24个字母的英语单词 个英文字母时用单词怎么表达

本站作者 2023-12-07 12:00:00



In English, the standard alphabet spelling is called the NATO or nautical alphabet, as listed below. It was invented to help people avoid mishearing letters, especially in emergency situations.

Here's how to use it:

If someone asked me "What's your name?" I would have to answer "Lima-india-zulu".

Everyday Life

People don't usually use the NATO alphabet in everyday life. I had to memorize it when I took the boater's license exam, but I forgot a third of them (and how to drive a boat :p ).

In everyday life, people make up their own way to clarify letters they are spelling, because they are not in a life/death situation. "As in" or "for" is the sentence structure people use. For example:

My name is Liz. L as in "life", i as in "idea", and z for "zoo".

The NATO Alphabet

A - Alpha

B - Bravo

C - Charlie

D - Delta

E - Echo

F - Foxtrot

G - Golf

H - Hotel

I - India

J - Juliet

K - Kilo

L - Lima

M - Mike

N - November

O - Oscar

P - Papa

Q - Quebec

R - Romeo

S - Sierra

T - Tango

U - Uniform

V - Victor

W - Whiskey

X - X-ray

Y - Yankee

Z - Zulu

India Hotel-Oscar-Papa-Echo Tango-Hotel-India-Sierra India-Sierra Hotel-Echo-Lima-Papa-Foxtrot-Uniform-Lima. :)




