
本站作者 2023-10-09 13:25:00


关于”舞蹈的句子“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Dance sentences。

英文句子模板1:Dance sentences

1、The Jiyue dance is a broad concept that included any ancient dance forms other than the Yayue dance. 伎乐舞蹈,是一个很宽泛的概念,包括除雅乐舞蹈之外舞蹈形式。

2、According to Victorian dance etiquette, a woman curtseys before beginning a dance. 在维多利亚时代的舞蹈礼仪中,女性需要在开始舞蹈前向舞伴行屈膝礼。

3、Dance: There are many styles to choose from, everything from smooth country line dancing to hot Latin dancing. 舞蹈:有很多种类的舞蹈供你选择,从柔和的土风舞到热辣的拉丁舞。

4、Dance ss are designed for just that, dance. 舞蹈鞋,是专为刚说,舞蹈等。

5、Good dancing footwork is essential for Kathak dance. 良好的舞蹈步法是卡萨克舞蹈必要。

6、Chapter Two talks about the style of the works of folk dances of Chinese ethnic groups since 1980s from performers, themes, vocabularies, space, properties and music; 第二章从舞蹈演员、舞蹈题材、舞蹈形式结构、舞蹈动作、舞台空间、舞蹈道具、舞蹈音乐等方面分析xx年代以来中国民族民间舞蹈作品的风格;

7、I often dance around the house on a whim. 我常常突发奇想,在房子里舞蹈。

8、Gypsy dance has influenced western dance styles like the Waltz and the foxtrot . 吉普赛人的舞蹈已经影响了西方的舞蹈风格,例如是华尔兹和狐步舞。

9、Founded in the sixties by a group of students, "Hora" is the "jewel in crown" of Israeli folk dance in terms of professional accomplishment and international recognition. 以色列耶路撒冷霍拉舞蹈团是以色列著名的民间舞蹈团,成立于xx年代,被国际舞蹈界誉为以色列民间舞蹈的“皇冠之珠”。

10、Mister Webre shows the dancers the outline of the dance. 韦布尔先生会给舞蹈演员们描述舞蹈的概要。

11、Learn how to freestyle in dancing to reggae dancehall music with expert advice on dance moves and skills in this free dance lesson video. 了解如何自由式舞蹈在这个自由舞蹈课视频与专家雷鬼舞蹈动作和技巧的建议舞厅音乐。

12、Above the door to her school, hangs the sign"Rowan's dance school—Dance for Gifted Children." 在学校大门上挂了一个牌子,上面写着“罗雯舞蹈学校——天赋异秉孩子们的舞蹈。”

13、The dance in Mu Lian Play, the most representative of local operas , has reached such a state that it: serves to enrich and develop dances in local opera in later times. 作为戏曲之祖目连戏中的舞蹈,可以说达到了舞蹈戏剧化、戏剧舞蹈化之程度,为后一代戏曲舞蹈的丰富,发展提供了导向。

14、Learn to warm-up for modern dancing with develope exercises in this free dance video from a professional dance instructor. 学习热身现代舞蹈与发展,从一个专业的舞蹈老师在这个自由练习舞蹈视频。

15、Teach kids to hip hop dance in this free dancing video with a nationally famous cographer. 教孩子髋关节在这个自由跳舞的视频跳舞蹈,与国内著名编舞家。

16、It's a kind of Chinese folk dance, called the fan dance. 这是一种中国民间舞蹈,名叫扇子舞。

17、Former headteacher Roger Hurn, author of 101 Dance Ideas, goes into schools to encourage the use of dance. 《101个舞蹈点子》的作者罗杰·赫恩曾经担任过班主任,他再度走进校园是为了推广舞蹈。

18、Learn to move the head in Odissi dances from a professional Indian dancer with this free dance lesson video. 学会移动从专业舞蹈演员与印度这个自由舞蹈课在奥迪西舞蹈视频头。

19、Learn pretzel dance steps for merengue dancing with expert Caribbean merengue dancing instruction from a professional dancer in this free online dance lesson and cography video clip. 梅伦格学习与专家加勒比梅伦格舞舞蹈教学从一名专业舞蹈演员饼干舞步在这个免费的在线舞蹈课,舞蹈视频剪辑。

20、The concentrations on Dance Performance, Dance Education, Cography and Dance Studies, etc. are offered. 开设舞蹈表演、舞蹈教育、舞蹈编创、舞蹈学等专业方向。

21、Learn rock dance steps for merengue dancing with expert Caribbean merengue dancing instruction from a professional dancer in this free online dance lesson and cography video clip. 梅伦格学习与专家加勒比梅伦格舞舞蹈教学从一名专业舞蹈演员岩石在这个自由舞步舞蹈课,舞蹈在线视频剪辑。

22、The Kala Dance comes from the southern part of Thailand . The dance features coconut shells and reflects the importance of coconuts in everyday village life. 卡拉舞蹈来自于泰国的南部,这种舞蹈反映了椰子在乡村部落生活中的重要性。

23、Learn how to do dance step turns in cumbia dancing with expert Columbian cumbia dancing instruction from a professional dancer in this free online advanced dance lesson and cography video clip. 学习如何做舞步变成了这个免费的在线先进的舞蹈课,舞蹈视频剪辑Cumbia的与哥伦比亚Cumbia的舞蹈教学专家从专业舞蹈演员跳舞。

24、Learn about West African dance costumes in this free dance lesson video. 关于西非舞蹈服装在此免费学习舞蹈课视频。

25、Freestyle dancing is non-cographed dance that usually involves dancers pulling together a bunch of dance moves and fitting them to the music. 自由式舞蹈非编排的舞蹈,舞者通常涉及汇集了一群舞蹈动作和装修他们的音乐。


26、In the past, there were no rehearsal halls and dance theatres specialized for dancers. 过去,没有专门的舞蹈排练厅和舞蹈剧场。

27、This thesis mainly discusses the social function and aesthetic characteristics of Tage from the aspect of its' dancing movement and forms. 本文主要从踏歌的舞蹈动作以及舞蹈形式等方面来论述踏歌舞蹈的社会功能和审美特性。

28、The dancers danced the story of their motherland. 舞蹈者以舞蹈语言表演其祖国的传说。

29、Sitara, Emory's South Asian dance team, performs within a variety of dance genres, including modern, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, Indian classical, folk, and film dance. 埃默里大学的南亚舞蹈队锡塔尔有很多种舞蹈形式,包括现代舞,爵士舞,街舞,芭蕾舞,印度古典舞蹈,民族和电影舞蹈。

30、Ice dance differs from pairs in focusing on intricate footwork performed in close dance holds, in time with the music. 冰上舞蹈与双人滑最主要的区别在于,冰上舞蹈更强调类似于舞蹈的复杂的步法,同时要与音乐配合。

31、Streets are full of dancers and onlookers. Jota is a special christmas dance. 大街挤满了舞蹈的人和观众,霍塔舞是一种特别的圣诞节的舞蹈。

32、More a philosophy of movement than a dance style, butoh fuses traditional Japanese dance with German expressionism. 与其说是一种舞蹈形式,倒不如说是一种运动哲学。舞踏(butoh)将日本舞蹈和德国表现派舞蹈融合在一起。

33、"Kuiyi"is a self-entertaining dance among Kazakh men. “葵依”,是哈萨克族男子自娱性舞蹈。

34、I can dance traditional dances like jaipong, balipong, a mix of Balinese dance and jaipong, Betawi, everything. 我能跳传统舞蹈像Jaipong和Balipong,混合了巴厘舞蹈、Jaipong和巴达维舞蹈的一种舞蹈,每样我都会。

35、Childrens movement and dance: ballet, modern dance, folk dance, jazz, hip-hop dance and so various forms of individual and group dance training. 少儿形体舞蹈:芭蕾,现代舞,民族舞,爵士,街舞等等各种形式的个人舞蹈及团体舞蹈训练。

36、21Young Chinese women hold batons as they take part in a practice session at a dance center in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on July 26, 2010. xx年xx月xx日,安徽省合肥的一家舞蹈中心,一名姑娘拿着棍子在排练舞蹈。

37、Dance the forward travel rocking undulation belly dancing move with press down arms using tips from a dance instructor in this free dance lesson video. 舞蹈摇摆起伏着旅行与记者舞肚皮下使用的舞蹈老师在这个自由舞蹈课移动视频提示武器。

38、Actually my first job was playing for dance cl in a dance academy! 我的第一份工作是在舞蹈学院的舞蹈课上弹琴。

39、Learn the importance of adding expression to masculine reggae dance with expert reggae dancing advice in this free online dance lesson and cography video clip. 学习中添加这个免费的在线舞蹈课和舞蹈表达对男性的视频剪辑与专家意见,雷鬼雷鬼舞舞蹈的重要性。

40、Offering five majors: Dance Performance, Dance Studies, Cography, Drama, Film and Television Art Design, and Cultural Industry Management. 开设舞蹈表演、舞蹈学、舞蹈编导、戏剧影视美术设计、文化产业管理五个专业。

41、Her dancing won a gold medal in the dance contest. 她的舞蹈在舞蹈大赛上获得了金质奖。

42、Learn the paddle and roll combination in advanced tap dancing with expert tap dancing instruction from a professional dancer in this free online advanced dance lesson and cography video clip. 学习与专家的踢踏舞教学高级水龙头从一名专业舞蹈演员和舞蹈辊组合桨这个免费的在线先进的舞蹈课,舞蹈视频剪辑。

43、Learn to use a Filipino dance costume in this free dance lesson video from an award-winning Filipino dancer. 学习使用在这个自由舞蹈课影片获奖的一名菲律宾菲律宾舞蹈家舞蹈服装。

44、Dance and dance education have existed for a long time. In the evolution of dance becoming artistic, the non-artistic functions of dance are changing and extending. 舞蹈和舞蹈教育已经存在了很长的时间,舞蹈在逐渐艺术化提升的过程中也伴随着舞蹈之外的非艺术功能在不断扩展和变化。

45、And the dance you just saw was a Jino traditional dance- the Big Drum Dance. 而您适才瞧到的那个舞蹈就是基诺族的传统舞蹈—— 大胀舞了。

46、Virburnum Farrari's leaves dance happily in three seasons. 荚迷花的叶子在三个季节里尽情舞蹈。

47、In the of the dancing shamans: dance as the experience and expression of the numinous. 在阴影中舞蹈的巫师:超自然的舞蹈经验。

48、Learn the basic side steps for men for dancing the cha-cha in this free video dance lesson for beginners. 为了解在这个自由的舞蹈视频舞蹈课对初学者恰恰男子基本方的步骤。

49、The professional dance:The dance in Nanhua village is very professional and commercial. 舞蹈很专业》南花村苗寨的舞蹈很专业,但也很商业了。

50、Learn about the history of cumbia dancing with expert Columbian cumbia dancing instruction from a professional dancer in this free online advanced dance lesson and cography video clip. 了解在这个免费的在线先进的舞蹈课Cumbia的历史与哥伦比亚Cumbia的舞蹈教学专家从专业舞蹈演员跳舞,舞蹈视频剪辑。


51、The third dance combination in Kathak dancing expresses the ancient traditions of this South Asian dance. 舞蹈中的卡萨克舞蹈交融的第三南亚表示这种古老的传统舞蹈。

52、Then there is the dancing, cographed by Jonathan Han. The dancers combine traditional ballet with modern movements, martial arts, and acrobatics. 其中一幕由舞蹈编导韩风编的舞蹈,舞蹈演员把传统的芭蕾,现代舞,武术和杂技进行了完美的融合。

53、He was a businessman and property developer, a university lecturer and author, a dancer and dance studio owner whose son Corky and grandson Mark followed in his footsteps into the dance world. 他的身份包括商人、房地产开发商、大学讲师、作家、舞蹈演员和舞蹈工作室老板。他的儿子考基(Corky)和孙子马克(Mark)也都循着他的脚步走进了舞蹈圈。

54、Please enjoy Count the stars. 请欣赏亲子舞蹈《数星星》。

55、Dress like a merengue dancer with the tips in this free video dancing lesson from a professional dance instructor. 穿得像一本免费的视频舞蹈课与技巧梅伦格从专业舞蹈老师舞蹈演员。

56、Learn how to dance to reggae dancehall with expert advice on dance moves and skills in this free dance lesson video. 了解如何雷鬼舞蹈在这个自由舞蹈课视频与专家的舞蹈动作和技巧的意见舞厅。

