关于交通的句子 关于交通工具的英语句子个

本站作者 2023-06-26 09:22:00


关于”交通工具的句子“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Sentences of vehicles。

英文句子模板1:Sentences of vehicles

1、London's air quality problem, he said, was caused by vehicle emissions from 8,300 antiquated diesel buses, which could be replaced by low-carbon vehicles. 他表示,伦敦的空气质量问题是由8300辆破旧的柴油公交车排放废气造成的,这些车可以用低碳排放的交通工具替代。

2、Car-following is an ubiquitous traffic phenomenon. 车辆跟驰是普遍存在的交通现象之一。

3、The method of vehicle peccancy surveillance is usually achieved through inductor buried in the ground or axle sensor. 传统的对交通违章车辆监控是通过埋在地下的感应器或车轴感测器实现的。

4、Creating such a smooth page means adjusting a vehicle's speed so that it always arrives at the lights when they are green. 创造畅通无阻的交通环境意味着必须对行驶车辆进行调速,这样车辆到达交叉路口时才会刚好遇到绿灯。

5、The train is a safe means of transportation. 火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。

6、This week we have been working on transportation. We learned many different types of transportation such as: ambulance, boat, bus, car, helicopter, plane, truck, and train. 这周我们主要学习的是交通工具,我们学习了许多种交通工具:救护车,船,公共汽车,汽车,直升飞机,飞机,卡车和火车。

7、But on the road, their vehicle fails, they intend to block the road under a semi-trailer, and that even just sitting in the back of the car does not matter. 不过在路上,她们的交通工具发生故障,她们打算在路上拦截下了一辆半挂车,并觉得即使只是坐在的这辆车的后面也无所谓。

8、Cho says the online vehicle is a cost-effective solution for m transit planners. 赵东镐说,对那些公共交通决策者来说,网上车辆将可以大大节省成本。

9、The short-time traffic forecasting is a significant problem in the field of traffic controlling, vehicle guidance and so on. 短期交通预测是交通控制、车辆导航等领域需要解决的重要问题之一。

10、London's air quality problem, he said, was caused by vehicle emissions from 8, 300 antiquated diesel buses, which could be replaced by low-carbon vehicles. 他表示,伦敦的空气质量问题是由8300辆破旧的柴油公交车排放废气造成的,这些车可以用低碳排放的交通工具替代。

11、On the Zapp family's never-ending road trip, the car serves as tent, home, school, kitchen and transportation. 在Zapp一家永无止境的公路旅途中,这辆车除了作为交通工具外,还充当起了帐篷、学校和厨房的角色。

12、Radio broadcasts and transportation, especially automobiles, ships, and trains, changed the way people viewed their world. 广播和交通工具(尤其是汽车、轮船和火车等)改变了人们的对世界的看法。

13、The vehicles are designed to detect lanes, pedestrians, and other vehicles; estimate slope terrain; as well as plan trajectory, actuation, and control. 车辆的设计使其能够探测车道,人行道以及其它交通工具;评估坡道,同时计划轨迹,启动以及控制。

14、Over-loading not only destroys traffic infrastructures, but also causes traffic accidents frequently. 车辆超载不仅会对交通设施造成损坏,还极易引发交通事故。

15、The potential vehicle region was determined by calculation of the FBD and the location of the vehicle was achieved in this region. 最后,通过盒子维数的计算确定车辆的候选区域,并对该区域内的车辆进行定位。同时,利用对称性测度法对定位的车辆进行确认。

16、Colin Furze, 31, spent a month building the 25-seater bike, which is as long as a tennis court! xx岁的Colin Furze花了一个月的时间来“闭门造车”才有了这辆设有25个座位交通工具,车身相当于一个网球场的长。

17、can i stop over the way? 我能中途下车么?

18、Bike is a common and popular traffic tool in China. 自行车在中国是一种普通而又大众化的交通工具。

19、Third, transportation vehicles such as aircrafts and automobiles. 三是飞机、汽车等交通工具。

20、The toy heroes will have to work together to steer the big vehicle through busy traffic to rescue their friends. 该玩具的英雄将要通过共同努力,引导车辆繁忙的交通大营救他们的朋友。

21、Zipcar says each of its cars replaces 15 privately owned vehicles and 40% of its members decide to give up owning a car. Zipcar声称他们一辆汽车能够代替15辆私人交通工具,并且14%的成员决定放弃拥有自己的汽车。

22、According to the process of vehicle coming and going at intersection, the calculation model of average vehicle delay was proposed. 根据通过交叉口的车辆停驶过程,推导出交叉口平均车辆延误计算模型。

23、The method of vehicle peccancy surveillance is usually achieved through inductor buried in the ground or axle sensor. 传统的对交通违章车辆监控是通过埋在地下的感应器或车轴传感器实现的。

24、It's, a rickshaw is a three-wheeled, a little three-wheeled vehicle. 人力车就是一种有三个轮子的交通工具。

25、I used public transport instead of the car. 我使用大众交通工具代替开车。


26、To apply MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Bus) for the rail vehicles communication network is the trend of train communication network development. 多功能车辆总线(MVB)应用于轨道交通车辆的车厢级通信网络已经成为新一代列车通信网的发展趋势。

27、One of two or more vehicles, such as a bus or train, given the same route and schedule, often used to carry extra pengers. 有相同的路线和行程的两辆或多辆交通工具之一,如公共汽车或火车,常用来接运额外乘客。

28、Ambulance, fire engine and engineering emergency vehicles must provide Certificate of Vehicle Using Character issued by local administration at county level or above. 救护车、消防车、工程救险车需提交县级以上主管部门出具的车辆使用性质证明。

29、It’s the Ural, one of the local means of transport. 这是当地的一种交通工具,乌拉尔汽车。

30、The only clue that this ordinary-looking van gives to show it's not just your average Transit is the chimney protruding from the roof. 这辆看起来十分寻常的厢式车从顶上伸出了一根烟囱,只有从这个线索你能看出,这绝非是一辆普通的交通工具。

31、A driverless taxi has been unveiled which could make traffic jams, petrol fumes and crowded buses a thing of the past. 一辆无人驾驶的出租车已经揭开了其神秘面纱,它可能会让阻塞交通、汽油味难闻、拥挤不堪的公共汽车变成一种过时的交通工具。

32、Transportation such as cars is needed so that time is not wasted. 若翻译成华语,“交通工具,例如车辆,之所以重是因为我们能因此节省时间。”

33、It is also effective as a human torso in a ragdoll or as a car hull in a vehicle. 也能够用于角色的躯干或者车辆等交通工具的外壳。

34、The speed radar detector is a necessity of monitoring vehicle speed for traffic control. 测速雷达是交通管理中监测车辆行驶速度的必备工具。

35、Traffic Laws have strict provisions of dedicated lanes. No motor vehicles but allowable cars are allowed to drive in the dedicated lanes. 交通法中对专用车道或规定路段有严格的规定,不允许除规定车辆以外的车辆在其中行驶。

36、The operation of the vehicles in the work zones is characterized by the redistribution of the traffic flow in the work zones, vehicles on the left lane priority and mandatory merging. 施工区车辆运行特性表现为合流车辆会造成施工区交通流重分布、超车道车辆优先通行以及合流的强制性等。

37、But there is a road open to vehicles (including public bus). 但是有一条路通车辆(包括公交车)。

38、This allows transit vehicles to go through, turn right or left, while all conflicting traffic faces a red light. 此信号允许公共交通车辆在路口直行,转左转右,其它方向的车辆都面对着红色交通灯。

39、The model shows the discrete and inconstant character of the traffic flows of the intersection and closed to the fact of traffic. 此离散交通控制模型与实际交通路口的车辆通行情况基本接近,反映了路口通行车辆的离散性、不连续性的特点。

40、But a closer look at this car shows that it is the ultimate form of transportation for those who rule the ruling cl. 不过近距离看这辆车时,会发现这是为那些支配统治阶级的人创造的交通工具的最终形式。

deems otherwise. 此交通工具包括两部可用的车辆,除非预赛筹办人有其他想法。

42、Bicycles are the most common mode of transportation for shipyard workers. 自行车是船厂工人最主要的交通工具。

43、Solves the brake power from the detected speed of vehicle sliding. The control also can be used to count the number of bulk vehicle, report stoppage, and so on. 系统通过检测车辆溜放的速度,计算出所需制动力的大小,通过缓行器对车辆溜放进行速度控制,并具有对解体车辆自动计数、各种故障报警等功能。

44、CARS: Could you downsize your vehicle? Be a one-car household? 汽车: 你能减小交通工具的体积吗?

45、How easy is this for you to just sort of, you know, jump on public transport and hang out with the haploid? 对于你来说,你知道,跳上一辆公交交通工具然后独自闲逛是件容易的事吗?

46、Conventional cars must be checked in at the city gates and then you can choose between the oldest and newest modes of transport. 普通车辆不能进城,停留在城门外会有专人看管。然后车上的人可以选择最古老的或最新的交通工具进城。

47、Vibrations caused by transportation vehicles ping through viaduct or bridge be transmitted from piers to pile foundations. The vibrations may generate waves in deep layer. 本研究主要目的在探讨交通运输工具,如车辆、大众捷运或高铁列车等行经于高架 桥或桥梁时,交通荷重在桥-桩-土层系统之传递特性。

48、Transportation: A special vehicle will be provided by postdoctoral working station for the doctors. 车辆交通:公司专门为博士后工作站配备一辆专车,供进站博士使用。

49、By contrasting the average delay of each vehicle, the dissipation effect is studied under two different traffic management schemes. 通过对比车辆的平均延误指标,研究了不同交通管控方案下交通拥堵的疏散效率。

50、Carriages, donkey and mule carts were used as common traffic tools in old Beijing. 马车、驴车、骡车都是老北京常见的交通工具。


51、In transport, bicycles, tricycles human is no longer the city's main means of transport. 在交通工具上,自行车、 人力三轮车已不再是城市的主要交通工具。

52、Most of the traffic planners believe that the only method to solve the problems is developing public transit with priority, which can bring sustainable development to the city. 公交站场作为公共交通的基础设施,是公交车辆停放、保养与维修的重要场所,对其布局规划进行研究,是优先发展公共交通,方便居民乘车,解决城市交通问题的重要内容。

53、The traffic's per to per, it must be rush hour. 车一辆接着一辆,现在肯定是交通高峰期。

54、Studies of traffic congestion in New York and Los Angeles have found that cruising for parking is, in fact, a major source of gridlock. 对纽约和洛杉矶两地交通状况的研究表明,寻找泊车位的车辆是造成交通堵塞的主要原因。

55、The theme of this essay is about the concrete requests and the management target of the inner vehicle management of the Traffic Bureau of the Kuiwen Area in Weifang. 本文的主要工作是针对潍坊市奎文区交通局内部车辆管理的具体需求和管理目标。

56、Although it’s a bit scary riding a bike in the middle of traffic, I have to say it was a great experience. 尽管骑车在各辆交通工具中穿梭是一件有点吓人的事,我还是认为这是一种很棒的经历。

