
本站作者 2023-11-16 17:29:00


◎Episode 1: Lights Out(2010.09.22)

●A Family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another, it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.——The Buddha


◎Episode 2: JJ(2010.09.29)

●A tragedy need not have blood and death. It's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness. That is the pleasure of tragedy(JJ)——Jean Racine

【拉辛, 法国剧作家,诗人:悲剧不需鲜血与死亡装点,有富丽堂皇的悲怆便以足够。而这却是悲剧令人可喜之处。】

◎Episode 3: Remembrance of Things Past(2010.10.06)

●Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were. ——Marcel Proust

【马塞尔·普鲁斯特1871-1922,法国小说家,评论家:对逝去年华的追忆无须与真实记忆如一 】

●When I was younger, I could remember anything whether it had happened or not. But my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember anything but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it.——Mark Twain


◎Episode 4:Compromising Positions, (2010.10.13)

●Whatever you are, be a good one.——Abraham Lincoln


●We all wear masks. And the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing our skins—— Andre Berthiaume

【安德烈·柏瑟姆1938- ,魁北克小说/短篇故事/散文作家:我们都戴着面具生活,时间久了,面具就成为了我们生活的一部分。 】

◎Episode 5: Safe Haven (2010.10.20)

●All humanity is one undivided and indivisble family. I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul—— Mahatma Gandhi

【圣雄甘地:人性囊括了一切,再扭曲的灵魂也不例外 】

●But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. ——Robert Frost

【罗伯特·弗罗斯特,1874-1963,美国现实主义诗人,普利策奖得主。:信誓不可移,安眠不可得, 尚须行数里 】

◎Episode 6: Devil's Night,(2010.10.27)

●If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vngeance need not be feared. ——Niccolò Machiavelli

【马基雅维利,1469,—1527, 意大利的政治哲学家、音乐家、诗人、和浪漫喜剧剧作家。著作《君主论》。:如果非要伤害一个人,那必须灭其复仇之力,断其复仇之念 】

●Love feels no burden, think nothing of its trouble attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself. ——Thomas à Kempis

【汤玛斯·肯皮斯, 1380-1471,中世纪天主教僧侣,著作《对基督的模仿(The imitation of Christ)》:为了爱,需要无所顾忌,心无杂念,无所畏惧,毫无怨言和付出一切。】

◎Episode 7:Middle Man, (2010.11.03)

●The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence. And the great welcome them out of vanity or need. ——Napoleon Bonaparte

【拿破仑·波拿巴:人们追寻伟人,不是因其本身,而是为其影响。而伟人出于虚荣和欲望,欣然欢迎。 】

●Without heroes, we are all plain people and don't know how far we can go. ——Bernard Malamud

【伯纳德·马拉默德, 1914-1986, 美国犹太作家:没有英雄们作为标杆,我们都是在尘世中因失去方向而苦苦挣扎的凡人 】

◎Episode 8:Reflection of Desire, (2010.11.10)10/11/2010

●I believe humanity was born from conflict. Maybe that's why in all of us lives a dark side. Some of us choose to embrace it. Some have no choice. The rest of us fight it. And in the end, it's as natural as the air we breathe. At some point, all of us are forced to face the truth. Ourselves. (Penelope Garcia)


●Fame will go by, and so long. I've had the fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle, so at least it's something I experienced but that's not where I live. ——Marilyn Monoroe


◎Episode 9:Into The Woods, (2010.11.17)

● I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. ——Ralph Ellison

【拉尔夫·埃里森, 1914-1994, 美国著名黑人作家,代表作《Invisible Man (隐形人)》:之所以我可以遁形于市,是因为旁人选择去忽视我的存在。】

●Evil endures a moment's flush and then leaves but a burnt-out shell.—— Elise Cabot/ Elise Pumpelly Cabot

【艾丽斯·卡博特, 诗人, 此句来自其作品《Arizona, and Other Poem》,1919: 魔鬼通常在短暂的风光后散去,残留的只是它那空虚的外表。】

◎Episode 10:What Happens at Home, (2010.12.08)

●When we were childern, we used to think that when we grew up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grew up is to accept vulnerability; to be alive is to be vulnerable. ——Madeleine L'Engle

【马德林·英格,1918-2007,美国作家, 以撰写青年小说闻名。Newbery文学奖, 得奖作品:《A wrinkle in Time(时光中的纹理)》。当我们在孩提时,我们常想,当我们长大后就不会再受到伤害。但成长就是要去接受自己的弱点,而活着就是要承受伤痛。】

●Childern begin by loving their parents. As they grow older, they judge them, sometime they forgive them.—— Oscar Wilde

【奥斯卡·王尔德, 1854-1900, 爱尔兰作家/诗人/剧作家/唯美主义者:孩提时,我们会很爱我们的父母。渐渐长大了,我们会开始对他们评头论足,但是我们还是会原谅他们。】

◎Episode 11:25 to Life, (2010.12.15)

●All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them.—— Galileo

【伽利略, 1564-1642, 意大利物理学家/数学家/天文学家/哲学家:一切真相一旦被发现后都变得通俗易懂,关键在于发现它们的过程。】

◎Episode 12: Corazon, (2011.01.19)

●No man chosses evil because it is evil. He only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.—— Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

【玛丽·雪莱, 1797-1851, 英国小说家/短篇小说家/剧作家,著名浪漫主义诗人/哲学家雪莱的妻子, 著作《Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus》(1818):一个人走向邪恶不是因为向往邪恶,而是错把邪恶当成他所追逐的幸福。】

●The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.—— Hellen Keller

【海伦·凯勒, 1880-1968, 美国作家/演说家:世上最美好的东西,无法用眼或手触及,而要用心灵去感受。 】

◎Episode 13:The Thirteen Steps, (2011.01.26)

●What really raises one's indignation agianst suffering is not suffing intrinsically but the senselessness of suffering.—— Friedrich Nietzsche

【尼采:人们对痛苦的真正愤慨,并不来源于痛苦本身,而是对痛苦的麻木 】

●What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today. ——William Glasser

【威廉·格拉瑟, 1925- , 美国心理治疗师,行为认知学中选择理论(Choice Theory)现实疗法(Reality Therapy)的创立者和完善者:过往的痛苦经历塑造了当下的性格特点。】

◎Episode 14:Sense Memory, (2011.02.09)

●Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they are in the game.——Paul Rodriguez

【保罗·罗德里格斯, 1955- , 墨西哥著名喜剧演员:狩猎不是竞技运动,竞技中的双方都应该光明正大地对决】

●Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it. ——Vladimir Nabokov

【弗拉基米尔·纳巴科夫, 1899-1977, 俄裔美国小说家:只有似曾相识的气味,才能完全唤醒过去的记忆】

◎Episode 15:Today I Do, (2011.02.16)

●It's hard to find an enemy who has outposts in your head.—— Sally Kempton

【莎莉·肯普顿, 当代最有影响力的冥想家之一(Teacher of Meditation):你无法打败脑海中的敌人】

●There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can hinder the firm resolve of a determined soul.—— Ella Wheeler Wilcox

【艾拉·维勒·威考克斯, 1850-1919, 美国作家/诗人:没有任何天力和人力能阻挡一颗坚定的心】

◎Episode 16:Coda, (2011.02.23)

●Tomorrow you promise yourself, will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today—— James T. McCay

【詹姆斯·T·麦凯, 生平不详,作家:你总期待明天将会有所不同,但明日却往往是今天的重复。】

●Most people of action are inclined to fatalism and most of thought believe in providence ——Honore De Balzac

【巴尔扎克, 1799-1850, 法国小说家/剧作家:人们的行动倾向于宿命论,而他们的想法去相信天命】

◎Episode 17:Valhalla, (2011.03.02)

●When I left go of what I am, I become what I might be——lao Tzu


●Confession is always weakness, the grave soul keeps its own secrets—— Dorothy Dix

◎Episode 18:Laruen, (2011.03.16)

●The secret to getting away with lying is believing with all your heart. That goes for lying to yourself even more so than lying to another. ——Elizabeth Bear

【伊丽莎白·蓓儿, 1971-, 美国悬疑小说作家:远离说谎的方法是全心全意地坚信它,于是你更多地欺骗自己而不是欺骗别人 】

●People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it.—— Walter Langer

【瓦尔特·兰格, 1899-1981, 美国精神分析学家,因在二战时期分析希特勒的思想与行为,进一步推测他将会自杀而闻名。著作《The Mind of Adolf Hilter》:相对于小谎言,人们更容易相信大谎言。如果这个谎言被重复一千遍,那么人们迟早也会信以为真。】

◎Episode 19:With Friends like this, (2011.03.30)

●The old faiths light their candles all about but burly truth comes by and puts them out. ——Lizette Reese

【利兹特·里斯, 1856-1935, 美国诗人:那旧时的信仰点亮了他们的蜡烛,但残酷的现实掠过又会将其熄灭 】

●It is not his enemy or foe that lures him into evil ways——Siddhartha Buddha

【释迦牟尼:人因自己的思想应由而堕入邪道,绝非因敌人的思想 】

◎Episode 20:Hanley Waters, (2011.04.06)

●Man, when he does not grieve, hardly exist. ——Antonio Porchia

【安东尼奥·波契亚, 1885-1968, 意大利诗人:世间但存身,悲楚即在心 】

◎Episode 21:The Stranger, (2011.04.13)

●Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters. ——Stephen King

【斯蒂芬·金, 02/09/1947- , 美国现代恐怖悬疑科幻作家:没有人性的怪兽就隐藏在人群当中。 】

●Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events. ——Adrienne Rich

【, 艾德里安娜·里奇16/05/1929- , 美国诗人/评论家/女权主义者, 被称为20世纪第二代最受关注和最有影响的诗人之一:每一段对过去的回忆都因现实与过去的重合,而虚假错乱,扑朔迷离。】

◎Episode 22:Out of the Light, (2011.05.04)

●Of this alone even god is deprived. The power of making things that are past never to have been——Agathon

【阿伽同, 448-400BC, 雅典悲剧诗人:面对这种孤独,即使是上帝也失去了造物的能力,仿佛祂从未拥有过. 】

●Bring the past only if you're going to build from it——Domenico Estrada

【多米尼克·埃斯特拉达, 18/04/1954- , 墨西哥作家.:对过去念念不忘,才会希冀重塑往日 】

◎Episode 23:Big Sea, (2011.05.11)

●The sea has never been friendly to man. At most, it has been the accomplice of human restlessness. ——Joseph Conrad

【约瑟夫·康拉德, 1857-1924, 波兰籍英文小说家, 被认为是最出色的英文小说家之一:大海一直对人们不怀好意,只会令他们心神不宁. 】

●We are tied to the ocean and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from once we came. ——John F. Kennedy

【约翰·肯尼迪, 1917-1963, 第35任美国总统:我们来自于大海,而当我们回到大海,不论是航行还是远眺,都仿佛是冥冥中找到了归宿】

