety. Only by action can we produce our own truth.
| challenge yourself, in the face of any difficulties, we must keep climbing and never give up.
| Challenge me to success. Calm down and think. When you can't overcome yourself, you can overcome your fear by being strong and brave. Believe in yourself, and miracles will appear!
| It is the saddest failure to defeat yourself, and it is a valuable victory to defeat yourself.
| full of curiosity, not afraid of difficulties, the courage to challenge themselves.
| Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself.
| Life needs challenges, even if failure is ugly.
| Life is like a play, like a colorful dream, like a string of colorful pearls. Life is so beautiful that it needs challenges.
| Try bravely, don't be afraid of failure, and realize your dream is no longer out of reach.
| Be born fearless and challenge yourself.
| black and blue, or broken, at least there is no necessity to return empty-handed, at least understand that life is rushing to the end in endless challenges.
| Self-challenge is a spirit of making progress, striving hard and striving for first-class.
| Only by constantly challenging can we have a better tomorrow.
| A person' from challenges, which need not only challenges, but also stronger challenges!
| Laughing at the peak of life, only hardships bear fruit.
, seize the opportunity and seize every minute.
| Life is to challenge yourself and pursue yourself bravely.
| Dare to challenge yourself and life, and the door of wisdom will always open for you!
| Challenge yourself and dream for the future.
| To make yourself excellent, you must constantly challenge yourself.
| people should have the courage to challenge themselves, so as not to leave regrets.
| Opportunities and challenges coexist, and opportunities and risks coexist.
and be good at meeting challenges.
| The joy, excitement and pride after the success of the challenge are beyond words.
| Challenge and achieve.
| People always yearn for a smooth and prosperous day, but it can't stay the same.
| Constantly seek to break through the self and challenge the limit, so as to make life more challenging and interesting.
| Running to pursue goals is a kind of realm, and it is a kind of courage to try to challenge the limits.
from daring to challenge.
| Take the heavy responsibility bravely, challenge yourself, and dare to challenge the "impossible" work.
| see through something, can better forward, the strong always like to challenge yourself.
| Life is a self-challenge. Only by improving the pattern can life bloom.
| Challenging yourself is a good way to overcome yourself. If you want to succeed, you not only need to work hard, but also challenge and persist, so that you can hope to succeed!
| Everyone has his own principles and his own bottom line. Don't challenge it easily, or you won't know what to do.
| The road of life depends on oneself, and life needs challenges.
| the game of the brave is not only brave people dare to challenge, as long as you are willing to take this step, you can also become brave!
| I believe that success can only be achieved if we have the courage to challenge, and happiness lies in the process of surpassing ourselves.
| Striving forward amid opportunities and challenges.
after the wind and rain, and there is a clear sky behind the dark clouds. Only when you dare to challenge and struggle, life will wave to you and smile at you.
| The challenge is full of thorns, full of bumps, and there are institutions; It takes courage, wisdom and calmness to overcome it.
| Believe in yourself, affirm yourself, and dare to challenge yourself, and your life will glow with new vitality.
| To die and meet the challenge.
| For the sake of our dreams, we should be stronger!
| Be yourself firmly and face challenges bravely.
| Starting today, meet the challenges.
| a person, want to be good, you must accept the challenge.
| dare to do, dare to do.
| A true warrior dares to face the bleak life. If he really wants to know himself, he must dare to challenge himself.
| Embrace the challenge and pursue your own unique light.
| The biggest challenge in life is to overcome yourself.
| Reach the peak and challenge the limit.
| Opportunities and challenges can't be met. If you meet them, you will have the opportunity to change yourself.
| Face up to the challenge! Let life gain, gain and bloom perfectly!
| The challenge is not terrible. In order to pursue our own ideals, we should fly and accept the baptism of wind and rain.
| Dare to challenge is the only way to success. Dare to challenge yourself can surpass yourself.
| As long as you face the challenge bravely, I believe butterflies can break out of their cocoons.
| 被克服的困难就是胜利的契机。
| 没有承受困难的能力,就没有希望了。
| 上天给人一份困难时,同时也给人一份智慧。
| 困难是礁石,海水敢于进击才激起美丽的浪花。
| 患难困苦,是磨炼人格之最高学校。
| 人生在世不会总是一帆风顺和美妙动人的。
| 工夫和坚韧使桑叶变成绸缎。
| 没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。
| 只有在苦难中,才能认识自我。
| 只要脊梁不弯,就没有扛不起的山。
| 对一个年轻人而言最重要的是个人价值的增加。
| 最本质的人生价值就是人的独立性。
| 世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。
| 希望当了班主任之后,可以治好我的失眠,可以治好我的优柔寡断,可以治好我的社交恐惧症。虽然有一些忐忑。哈,就是要去做自己害怕的事情挑战自己。加油!
| 衡量太多,生活会失去原有的精彩。尽管依然走不出某些关口,但也算是状态正好。渴望的,不遗余力。我还未步入巅峰,继续挑战自己的极限,开心就好。
| 如果已经买好了自己的小蛋糕,就不要再挑战自己的自制力去蛋糕店一而再再而三的看,说得更严重一点,应该走路都从会飘着香味的蛋糕店门口绕开。世界上这么多的小蛋糕小甜饼,不能保证买了那个时候就不想要别的,但是可以尽量隔绝遇见别的小蛋糕的可能性。
| 如果年轻时就追求安逸舒适,不去突破极限挑战自己,等年纪大了,我们又有什么资格享受生活呢?
| 对于学者获得的成就,是恭维还是挑战?我需要的是后者,因为前者只能使人陶醉、而后者却是鞭策。――巴斯德
| 即使没有推荐位,我也挑战成功了100连胜,对我来说也是第一次,很有意义,继续连胜挑战自己的极限,非常感谢小涵的一波计算,不然我还真算不出来。
| 人生要有一次越野之旅,挑战自己的极限,当然,也会遇到更坚强的自己。
| 刘雨昕一直都是那个不断进步,勇于挑战自己,对家人朋友队友有责任有担当能牺牲自我的魅力女孩。
| 前面是高墩,心底是挑战,心怀满腔,面对高难度,迎接挑战即是挑战自己。
| 我总有一颗想要去奋斗去挑战自己的心,又总差那一颗去奋斗的决心狠心和耐心。支持or业务?
| 人生在世,谁都会遇到挫折,适度的挫折具有一定的积极意义,它可以帮助人们驱走惰性,促使人奋进。挫折又是一种挑战和考验。英国哲学家培根说过:“超越自然的奇迹多是在对逆境的征服中出现的。”关键的问题是应该如何面对挫折。
| 成长无非就是所有的骄傲、成就、自尊都被碾碎后,100个人再踏上几脚,你还能微笑着去重铸去蜕变,时刻保持谦虚而不是谦卑,自信而不自负,勇于去挑战自己,男人的胸怀都是撑大的,不要觉得委屈,辛苦,比起很多人,我们现在承受的又算得上什么呢?
| 夜跑很放松,锻炼是一种习惯,养成良好的生活习惯不仅仅是是身体的需要,也是挑战自己逃离舒适状态的最好方式!
| 很多事情,一定要勇于去做,不能害怕自己做不好就不做了,要试于挑战自己,不能每天窝在一个角落
| 坚持学习,勇于挑战自己,面对挑战永不退缩。
| 十月徒步腾格里:感受自己,挑战自己,磨炼自己;感受天空,领悟自然;让灵魂跟上步伐,用意志重燃雄心!
| 做实实在在的自己;我们一生中最大的挑战,就是摆脱别人的影响,做实实在在的自己。有人会一直很漂亮,有人会一直很聪明,有人会一直很年轻,但他们是他们,你是你。不要改变自己以奢求别人的喜欢。做回自己,有人会爱上真正的你。
| 看到这一个暑假的进步,虽然很累,但是最后还是能庆幸能来这里,挑战自己。
| 要敢于挑战自己,挑战未知。
| 他还是那个“少年”,认真努力不断挑战自己。
| 人需要挑战自己,挑战不可能,你就是我的不可能。
| 对我个人来说,最重要的事是不断地迎接挑战,而且要永不畏惧地挑战。
| 你敢于向困难挑战,我要向你学习!
| 有时候一个人的尊严可以价值连城,有时候却又一文不值;前者是因为别人挑战了你的尊严,后者是因为你放下尊严去取悦别人。
| 做人不为时尚所惑,不被积习所蔽,不被浮名所累。坚信梦想成真的执著,勇敢接受挑战的坦然。
| 生于忧患,死于安乐。如果你想跨越自己目前的成就,就不能画地自限,而是要勇于接受挑战。对畏畏缩缩的人来说,真正的危险正在于不敢冒险!
| 出发之前永远是梦想,出发之后永远是挑战。
| 一切的努力都是为了挑战自己,挑战过后又必须努力,努力过后有想要继续挑战,所以陷入了无限循环之中……
| 不断寻求挑战激励自己。提防自己,不要躺倒在舒适区。舒适区只是避风港,不是安乐窝。它只是你心中准备迎接下次挑战之前刻意放松自己和恢复元气的地方。
| 生命的意义可能就不断挑战自己的过程吧!经得起折腾,不要辜负了上天给你一次上场的机会!
| 正视挫折是强者的气概,只有敢于面对挫折,敢于迎接挑战,我们才能飞得更高,才能肩负起我们身上的重任。让我们鼓起勇气,挺起胸膛去撞击成功的大门吧!记住:我们的成功就在前方!
| 那时在香港,我们无忧无虑,我们总是互怼,抱怨着但也努力着,我们突破自己,挑战自己,尝试新东西,那时候的生活真好啊。
| 不对没有未来的事情抱有幻想和期待了,好好努力,20多岁努力去挑战自己,向前迈进,加油。
| 一个人,可以在成长的路上自始至终保有内心很大一片的纯净度,不是想当然就能做到,而是相信美好不是刻意伪装,纯粹是因时度势,顺其自然,勇于面对,敢于挑战,挑战自己的极限。
| 经常在考虑,我到底有多少潜能可以被开发出来?我是不是可以做的更多?我是不是可以更厉害?每天挑战自己的感觉真棒。
| 培训期间,利用一点时间来看看发烧几天的安安,又让妈妈辛苦的做了一餐可口的饭菜,现在坐地铁回去继续备课,培训,对自己是一种成长,不断的挑战自己,边培训,边思考,一次学习一次成长,学无止境,愿自己永远保持这样的学习状态,不骄不躁…
| 时光荏苒,九年十季,再次挑战自己,证明了自己,虽然过程险象环生,但是咬紧牙关,鼓足勇气登上高台的那一刻真的觉得什么都值了!谢谢向前冲节目组,从第三季到第十季,伴随我的成长!
| 绿茵场,激情荡漾,脚尖在疯狂;足球转,热血沸腾,较量在精彩;巧射门,奋力拼搏,一球定乾坤。爱足球,爱生活,世界足球日,快乐迎接挑战,开心面对困难,让幸福生活始于足下。
| 有一种梦想,用汗水搅动双桨;有一种飞翔,用顽强舞动双臂;有一种参与,用意志诠释坚强;有一种完美,用拼搏升华残缺;有一种精神,用挑战励志人生。
| 历史上任何伟大的成就都可以称为热情的胜利。没有热情,不可能成就任何伟业,因为无论多么恐惧、多么艰难的挑战,热情都赋予它新的含义。没有热情,我注定要在平庸中度过一生;而有了热情,我将会创造奇。
| 真的想学会游泳跳一次海,去蹦一次极,去看一次大海吼出心里的不愉快,去挑战自己没挑战过的事。就是为了不再让自己这么消极,我也想改变一下自己的心态了,我很累,但是我不想把消极的情绪带给别人。我知道很多事不容易,但我现在的状态真的很不好,所以现在没谁可以体谅一下我,如果抑郁症严重了,我只希望有谁记得我来过,给你们带来的温暖就好,别的就别想了。
| 每次早晚高峰都在挑战自己的耐心,文明从收收腿开始~
| 确实过程一点都不舒服、全他妈在挑战自己的缺陷,困难重重,一个不小心就想放弃。但一次次下来的进步就足以抵御这些心理障碍。
| A persons life should be to appreciate himself, affirm
| Everyone should constantly challenge themselves, strive hard, keep
| I believe that success can only be achieved if we have the courage
| If we face the difficulties bravely and accept the challenges of
| Life is a self-challenge. Only by improving the pattern can lifebloom.
| Everyone has his own principles and his own bottom line. Dont
| My friend, if the heart is there, the challenge is there! Lets
| Face up to challenges with self-discipline and greet yourself better.
| the game of the brave is not only brave people dare to challenge,
| the challenge of life, to brave to the will of the day.
| Dont seek to be compared with others, but seek to surpass yourself.
| For the sake of our dreams, we should make ourselves strong. When