
本站作者 2024-01-29 10:43:00


关于”服装的句子“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Sentence of clothing。

英文句子模板1:Sentence of clothing

1、Weng’s clothing business is one example. 翁的服装厂就是一个例子。

2、The clothing designer had a fashion show. 服装设计家开了一场服装秀。

3、We want to buy Brazilian Trendy Beachwear With Exclusive Prints. Bikinis , Swiminsuits, Skirts, Pantalons, Pareos, Dresses, Shirts and Tops. 我们要采购海滩装。三点式泳装,裙子,海滩裙,洋装,衬衫和衣服。

4、Describes briefly the two main aspects of clothing wearability researches, i. 简要论述服装功能研究的两个方面:服装心理学与服装生理学;

5、Snake print leather obi belts wrap around smart dresses and ostrich feathers adorn the sleeves of a shift dress. 蛇纹皮革腰带环绕智能服装,鸵鸟羽毛装饰了礼服袖子。

6、Childrenwear and Baby Garments, Shirts, Junior Apparels, Casuals Shirts, Dresses. 采购产品童装和婴儿服装,衬衫,少年衣服,便服,衣服。

7、Many young girls dream of being afashelloon model. 许多年轻女子胡想成为服装车模儿。

8、These materials were used for clothing, and garment production began to be done locally. 这些料子被用于服装,而服装生产也开始在本地完成。

9、Ostrich hair clothing, the song and dance clothing, the satge clothing, dance clothing, drama clothing, drama dress, dancing party ostrich hair; 鸵鸟毛服装,歌舞服装,舞台服装,舞蹈服装,戏剧服装,戏曲服饰,舞会鸵鸟毛;

10、Thrift shops are great for gowns, formalwear, baby clothes, and ss. 旧货店总能买到好的礼服、正装、婴儿服装,还有鞋子。

11、She is repacking her clothes. 她正在将衣服重新装进箱子。

12、Waiter, please put the rest of the in a __ . 服务生,请将剩下的用袋子装起来。

13、彩色的连衣裙 The colour links clothes crowd

14、Main: children's clothing, hats, scarves , blankets! 主营:儿童服装,帽子,围巾,毛毯!

15、Scoot up to the attic, Mammy get down Ma 's old box of dress patterns. 奶妈,快去阁楼把我妈那个装有服装式样的旧箱子拿下来。

16、The plain dark dresses, akin to mourning dresses, which she and her child wore, were as neat and as well attended to as the brighter clothes of happy days. 她跟孩子都穿类似丧服的朴素的深色服装,却全都跟欢乐日子里的彩色服装一样,收拾得整整齐齐。

17、An Introduction to Accessible Web Design from Sitepoint. 如果你可以上外网,把上面的输入引擎就行了。

18、Buyers & Importers of Made-Ups , Scarves , Stoles, Bags, Hats, Beach Wears, Skirts. 主营进口裙子,包,帽子,围巾,披肩,沙滩服装等。

19、The Style: White denim, jumpsuits, circle shades, chunky boots, Acne anything and everything, Timberland boots, bicycle shorts 着装风格:白色的牛仔装、连身裤、圆形大墨镜、肥大的靴子、Acne的各种服装、Timberland的靴子和自行车短裤。

20、We'll go to Clothes For Kids, Family Clothes Shop and Cool Clothes. 我们要去儿童服装店,家人服装店和酷儿服装店。

21、Main production down jacket, winter clothes, cotton-padded clothes, casual wear, jackets, Tooling suits, overalls son, adhesive clothing and so on. 主要生产羽绒服、防寒服、棉服、休闲服、夹克、工装服、工装裤子、压胶服等等。

22、Children in bright-coloured dresses are playing in the park. 穿着鲜艳服装的孩子们正在公园里玩耍。

23、Based on the women's clothing decoration process of Qing dynasty as the research object, and by studying some relevant books of it, we sorting the form types of it ; 文章以清代女子服饰装饰工艺为研究对象,通过研读分析其中有关“清代女子服饰装饰工艺”的文献,钩沉索隐,整理出清代女子服饰上装饰工艺运用的形式类型;

24、The most common used of basting is continuously even stitches. 手缝针迹用在需要用永久针迹缝但机缝又不太称心的地方。

25、For temporary stitch, the colour of the thread should contrast with the fabric a little. 使用最普通假缝是不间断的均匀针迹。


26、The apparel's fitness rate, opening rate and covering rate were defined and used to describe apparel's style. 定义了服装的开口度、宽松度和覆盖度,并用它们表征服装款式,探索服装款式特征与服装热阻的关系。

27、The box can hold all my clothes. 这箱子能装下我的全部衣服。

28、We want to buy Childrenwear and Baby Garments, Menswear, Women Wear, Underwear and Nightwear , Babies Wear. 我们要采购童装和婴儿服装,男人服装,女装,内衣裤和睡衣,婴儿衣服。

29、咖啡色的条纹裙装 coffee colour striprd skirt loads

30、Each bucket has a different type of clothing in it -- one bucket contains all the ss; another bucket contains all the pants; another has all the jackets; another the dresses. 每个木桶装一种不同类型的衣服——一个木桶装所有的鞋子;另一个装所有的裤子,另一个装所有的夹克,另一个装裙子。

31、Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear) 女式西服套装、便服套装、上衣、连衣裙、裙子、裙裤、长裤、护背带工装裤、马裤及短裤(游泳服除外)

32、Mr. Au carries smaller sock sizes, ss down to a men's size five and styles that run the gamut from jeans to tuxedos. Jimmy Au's男装店备有小号的袜子和小至5码的鞋子,以及样式齐全的服装,从牛仔服到礼服应有尽有。

33、Clothing manufacturers are capitalizing on the growing interest in parkour and free-running by introducing special ss, designer clothing, and other gear; 越来越多人对跑酷和自由奔跑产生兴趣,服装商抓住商机,推出了特制鞋子、设计师服装与其他装备;

34、We want to buy Sequin Garments, Ceremonial Dress, Packaging Materials, Speciality, Fashion and Garment Accessories. 我们要采购亮片服装,礼服,包装材料,专业,时装设计和服装配件。

35、We want to buy Readymade Garments, Athletic Wear, Caps and Hats, Hats, Outerwear, Sportswear. 我们要采购成衣,运动服,盖帽和帽子,帽子,户外休闲服,运动装。

36、For the men, the common traditional outfits are the Kurta Pajamas. Lungis and dhotis are also popular with men. 至于男子,常见的传统服装是无领长袖服装。头巾和腰布也很受男人的欢迎。

37、Rich and magnificent dresses make middle-aged women more elegant. 雍容华丽的服装,使中年女子更富情韵。

38、Ostrich hair clothing the song and dance clothing the stage clothing dance clothing drama clothing drama dress dancing party ostrich hair; 鸵鸟毛服装歌舞服装舞台服装舞蹈服装戏剧服装戏曲服饰舞会鸵鸟毛;

39、A tree-piece suit consists of trousers, jacket and waistcoat. 女套装(面料相同的裙子和西服短上衣)。

40、Moreover, wearing clothes which is similar to gown of doctor degree, is also unrespectful to the gown. 另外,穿着类似博士服样子的服装来招徕顾客,也是对博士服的不尊敬。

41、Prince took off his clothes, put on the uniform of beggars Edwards Prince feeling fresh. 脱掉王子的服装,穿上了乞丐服的爱德华兹王子备感新鲜。

42、Beware of costumes made with flimsy materials and outfits with big baggy sleeves or billowing skirts. 警惕用超薄易损材料做成的服装,以及大袖子和大裙摆的服装。

43、We want to buy Garments, Apparel, Mens , Ladies, Childrens Clothing Menswear. 我们要采购服装,服饰,男装,女装,儿童服装。

44、Female students in high school wear medium length formal dresses and men wear suits, ties, and tuxes. 高中女学生穿正式的礼服,男子穿西装(燕尾服),领带。

45、This case is full I can't pack any more clothes in. 这箱子已装满, 我塞不进更多的衣服了。

46、Shop till the pounds drop At the mall, try on at least ten outfits, both pants and shirts. 在超市的服装部,至少试上10套衣服,上衣裤子都试.

47、The coat, hat, and ss make an attractive ensemble. 这外套、帽子和鞋子配成一套惹人注目的服装`。

48、Pupil Fashion photography was established in 1997, designed services for clothing brand company, the branch of Pupil (Beijing) Brand Planning Co. , ltd. 孔时尚摄影创建于1997年,是隶属于孔(北京)服装品牌管理咨询有限公司旗下的专为服装服饰品牌服务的子公司。

49、For the mat, Xupian, mattresses, clothing, thermal materials. 用于垫子、絮片、床垫、服装、保暖材料。

50、Application fields range from the hygienic and health-care fabric to thermal insulation fabric, mood fabric, military protective fabric, media-play carpet and athletic fabric. 及其应用,如卫生保健服、隔热服装、情感服装、军用保护服、军装、降落伞、媒体播放毯子和运动服装等;


51、The most common costume worn by Indian women is the national dress called a Saree. 印度女子最常穿的服饰是一种叫纱丽服的民族服装。

52、There are many types of top fly, which play the two roles of function and decoration. The styles of top fly can express the characters of fashion design. 服装开襟式样多,在服装中具有功能和装饰两种作用,服装中不同式样的门襟能充分显示出服装设计的特色。

53、Hanbok are classified according to their purposes: everyday dress, ceremonial dress and special dress. 按照目的的不同,韩服可以分为日常服装,仪式服装与特殊服装。

54、透纱般的面料 pass through the yarn as fabrics

55、There 4 subjects of emotional dress now, which are lover match, parent-children match, sister match and family dress. 情感服装是在国内新近出现的一个服装发展潮流,目前主要有情侣装、亲子装、姊妹装、家庭装四大主题。

56、we have a very nice ss th ey only $45,each. welcome to hangxing clothes store! 意思是: 华新服装店大减价 你好,这是华新服装店.你想拥有蓝色的毛衣吗?

57、The box is large enough to hold all my clothes. 箱子大得能装下我所有的衣服。

58、Deepening Chinese dress culture and dress culture and dress design, dress design for people at middle age and old is occupying mainly Chinese dress market. 随着我国服装文化和服装设计的不断深化,中老年服装将成为我国服装市场的主要内容。

59、We want to buy Readymade Garments, Underwear and Nightwear, Childrenwear and Baby Garments, Intimate Apparels, Underwear, Junior Apparels. 我们要采购现成服装,内衣和睡衣,童装和婴儿服装,情侣服装,内衣,初级服装。

