
本站作者 2024-07-17 04:56:00




2、?? If?winter?comes?,?can?spring?be?far?behind??? 冬天到了,春季还会继续远吗

3、wide open, relaxed and happy mood, exercise, nutrition, drugs, health recovery kuaizai!

4、"Every workout is progress." - 每一次的锻炼都是进步。

5、a person who works with brain work, if not constantly moving limbs, that is a very painful thing.


7、the effect of sports lies in strong muscles, knowledge, emotion and strong will.


9、the activities are square, and the five zang organs are from and.

10、Success comes to those who work for it.

11、Every workout brings you one step closer to your goals.

12、keep on practicing day after day. Only a moderate amount of activity can maintain the enthusiasm of training and improve the skills of exercise.

13、to be a happy person, reading, running, working hard, caring about the body and keeping a good mood, become the best.

14、?? If?you?doubt?yourself?,?then?indeed?you?stand?on?shaky11?ground?.?如果你猜疑自身,那麼你的出发点的确不牢固了。

15、even at this moment, the opponent is constantly exercising.

16、"Sweat is just fat crying." - 汗水就是脂肪的泪水。

17、People who are healthy are often young.

18、fame, movement Jinan, work and moderate.

19、life is like a river, and the movement is antiseptic and stinky.

20、"It never gets easier, you just get stronger." - 压力并不会变小,只是你变得更强大。

21、"You can't fake fitness." - 健身不能作假。

22、Never, never, never, never give up 始终不必、不要、不必、不要放弃。

23、"Strive for progress, not perfection." - 力求进步,不求完美。

24、health is not everything, but without health, there is nothing.

25、Your only limit is you.

26、"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - 相信自己和自己的所有一切。知道你内在的力量可以克服任何难关。

27、"Every workout counts." - 每一次锻炼都很重要。


29、Stay motivated and keep pushing yourself in the gym every day.


31、the organ can not get exercise, as well as excessive stress of the organ is extremely harmful.

32、Progress, not perfection, is the key.

33、"The hardest thing about exercise is to start doing it. Once you are doing exercise regularly, the hardest thing is to stop." - 健身最难的事情是开始。一旦你开始定期健身,最难的事情就是停下来。

34、now the flow of mouth water, will be the tears of tomorrow.

35、a way of keeping good health, often for small labor, but very tired, and not the ear.

36、living water is flowing, life is in movement.

37、Success starts with self-discipline.

38、"Sweat is just fat crying." - 汗水只是脂肪的眼泪。

39、Champions train, losers complain.

40、fitness can live long, no longer wait.


42、"Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you used to be." - 健身不是为了超过别人,而是为了超过从前的自己。

43、Peoples sound, not only by foods, especially to rely on motion.人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。


45、"Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be." - 健身并不是要超过别人,而是要超越过去的自己。

46、Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.

47、Ideal?is?the?beacon.?Without?ideal?,?there?is?no?secure?direction?;?without?direction?,?there?is?no?life?.? 理想是指路人。

48、"Don't wish for it, work for it." - 不要祈祝,要去努力。

49、The pain of discipline is nothing compared to the pain of regret.


51、Do?not?,?for?one?repulse?,?give?up?the?purpose?that?you?resolved?to?effect?.? 不必只是因为一次不成功,就离开你原先决心想做到的目地。

52、only exercise can remove all kinds of doubts.

53、Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind you have to convince.

54、the best running, is you in a strange place, found a long violation of the moving. Run alone, unfetter, without restraint. One day, wear running shoes, take yourself, how far, how far.

55、"Your body hears everything your mind says." - 你的身体听到你的脑子说的每一句话。

56、the important problem of sports work is to strengthen the peoples physique, which is the symbol of a countrys rich and strong and civilized.

57、only the sweat and blood pouring out is the real man!


59、Don“t?part?with?your?illusions?.?When?they?are?gone?you?may?still?exist?,?but?you?have?ceased?to?live.?? 不要放弃你的想象。

60、life should take Wan Li Lu, take the first step.




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