
本站作者 2023-09-21 16:15:00



1. miss a chance/an opportunity:


miss a chance/an opportunity of

Denise never misses the chance of a freemeal.(丹尼斯从不放过蹭吃蹭喝的机会。)

miss a chance/an opportunity to dosomething

Don't miss this great opportunity to flyfor half price.(有半价机票,别错过了。)

Dan never misses an opportunity to remindme that I still owe him money.(丹一有机会就提醒我,我还欠他钱。)

miss your chance/opportunity

Jerry's already sold the car to someoneelse. You've missed your chance.(杰瑞已经把车卖给别人了,你错失良机了。)

2. miss out on: to not use thechance to do something enjoyable or useful, especially when this is not a goodthing


If you don't come to the picnic, you'llmiss out on all the fun.(你要是不去野餐会错过很多乐子啊!)

I don't want to be the type of father whois so busy he misses out on his daughter's childhood.(我不想成为那种因为工作太忙而无暇陪伴女儿成长的父亲。)


情境:Barney提出一个交女友''lemon law''原则,即“新认识一个女孩,可以在5分钟之内判断出是否应该继续交往”。Robin不同意这个说法。

Robin: It takes longer than five minutes toreally get to know someone. You keep giving up on people so quickly, you'regonna miss out on something great.(要深入了解一个人所花的时间长于5分钟。如果你总是如此轻易放弃一个人,很容易错过一些美好的事物。)

3. blow it/blow your chance: towaste a chance that you had to do or get something good


Don't panic and talk too much in theinterview or you'll really blow it.(面试时,别紧张,别说太多,不然就会把面试搞砸了。)

I was afraid I'd blown my chance but sheagreed to go out again on Saturday night.(我本以为我没机会了,但她答应周六晚上再跟我出去。)

blow your chances of doing something

She started running much too fast at thebeginning and blew her chances of winning the race.(她起跑太快了,最后痛失冠军。)

备注:看美剧时,经常听到一句话:''You blew it./ Iblew it.''。表示“你/我把事情搞砸了,本有机会把这件事做好,却错失良机”。

4. miss the boat: to be too late touse an opportunity to do something good


Buy your shares in the company now oryou'll miss the boat.(你现在就买下公司股份,不然过了这村就没这店了。)

He didn't get his application in earlyenough so he missed the boat.(他没有及早提交申请,所以错失良机。)

5. let something slip through your fingers: to not use a good opportunity when you are able to, especially anopportunity that you will not get again



We had an opportunity to win thechampionship last season and we let it slip through our fingers.(我们上赛季本有机会夺冠,但最终错失良机。)

6. lost opportunity: an opportunitythat you wasted by not using it to become successful, enjoy yourself etc.


If you don't take the job, it'll just beanother lost opportunity in your life.(如果你没把握住这个工作机会,你的人生将又一次错失良机!)

7. pass somebody by: if a chance orenjoyable experience passes you by , you do not get it because you do not makean effort or pay enough attention to it


Sometimes I feel that all the best thingsin life are passing me by.(有时,我觉得我错过了生命中很多美好的事物。)

Seize opportunities while you can - don'tlet them pass you by.(适时地抓住机会,别错失良机。)

