
本站作者 2023-07-30 08:16:00


关于”赞美人的句子“的英语句子53个,句子主体:A sentence of praise。

英文句子模板1:A sentence of praise

1、They want to see the blood and tears behind your lines. The crowd's admiration is ic. 他们想在你说完之后看到鲜血与眼泪。群众的赞赏是施虐的赞美。

2、How much more praise deserved thy beauty’s use 君当更多赞,美丽另用之

3、Let us praise His name! 让我们赞美他的名!

4、Hyypia's performance quite rightly drew countless plaudits, with the legendary Alan Hansen summing up his contribution perfectly. 海皮亚的表现令无数球迷为之喝彩,名宿阿兰汉森难掩他的赞美之词。

5、I said almost praise. 我说是近乎赞美。

6、I laud the people of Lijang. 我可是赞美丽江的。

7、Than this rich praise, that you alone are you? 比起这丰美的赞词:”只有你是你”?

8、I don't deserve such praise. 这样的赞美我不敢当。

9、赞美美景等 what a breathtaking scene /picture!

10、Certes, he deserves admiration, being the greatest of all the Gods! 的确,他应受赞美,上帝的最伟大之处!

11、Oh, beautiful-haired Amathea, many have praised you before you found me to praise you, and many will praise you, some in your own tongue, when I am no longer held in the bonds of your presence. 啊,美丽的阿玛西亚,你发现我赞美你之前已有许多人赞美过你了,当我不再隶属于你时,将要赞美你的还会多得很,有的会用你的语言赞美你。

12、Applaud your child's imagination when he draws wings on a kitten or writes using incorrect spellings. 当你的孩子给小猫画上双翼,或是拼错单词时,请赞美他们的创造力。

13、It is young people who favor holding beauty pageants. 赞成举办选美的是年轻人。

14、I would like to praise my mother flowers I would like to praise my blossoming country! 我要赞美我祖国的花我要赞美我如花的祖国!

15、Gunning immediately told the girls they had to double the number of compliments they previously owed each other. 泰美拉马上对孩子们说,她们必须把之前欠下的赞美次数加倍。

16、Compliment is a noun which expresses approval, admiration, or respect. 为名词,表示出于赞许、钦佩或尊敬所给予别人的溢美之辞。

17、If you give a good compliment the recipient will think you're smarter: A big payoff in college, but a bigger payoff in the work world. 第十一,学会赞美别人。最好的赞美该是言之有物的。可以把你的教授当做练习对象。如果你…

18、One who has kissed the Blarney stone, so the story goes, can speak words ofpraypraise so smoothly and sweetly that you believe them, even when you know they are false. 亲吻过布拉尼石头的人能将赞美之词说的十分流利和甜蜜,即使你知道这些赞美是假的,也会不由自主的相信。

19、He is good at hymning . 他很会唱赞美歌。

20、We diminish with faint praise; 我们淡于赞美。

21、Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. 要因他大能的作为赞美他,按着他极美的大德赞美他。

22、One who writes or delivers panegyrics; a eulogist. 赞颂者,赞扬者作颂词或致词者;

23、Praise him for his surpassing greatness. 按著他极美的大德赞美他。

24、Radiate health and celebrate your body. 发散健康的光芒,赞美你美丽的身体。

25、The waxed "ice lines" is the characteristics that allow people to praise. 蜡染的“冰纹”就是它让人们为之赞美 不绝的性格特征。


26、Again, this is catastrophically poor advice as the detail chosen by the praiser may not be the thing the praises wishes to be commended for. 同样,这条建议也糟糕透顶,因为赞美者所选择称赞的具体方面与被赞美者希望得到称赞的方面可能并不一致。

27、Dai, General Manager of Beijing MJ, the second left, represented MJ to donate the gift and delivered a speech. 北京美兆总经理戴明哲(左二)代表美兆捐赠赞助商品并致词。

28、I will ever praise you. 我必常常赞美你。

29、In Han Dynasty, the character of "Zan" had one more the meaning of eulogizing , which was the main factor changed the Eulogy. 汉代“赞”义增加,有“赞美”之义,这是赞文发生转变的重要因素。

30、And what is 't but mine own when I praise thee? 如果赞美你等于赞美自己,又有何益?

31、Beautiful is a serious and approving description, suggesting elegance and perfection. 是个有分量的、表示赞许的形容词,含有高雅和完美的意思。

32、Applause and praise, of course. 当然是掌声和赞美。

33、Liu Yazi had also praised her: "She has well spirit which can lift the sky, and was unparalleled talent." 柳亚子曾赞美她“有掀天之意气,盖世之才华”。

34、"I've never heard so much praise, " said a team leader. 网友对此赞赏有加。字幕组负责人称“从没听过这么多赞美”。

35、John paid lip service to Helen's new hairstyle . 约翰无诚意地赞美海伦之新发型。

36、It 's a fine line between expressing admiration and being obsequious . 在赞美和奉承之间有微妙旳差别。

37、The Chinese often praise Liu and the basketball star Yao Ming for their modesty. 中国人经常赞美刘翔和姚明为他们中庸之道的代言人。

38、" "(什么)is so cool." "I love how you say it." 你可以赞美别人。

39、It’s nice to be able to give praise effectively; it means a lot to people to receive sincere praise -- even people more mature than I. 能恰当地赞美别人是一件佳事;即便对于比我成熟的人来说,收到真诚的赞美也意义重大。

40、So it is well to close every prayer with praise to God for the answer that He has already granted; He who never forsakes His loving-kindness and His truth. 所以祷告之后,最好用赞美来作结束——赞美神已经听了我们的祷告,赞美神不断的以慈爱诚实待我们。

41、Let fountain of the praise flow, into everybody's heart. 使赞美之泉流入,每个人的心间。

42、A couple of children are hymning in the ground. 一群孩子在场地里唱赞美歌。

43、赞美,讨厌 you are always later, 你总是迟到!

44、Wenger was full of praise for the 17-year-old after an impressive display on the right flank. 赛后温格对在右路给人留下深刻印象的xx岁小将充满了赞美之词。

45、Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light. 日头月亮,你们要赞美他。放光的星宿,你们都要赞美他。

46、The best compliments are specific. 最好的赞美该是言之有物的。

47、A Doxology is a hymn or formula of praise to God. 阿三一颂是赞美或公式的赞美上帝。

48、Hallelujah! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in the firmament of His power. 阿利路亚!你们要在神的圣所赞美祂,在祂显能力的穹苍赞美祂。

49、What is praise? 赞美是什么?

50、Who shall see him, and declare him? and who shall magnify him as he is from the beginning? 谁见了他而能描述?谁能以他自始所应得的赞美,来赞美他?


51、I don't intend to mindlessly heap praise on Nausicaa. 我并没有刻意在堆积对《 风之谷》的赞美。

52、The boss even paid the ultimate compliment to van der Sar by saying he could not pick the superior stopper between him and Schmeichel. 老板对他也不吝赞美之词,认为没人能跟他和舒梅切尔一样优秀。

53、We all enjoy receiving compliments. But sometimes compliments don't come across the way they're meant---especially between people from different cultures. 我们都喜欢受人称赞。但有时赞美之辞不会被理解,尤其是在来自不同文化背景的人之间。

54、Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

55、When it comes to men, not all compliments are received equally. Learn which ones will knock his socks off. 对于男人,并非所有的赞美都同样有效,你应该知道哪些赞美会让他飘然欲仙。

56、The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his paintings. 艺术家听了之后很高兴,很感谢农民的赞美之词。

57、If someone affirms us, gratitude for the compliment helps the giver feel they had a good effect. 如果一个人肯定我们,对赞美的感激会让赞美我们的人感觉良好。

58、Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. 用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。

59、"You're a good man, "chorused the drivers. “你是一个好人。”所有的车夫都赞美道。

60、Doxology: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all Creatures here below; 三一颂: 赞美真神万福之根, 地上生灵当赞主恩;

61、Praise song for the day. 赞美歌献给某一天。

62、People in this figure statue ----------Sings the hymn. 人们对这数字神像-----唱赞美诗。

63、Most people prefer to glorifying their boss. 很多人喜欢赞美自己的老板。

64、赞美美景等 What a breathtaking scene /picture!

65、Attend company events and introduce yourself to upper-level execs - and CC them on those laudatory emails you're forwarding. 参加公司活动、将自己介绍给更高层执行官,或者给他们抄送那些赞美之词的电子邮件。

66、” Your home is very beautiful! 你应该赞美一下主人的房子, 即使事实上并不如此!

67、A person who delivers or writes an encomium; a eulogist. 赞美者述说或书写赞扬的人;

68、Remember the insults. Forget the compliments. 记得别人的侮辱,不记得别人的赞美。

69、It's a fine line between expressing admiration and being obsequious. 在赞美和奉承之间有微妙的区别。

70、Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

71、Compliment her often. 经常赞美她。

72、He won the admiration of people. 他赢得了人们的赞美。

73、Praise God for the life of pioneering evangelist Ding Limei, born in Shandong on Oct. 2,1871, and for those who do itinerant evangelism in China today. 开荒福音传道人丁立美于xx年xx月xx日出生在山东。为丁立美一生有美好的见证赞美主,也为今日在中国巡迴布道的传道人赞美主。

74、Some earlier studies that extol dairy products as a calcium source have been funded at least in part by the dairy industry. 一些初期的对牛奶作为钙质来源而大放赞美之词的研究论文,背后都受过乳品加工业的资金赞助,至少是部分的赞助。

75、She loved clothes and wanted people to admire her. 她爱好穿着打扮,要人 赞美 她。

英文句子模板76:A sentence of praise

76、He has done all the dirty work and deserves much credit for the Lakers' success. 他干脏活干累活,为湖人的胜利付出了很多,他值得一切的赞美之词。

77、On the contrary, they speak highly of Tao Yuanming who resigns from office and leads a life of ease in seclusion. 而对陶渊明的辞官不仕、安闲自适的隐居生活极尽赞美之词。

78、Her admiration was tinted with envy. 她的赞美之中含有妒意。

79、Praise the Lord! Glory to God! 赞美主,荣耀归神!

