主语和不及物动词造句 语法学习——及物动词和不及物动词

本站作者 2024-02-09 06:08:00


及物动词: 动词直接作用于一个对象。如:

I eat a piece of bread. I kill an animal. I cure the patient.


1 及物动词和其对象中间没有介词。

2 及物动词必须有一个对象,否则意思上不完整。比如: I cure. 我治愈。 意思上不完整。让人无非理解。

不及物动词: 动词本身意思完整,不直接作用于一个对象。如:

I sleep. I walk. I dance.


A 及物动词和不及物动词的互换

I run. 我跑步。


I run a company. 我经营公司。


很多及物动词和不及物动词可以相互转化。一般来说,不及物动词的意义是根本,及物动词的意义是从不及物转变而来。比如 run, 不及物意义是“跑”, 及物的意思是“使...跑”。

I run a company. 我让公司跑。 转意为:我运营公司。

B 英语中及物和不及物有严格区别。 很多汉语的及物动词在英语中是不及物动词。

比如: 我去北京。 I go to Beijing. 我看着他。 I look at him.


英语的动词,在及物和不及物上, 有以下三类

1 只做不及物动词

比如: arrive 不能做及物动词 I arrived school. (wrong)

不及物动词要加宾语,必须用介词帮助: I arrived at school.

2 只能做及物动词

比如: raise 必须有宾语: She raised the gun and fired. They raised their offer to $500. raise 没有不及物的用法

reach: I hope this letter reaches you. The rumors eventually reached the President.

3 既能做及物又能做不及物


Draw a line joining all the crosses.

The path joins the road near the trees.


She listens but she never joins in. 她只听但从来不参加讨论


settle a dispute/an argument/a matter 解决争端 / 争论 / 事情


We must settle down. 我们必须定居


及物: 给

she gave me a gift.

不及物 放弃

The branch began to give under his weight. 他身体的重量把树枝都压弯了。

I kicked at the door and it gave. 我踢门,门自己打开了。


比如 settle:


settle a dispute/an argument/a matter 解决争端 / 争论 / 事情

不及物 settle for: 甘心于 settle on: 下决定 settle into 正式开始 进入正轨

she is prepared to settle for being a housewife.

We must settle on a place to meet.

things were beginning to settle into a pattern.



I think you are right. 我认为你是对的。

不及物:think of 偶然想到 think about 仔细思考

to think of others gossiping behind made me vexed.

There were always things to think about when she went walking.



1 动词+介词

He could not account for his absence from school.

I called onher this morning.

I ran acrossher in the library yesterday.

you had better watch for a better chance.


He accounted himself lucky to be alive. 认为

I called her this morning. 打电话 呼喊

I ran her. 我让她跑。

I watch TV.

2. 动词+副词

He is trying to bring abouta reconciliation.

I will hurry him up.

They are going to knock down those houses.


He is trying to bring about areconciliation. He is trying to bring a reconciliation about.

They are going to knock downthose houses. They are going to knock those houses down.



break into come into enter into get into bump into fall into run into burst into look into

I have not entered into any financial agreements with them. 达成

Well, I don't bump into you much these days. 撞见

He burst into uncontrollable laughter. 忍不住大笑


abide by live by pass by come by stop by

They live by honest labor. 靠 谋生

You must abide by what you have said. 遵守

I see them pass by my house every day. 路过

You just go on ahead. I'll come by later. 跟上

Perhaps I'll stop by the hospital. 顺路


call on embark on reckon on hit on play on draw on wait on count on dawn on seize on

Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts. 拜访

We are about to embark on a great journey. 开始 着手

I hit on the book in a small book - shop. 偶然发现

That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend. 玩弄

I'll be back. You can count on it. 信赖 相信

The truth began to dawn on him. 明白

It didn't dawn on me that I was getting deserted.

We'll seize on this chance. 抓住机会


head for account for care for stand for allow for provide for send for

We decided to head for Scotland. 前往

How do you account for the company's alarmingly high staff turnover? 解释 说明 理由

I had a strong desire to help and care for people. 照顾 照料

It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more. 容忍

What does EU stand for? 代表

You have to allow for a certain amount of error. 容忍

We must allow for human error.

All of us feel for you in your great trouble. 同情

Elaine wouldn't let him provide for her. 供养

The education authorities have to provide for children in need.

he suggested that they should send for Dr Band.


leap at play at jump at laugh at

We should leap at this money - making opportunity. 迫不及待抓住

They will probably jump at the idea. 匆忙下结论

He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him.


go about come about care about

You don't care about anything but yourself and your precious face. 在意 留意

How do you actually go about discovering a thing like that? 发现

Any possible solution to the question can only come about through dialogue. 找到解决方法

How does it come about that he is always so busy? 事情怎么发展到


run across

When did you run across him? 偶然遇到


run over

Two children were run over by a lorry and killed.



add up fill up dress up gather up send up cover up dig up give up make up show up sum up turn up back up break up mix up listen up tidy up beat up eat up

起来 使程度达到最大 出现 现身

You do not need to dress up for dinner. 打扮

there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime. 掩盖

Gather up your muscles and jump. 收紧肌肉

I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week. 充满

They'll have to give up completely on their studies. 放弃

I decided to tide up the house. 打扫

Hang the picture somewhere where it will show up to advantage. 展现出

Okay, listen up, guys. We've got to talk a little about how you look. 听好了

Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight. 出现

The bus had to back up and turn around. 后退


break in check in drag in plug in turn in give in

Don't break in when he is telling the story. 打断

I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow. 入住

Why drag in others when it was all your own doing? 牵连他人

Now we wait for them to turn in their essays. 上交

Officials say they won't give in to the workers' demands. 让步


kick out hold out run out tire out

He'll kick out if you treat him like that.

He can only hold out a few more weeks.


kick off lay off break off pass off take off tear off see off

The shows kick off on October 24th.

Then we had to lay off thousands of people.

You'll never break off our engagement again.

The pain will soon pass off.

You can watch aircraft take off or land.

Bill will see off to the airport.


hand over talk over look over take over think over

You must hand over your passport before you leave. 交出去

What's there to talk over? 商量

How could you pass over such an important matter? 忽略

The two men look over the papers. 快速浏览

Have a rest. I'll take over. 接管

We don't want the ultras to take over France.

I suggest you think over your position very carefully. 仔细思考


set about

The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room. 开始做


give away

Don't give away the secret. 泄露




It's impossible to get along with him.



