
本站作者 2024-02-18 19:56:00


关于”赞美祖国的句子“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Sentences praising the motherland。

英文句子模板1:Sentences praising the motherland

1、And what is 't but mine own when I praise thee? 如果赞美你等于赞美自己,又有何益?

2、Today, our great motherland is the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the big day, 60-year-old mother of our country's birthday the big day. 今天正是我们伟大的祖国建国六十周年的大日子,我们祖国妈妈六十岁生日的大日子。

3、What is praise? 赞美是什么?

4、Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. 要因他大能的作为赞美他,按着他极美的大德赞美他。

5、Those songs are very canonical and often deal with Zionist hopes and dream and glorify the life of idealistic Jewish youth who intend on building a home and defending their homeland. 这些歌通常涉及支持犹太人复国 运动者的希望和梦,而且赞美理想主义犹太人的年轻人打算过建筑家园和保卫祖国的生活。

6、Confucius's praise of Ning's stupidity embodies his idea of scripture and tact in which lies the quintessence of traditional Chinese culture. 孔子对宁武子之“愚”的赞美,体现了孔子的经权观,这恰是中国传统文化的精髓所在。

7、The birthday ish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness! 祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

8、Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. 刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。

9、The tree stand, the motherland flowers will never fade, the motherland forever flowing water. 祖国之树屹立不倒,祖国之花永不凋谢,祖国之水万古长流。

10、China is my motherlor. She'; s getting lot or lot beautiful. 中国是我的祖国。她正变的愈来愈美丽。

11、And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace还要就说一声

12、Die for his country, that is the fate of the most beautiful! 为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊!——大仲马。

13、because the amount of respect you give to your motherland。you'll get that much respect from your motherland. 永远尊敬你的祖国,你会因为对祖国的尊敬而获得祖国对你同等的尊敬。

14、Lang Lang said he chose 'My Motherland' for a White House dinner because of its beauty. 朗朗说他在白宫的国宴选择我的祖国是因为它曲调优美。

15、Our native land is as pretty as a picture. 祖国河山美丽如画。

16、Our heroic motherland stands in the east of the world, shining like the rising sun. All brothers of all nationalities gathers together happily, praising China's rise and prosperity. 英雄的祖国屹立在东方, 像初升的太阳光芒万丈, 各族兄弟欢聚在一堂, 赞美中华的崛起和兴旺。

17、Start slow - praise your wife's clothing when possible. 慢慢开始 --- 在可能的时候,赞美你妻子的衣服。

18、The birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness! 祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

19、I wish our country a prosperous Long live the motherland 我希望我们的祖国繁荣昌盛祖国万岁

20、I wish the motherland prosperous, beautiful harmony. 共祝祖国繁昌盛、美丽和谐。

21、Alexander Baumgarten, a German philosopher, was the first one found aesthetics, he was the father of Aesthetics . 美学最初是由德国的哲学家鲍姆加登介绍而来的,他是美学的开山鼻祖。

22、 Just off the beautiful Chang E,ushered in the birthday of the motherland. 刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。

23、We are flowers of our country, we shouldstudy hard to devote ourselves to China. So let's work hard together to make our country's future much better! 我们是祖国的花朵,我们应努力学习以报效祖国。所以让我们一起为祖国的未来更美好而努力吧!

24、Even the Queen Mother. Prince Charles's grandmother, noticed Diana's beauty, grace, and charm. She complimented the Earl on the fine job he had done in bringing Diana up. 就连查尔斯王子祖母王后陛下都注意到戴安娜的美丽、优雅和迷人,称赞伯爵对戴安娜的精心培养。

25、These events allow them to see, to see your style of great power. 祖国啊,祖国,


26、China is my motherland. Shes getting more and more beautiful. 中国是我的祖国。她正变的越来越美丽。

27、Color my country, give me wisdom and boldness of the motherland. 给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国。

28、The harmonious chirping of birds is a celebration of the prosperity of China in this new century. 呈现百鸟在和鸣,唱出新世纪的赞颂祖国繁荣昌盛的颂歌。

29、Praise God for the work of TransWorld Radio in China. 为环球电台在中国的事工赞美主。

30、” Your home is very beautiful! 你应该赞美一下主人的房子, 即使事实上并不如此!

31、Mark Twain once said he could go for two months on a good compliment. 马克·吐温曾说,只凭一句 赞美 的话他就可以充实地活上两个月。

32、He is the unsung hero of British science. 他是英国科学史上未经赞美的英雄。

33、I knew that my country was not perfect. 我知道我的祖国不完美。

34、Celebrates the motherland 60 birthday, the national each front people salutes to the motherland, offers a gift to the motherland. 庆祝祖国六十华诞,全国各条战线的人们向祖国致敬,向祖国献礼。

35、I feel I have a strong motherland. 《我有一个强大的祖国》

36、Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. 用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。

37、Let us bless our great loyalty to the motherland's prosperity 让我们忠心的祝福我们伟大的祖国繁荣昌盛吧!

38、Praise God for the life of pioneering evangelist Ding Limei, born in Shandong on Oct. 2,1871, and for those who do itinerant evangelism in China today. 开荒福音传道人丁立美于1871年10月2日出生在山东。为丁立美一生有美好的见证赞美主,也为今日在中国巡迴布道的传道人赞美主。

39、She's getting more and more beautiful. 中国是我的祖国。她正变的越来越美丽。

40、This is a praise of the motherland, Acura times, encouraging people to show Paul Red October. 这是一个礼赞祖国,讴歌时代,振奋民心,展示国威的红色十月。

41、A beautiful female spy returned to her motherland to report to her commander. 美丽的女间谍从国外回到自己的祖国,到司令部向司令员汇报。

42、you'll get that much respect from your motherland. 永远尊敬你的祖国,你会因为对祖国的尊敬而获得祖国对你同等的尊敬。

43、Love the country, do it no harm. 以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻;

44、This first song melody is exquisite, is full to the motherland the affection, prays for heavenly blessing our motherland, expressed our happy desire. 这首歌旋律优美,饱含对祖国的深情,祝福我们的祖国,表达了我们美好的愿望。

45、Nine-year-old Lin Miaoke was lauded around the world for her performance of Ode to the Motherland at the event. 9岁的林妙可因她在盛会上《歌唱祖国》的表演赢得了全世界的赞誉。

46、Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon is certain that Inter will lift the scudetto this season and he was full of praise for the Nerazzurri. 尤文图斯的门将吉安鲁吉·布冯确信国米将夺得这个赛季的联赛冠军,他同时高度赞扬了内拉祖里(国米)。

47、Yes, the tiger has been revered and admired in China for thousands of years. 是的,虎在中国已经被尊崇和赞美了几千年了。

48、It praises the picturesque landscape of China. 这首名曲赞美了中国的大好河山。

49、Singing these songs that praise our great country, one feels stimulated . 唱起这些颂赞伟大祖国的歌曲,使人心情振奋。

50、To die for our country, it is the fate of the most beautiful! -- Alexandre Dumas. 为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊! ! —— 大仲马。


51、Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste. 我们圣洁华美的殿,就是我们列祖赞美你的所在,被火焚烧。我们所羡慕的美地,尽都荒废。

52、赞美美景等 what a breathtaking scene /picture!

53、See today, why the motherland picture? Is a heroic performance flowers. 看今朝,为什么祖国美如画?是英雄的业绩开红花。

54、And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase, And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace还要就说一声

55、This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth. 这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。

56、Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father david! Hosanna in the highest! 那将要来的我们祖宗大卫的国,是当受颂赞的!至高之处的和散那!

57、Strong and beatiful country like flowers.像鲜花一样美丽的祖国。

58、I pin my hope in the brighter future of my motherland, wishing my great motherland happy birthday. I am convinced Chinese nation is the greatest nation in the world. 我期盼祖国明天更美好,我祝福伟大祖国生日快乐。我坚信中华民族是世界上最伟大的民族。

59、Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

60、The fourth Sakya leader Pandita and the fifth Sakya leader Pakpa both made great contributions to the solidification of Yuan rule. 萨迦派的第四祖萨班•贡噶坚赞和第五祖八思巴(本名罗追坚赞),分别为元帝国的巩固作出巨大贡献。

61、My motherland is strong, strong motherland; rich, I am rich, my motherland and related by flesh and blood! 祖国强,我强;祖国富,我富,我和祖国血肉相连!

62、赞美美景等 What a breathtaking scene /picture!

63、Praise him for his surpassing greatness. 按著他极美的大德赞美他。

64、Mk. 11:10blessed is the coming kingdom of our father david! Hosanna in the highest! 可十一10那将要来的我们祖宗大卫的国,是当受颂赞的!至高之处的和散那!

65、Upon his arrival in Beijing, he tried many exquisite dishes, Beijing roast duck, lamb kebabs, roast eggplant etc, which he named to be the tastiest foods on earth. 刚到北京,他品尝了中国美食—北京烤鸭、羊肉串以及烧茄子等,他称赞为“人间美味”。

66、The motherland medicine believed that plum even, taste acid. 祖国医学认为,梅子性平、味酸。

67、So, you learn spirit, so that put a beautiful tapestry of the motherland. 于是,你把春蚕的精神汲取,让祖国披上美丽的织锦。

68、Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

