
本站作者 2023-10-10 15:08:00


关于”旅游的句子“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Travel sentences。

英文句子模板1:Travel sentences

1、Why not take a pleasure trip to some tourist resorts? 为什么不去些旅游点作愉快的旅行。

2、Based on the anatomy of the actuality of eco-agricultural tourism development, the author has demonstrated the feasibility and necessity of the development. 剖析凤垭山生态农业旅游区旅游开发的近况后,对凤垭山生态农业旅游区旅游开发的可行性与必要性进行了论证。

3、Demographical features of tourist flows are the basic content in the research of tourism geography. The behavior of tourist is one of the most important research fields of tourism geography. 旅游客流的人口学特征是旅游地理学研究的基础工作,旅游者行为是旅游地理学研究的重要内容。

4、Red tourism is a new type of the Chinese tourism economy that has prevailed recently. 红色旅游是近几年蔚然盛行的中国旅游经济的一个新品种。

5、She took out a travel brochure and continued, "Last year I budgeted for all my expenses in the year and I decided to travel. 她拿出一本旅游的小册子接着说:"去年我预算了全年的开支,然后决定去旅游。

6、I still want to be a tour house, at world trip. 我还想当一名旅游家, 在全球旅行。

7、My name is Anil , a traveler and travel enthusiast. 我的名字是阿尼尔,旅行者和旅游爱好者。

8、Generally, travel agencies out there with a travel agency liability insurance. 通常情况下,跟旅行社出游会有一份旅行社责任险。

9、"Spot guides" refer to those personnel who are appointed or engaged by tourist agencies to provide tourist services for those tourists who make a tour within the confines of a certain scenic spot. 地方陪同导游人员,是指受旅行社委派或者聘用,在省、自治区、直辖市范围内为旅行者提供导游服务的人员。定点陪同导游人员,是指受旅行社委派或者聘用,在一个参观、游览点内为旅行者提供导游服务的人员。

10、The development of TIO does great influence of and determines the market structure of tourism industry. 旅游产业组织的发展深刻的影响着,并在一定程度上决定着旅游产业结构。

11、Global Tourism Spend Analytics to 2020: Accommodation, Entertainment and Sightseeing, Foodservice, Retail, Transportation, Travel Intermediation, Others. 全球旅游支出预测:住宿设施,娱乐、旅游,食品服务,零售,交通,旅行社等。

12、Qingdao Seagull unknown travelers to enjoy the beauties of nature tourism city of Qingdao provide maps, guides information itinerary. 青岛海鸥雅居为游山玩水的旅行者提供青岛旅游城市地图、导游信息,行程设计。

13、In January 2008 the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) held an international conference on Human Resources for China's Travel & Tourism industry. 世界旅游及旅行理事会于xx年xx月召开了关于中国旅游人才的国际会议。

14、Seaside holiday in Apulia Castellaneta Marina Real estate agency - Estimates & appraisals … 旅行和旅游不动产代理处—商业和工业…

15、International Travel Service Company Limited Australia - Bravo travel. 首钢国际旅行社有限公司澳洲部--博悦旅游。

16、Agri-tourism is the important form of tourism and the important approach to solve the problem of "agriculture, village, farmer". 农业旅游是旅游的重要形式,是农村解决“三农”问题的重要途径。

17、Industrial eco-tourism is an organically combined tourism with industrial resources and ecological tourism. 产业生态旅游是指产业资源和生态旅游进行有机结合的一种旅游方式。

18、The present focus is on recreational travel, the "layman's" concept of tourism. 现在的重点是休闲式的旅游,也就是外行人眼中的旅游。

19、The new "tourist ticket" has been designed to act as a travel card for those visiting Athens for short stays. 新旅游通票的设计理念是作为旅游卡,为短期在雅典旅行停留的游客服务。

20、We think developing geological tourism is a feasible way to promote the combination of ethnic minority tourism with geological tourism. 要破解这一难题,在贵州开发地质旅游资源,促进民族旅游与地质旅游的结合是一条可行的道路。

21、Tourism is a direct-face consumer industry. Tourism information go through the entire process of travel activities, it is the key for enterprises to survive and develop. 旅游业是一个直接面对消费者的行业,信息贯穿了旅游活动的全过程,是决定旅游企业生存发展的关键所在。

22、The emergence of tourism e-commerce not only to tourism opportunities, but also challenges. 而旅游电子商务的出现既给旅游业带来了机遇,但也带来了挑战。

23、"My child has lots of luggage and we also want to go travel, " said his father Xiong Yonghui. 蓖“孩子要拿很多行李,我俩也想旅旅游,”熊金琦的父亲熊永辉说。

24、Travel is a large puzzle, which the traveller uses memory, maps, guides, schedules and other tools to solve. 旅游是一个大难题,而旅行者利用记忆、地图、指南针、日程安排表和其他工具来解决。

25、All decisions made by IFT during the competition are final. 旅游学院比赛中之裁决为最终决定。


26、For globetrotting upscale travelers, the result is a new and completely different travel landscape. 对那些驾着音乐去旅行的高端旅行家,结果就是全新的,完全不同了的旅游景象。

27、Recently, a 37 member delegation of the Association of Thai Travel Agents arrived in Zhuhai for an insight into Zhuhai's tourist projects and resources. 泰国旅游协会一行37 人近日来到珠海, 考察我市旅游资源和旅游项目。

28、Developing tourism in the mountainous region, vertical zonal is a factor that must be considered. 在山地区域进行旅游开发时,垂直地带性是进行旅游开发时必须考虑的因素。

29、Tourism benefits not only the service sector, but also manufacture of tourist commodities. 旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品的制造业有利。

30、Sha-Hu tourism area and Sha-Potou tourism area, which are both AAAA tourism area, are main tourism areas in the north of Ningxia, and are two the most important tourism areas. 沙湖、沙坡头旅游区位于宁夏北部“两沙一河”旅游带,是宁夏境内最重要最具影响力的两处旅游区,也是主导旅游资源相似与互补的临近旅游区,两者均为“ AAAA ”旅游区。

31、Daredevil couple decided to vacation far out. 冒失鬼夫妇决定远出旅游度假。

32、Arrived the journey plans stage, this scale rises to 54% , it is travel directory next (44% ) with travel expert (38% ) . 到了旅行计划阶段,此比例上升到54%,其次是旅游指南(44%)和旅游专家(38%)。

33、With this MakeMyTrip becomes the first travel company to offer complete travel solutions. MakeMyTrip因此成为提供完整的旅游解决方案的首家旅游公司。

34、Zero fee tour package is a kind of abnormal traveling group reception pattern, but it is prevailing in Hainan at present. 零团费旅游是一种非正常的旅游接待模式,目前在海南团队旅游中很流行。

35、Tourism is one of the most early and most comprehensive of developing e-commerce, network travel has already become the first trade of e-commerce in the world. 旅游业是全球最早和最广泛发展电子商务的行业之一,网络旅游已经成为全球电子商务第一行业。

36、The research reviewed the related concepts such as, folk, sports, tourism, folk sports, folk tourism, and sports tourism through literature method. 理论研究:通过查阅文献资料,对民俗、体育、旅游、民俗体育、民俗旅游、体育旅游的有关概念进行了综述。

37、Here is our trival brochure. 这是我们的旅游小册子。

38、There is also a cooperation arrangement between the TIC and CC whereby CC will refer complaints against travel agents for handling by the TIC. 根据消委会与旅游业议会的合作安排,涉及旅游业议会会员 旅行社的消费者投诉,将转交由旅游业议会处理。

39、This tour company has discount price on package holidays. 这家旅游公司对包价旅行团有一定的折扣。

40、The study of the birth of drive-travel product and its property can offer travel services beneficial references. 研究自驾车旅游产品的形成、产品特性,能为旅行社开发相关旅游产品提供有益的参考。

41、The lodge has supported the principles of responsible tourism since 2000 and has to implement responsible tourism policy plan. 从xx年起,旅馆遵从有社会责任感的旅游原则,执行有社会责任感的旅游方针计划。

42、Ctrip has decided to increase its efforts to attract inbound travelers, who have a different way of doing things than domestic travelers. 携程网决心进行更多的投入,以吸引入境的旅游者,这些境外的旅游者和国外客人有着不同的消费习惯。

43、The tourism suitability index of all types of wetland is relatively high and the potential of exploitation must be decided by tourism value and the conditions of utilization. 各类型湿地的旅游适宜性指数均较高,其开发潜力的大小取决于更深一步的旅游价值和旅游开发条件评价。

44、Along with the development of Chinese Tourism, the positive effect of E-Commerce in the industrial value chain of it is more and more conspicuous. 伴随着中国旅游业的发展,旅游电子商务在旅游产业价值链条中的积极作用日益凸显。

45、If I had it to do over, I would travel lighter. 如果我可以重新旅行,我会轻装旅游。

46、He enjoys travel and hiking. 时 ,他喜欢旅游及健行。

47、Are you a tourist, or a traveller? 你是一个旅游者,还是一个旅行者?

48、These resident offices can only take up tourism consulting, liaison , and promotion work. They shall not engage in tourism businesses. 外国旅行社常驻机构只能从事旅游咨询、联络、宣传活动,不得经营旅游业务。

49、Each entry tourism development area of advantages for tourist attractions, travel shopping and city image, Disadvantage factors for travel service and transportation. 川渝区发展入境旅游的优势因素为旅游景点、旅游购物和城市形象;劣势因素为旅行社服务和交通不便。

50、Over-emphasizes trip consumption, not completely make ready the six main factors of travel; 偏重旅行消费,旅游六要素不完备;


51、Touristic resources is a comprehensive technology of translating resources into products. The result of tourism development largely depends on the exploitation of touristic resources. 旅游资源开发是一项将资源转化产品的综合技术,旅游业发展的绩效在很大程度上取决于旅游资源开发的成败。

52、At present, CITS mainly undertakes group tours as well as individual and family tours. 目前,中国国际旅行社主要从事团体旅游业务及个人和家庭旅游业务。

53、The transactions of that university focused on tourism and tour. 那个大学的学报主要刊登旅游业和旅行的文章。

54、I also want to be a ecotourist, in global travel. 我也想成为一个旅游家,在全球旅行。

55、Tourism is a pre-consumer product. Tourism rely on the spread of brand image to tourists and potential tourists, resulting in the cognitive, motives, and ultimate realization of planned trips. 旅游是一种预消费产品,决定了旅游产品要靠形象的传播,使其为潜在旅游者所认知,从而产生旅游动机,并最终实现出游计划。

56、Travel deep into the Guyanese rain forest by canoe, as part of a trip with Wilderness Explorers. 随着荒野探险旅行社,乘独木舟旅游深入到圭亚那的热带雨林作为旅游的一部分。

57、In a package holiday a travel agency will book the hotel order the food and charter the plane for the travelers. 在包团旅游中, 旅行社为旅客预订旅馆、定饭菜、包租飞机。

