
本站作者 2024-01-23 09:48:00


关于”梦想的美句“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Beautiful sentences of dreams。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful sentences of dreams

1、Sweetening the dream of another translates into sour dreams to be experienced by oneself; 帮别人甜美化梦想,就转译成由自己来体验酸涩的梦想;

2、This is essential if you want to live a good life that’s your own. 如果你想要过自己梦想的美好生活,这是十分必要的。

3、When I was young, I had a beautiful but breakable dream. Nowadays my dream is the motive for my goal. 儿时的梦想是美丽而又易碎的梦,现在的梦想是我以之为目标的动力。

4、I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because theres an old saying where there is a will, there is a way. 我有很多的梦想。我想我的梦想可以成真的一天,因为有句古话:凡有意愿,有办法。

5、Lets Franchisees Realize Their Dreams. 带给加盟者实现美好梦想。

6、I had a dream my life would be 梦想生活应是尽善尽美。

7、Cinderella: Oh, it's beautiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true. 噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的的梦想变成了现实。

8、Don't let your dreams just be dreams. 别让你的梦想只是梦想。

9、The dreamland is as wonderful as terrible. I reach out in desperate to touch, only find it's a dream 梦境太美好,也太可怕,我伸手想要触摸,却只是一个梦。

10、Toro said, becoming human is Toro's dream. For the beautiful dream, you can't stop your pace… 多乐说过,成为人类是多乐的梦想。为了美好的梦想,你不能停下你的脚步……

11、Forgiveness sweetens the dream for all. 原谅会为所有人都甜美化梦想。

12、Vision with action can change your life! 没有行动的理想只是黄粱美梦!

13、Vision without action is merely a dream ! 没有行动的理想只是黄粱美梦!

14、Dreams, can come true , but even if they can't , life will be more beautiful for the person who dreams, But don't be a day-dreamer. 梦想能够实现,即使不能实现民生活对于有梦想的人来说也会变得更加美好,但不要成为一个做白日梦的人。

15、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。

16、The wealthy d the sweeter dreams. 富有者囤积了更甜美的梦想。

17、Dreams can xoxoe true , but even if they can't , life will be more beautiful for the person who dreams . But don't be a day-dreamer . 梦想能够实现,即使不能实现,生活对于有梦想的人来说也会变得更加美好,但不要成为一个做白日梦的人。

18、Hold up the flying dream, singing with Teana realize the dream of beauty Jiangnan Chunshui, loaded with windsurfing struggle. 托起飞翔的梦,用天籁的歌声实现梦想,美丽的江南春水,满载奋斗的风帆。

19、When I was young, I had many dreams, such as nice literature dream, colorful star dream and wonderful designer dream. 小时候,我有过许多梦想,有美丽的文学梦,有缤纷的明星梦,也有美妙的设计师的梦。

20、Range, an enterprise that pursuit of a dream and achieve perfect home dream. 永吉始终是一个追求梦想,致力实现完美家居梦想的企业。

21、Liu Ren, a young woman who made a perfect world comes to reality with a dream and vision. 爱做梦的女孩刘韧用自己的梦境虚构了一个理想与现实融合的完美世界;

22、WHO dreamed that beauty p like a dream? 谁曾料想美消逝如同绮梦?

23、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人

24、I had a dream my life would be. 梦想中的生活至善至美。

25、The fate is happy dream that can meet one another when we are born again. 缘份是再做人时还能相遇的美好梦想。


26、Meybe many years later, I'll remember what I have aspired and my noce beautiful dream. 也许多少年后,回想起那曾经美丽的梦想和曾经追求过的。

27、Dream is a beautiful word. I like it very much. I think everyone has a eternal dream. 梦是一个美丽的词。我非常喜欢它。我想每个人都有一个永恒的梦。

28、It was one of those dreams and I'm thankful it came true. 这是我的梦想之一,此次能够美梦成真,我感到很欣慰。

29、Gadhafi gave her a good life, one she dreams about having again 卡扎菲给了她梦想的美满生活。

30、Have your dreams of a better society become an obsession? 美好社会的梦想,能否已化为执迷?

31、Dreams can come true, if they can't, life will be more beautiful for the person who dreams. But don't be a day-dreamer. 梦想能够实现,即使不能实现,生活对于有梦想的人来说也会变的更加美好,单不要制做一个做白日梦的人。

32、You see, it’s all about believing in the beauty of your dreams. 你看吧,这就是要我们相信梦想的美好。

33、ideal 梦想的`完美的``you are my ideal girl 你是我理想的女孩``

34、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams. 将来属于那些信任梦想之美妙的人

35、My dream, it is very young, but it beautified my mind, therefore is my dream. 我的梦想,它很小,但它美化了我的心灵,所以是我的梦想。

36、and one chance to do all the things you want in life.梦想你的梦想;

37、So all our dreams of being millionaires went up in smoke. 所以,我们想成为百万富翁的美梦全部成了泡影。

38、And broken my braw dream ! 同时打破我美好的梦想!

39、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

40、 “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”未来属于那些相信自己美丽梦想的人。

41、I am not content with beautiful dreams; I want beautiful realities. 我不满足于美丽的梦想,我要的是美丽的现实。

42、The koseki is a genealogist's dream. 户籍制不过是系谱专家的一个美好的梦想而已。

43、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人

44、Think about it, one year, one long magnificent dream. 仔细回想, 一年, 一段美丽的梦。

45、the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

46、Love duets will sweeter the dreams between men and women and groups at large. 爱的二重奏,将普遍甜美化男人与女人之间的梦想 以及群体之间的梦想。

47、I brought my dreams with me into another dream New York. It was my dream. 我带着我的梦想来到了另一个梦想里面纽约,我的梦想。

48、But there are dreams that cannot be. 怎奈梦想终归是梦想。

49、“One day I’ll have my own barbecue.” In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation. 有朝一日,我将拥有自己的烤肉(比喻:实现自己的梦想)。换句话说,每代人必须在他上代人的梦想上有所提高。

50、"One day I'll have my own barbecue. " In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation. 翻译为:“有朝一日,我将拥有自己的烤肉(比喻:实现自己的梦想)。换句话说,每代人必须在他上代人的梦想上有所提高。


51、I have been dreaming to be on top of Ayers Rock for years and the dream is coming true soon. 我已梦想到澳洲的艾尔斯岩好几年,而且也即将美梦成真了。

52、A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together becomes reality. 一个人的梦想仅仅是梦想,无数个人梦想的凝聚就将梦想铸造成现实。

53、He often dreamed of a never-never land where everyone is rich. 他经常梦想一个人人都富有的美丽仙境。

54、It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true. 噢,它太美丽了!象梦,美好的梦想变成了现实。

55、May : Good, you can make your dream come true here. 阿美 :好啊,你在这里可以梦想成真了。

56、They were inspirational figures, dreamers of beautiful dreams. 因为他们是灵魂的启蒙者,是美好梦想的缔造者。

57、Dreams can come true, but even if they can't, life will be more beautiful for the person who dreams. But don't be a day-dreamer. 梦想能够实现,即使不能实现,生活对于有梦想的人来说也会变得更加美好,但不要成为一个做白日梦的人。

58、The shy manual worker didn’t talk much about his dream, but he sang it out loud with his amazing voice. 这名从事体力工作的劳动者很腼腆,在谈论自己梦想时着墨不多,却用美妙歌喉大声唱出自己的梦想。

59、The round moon, placing people how happy living the dream. 圆圆的月亮,寄托着人们多少美满生活的梦想。

60、For some it would be like a dream come true. 对某些人来说,这就犹如梦想成真般美妙。

61、I had a dream my life would be 梦想生活应是尽善尽美。

62、Beautiful music calls beautiful dreams to the group. 美丽的音乐为团队召唤来美丽的梦想。

63、Dreams can come true , but even if they can't, life will be more beautiful for the person who dreams. But don't be a day-dreams. 梦想能够实现,即使不能实现,生活对于有梦想的人来说也会变得更加美好,但不要成为一个做白日梦的人。

