
本站作者 2024-01-08 19:44:00


1.It is for adults to decide how children are brought up.


2."Am I so awful i make you want to leave?"


3.-"What does she need?"


-"Her home."


4.."living in this house against everything she is."


5."You don't always have to believe other People to say."


6."People like to saying nasty things,you need to decide to trust your eyes and ears,or what other people say."


7."Grandmother can't see. did you know?"


"and she can't eat any stale bread at all."


"we're lucky, and aren't we grandfather?"


8.."But i get the impression that she's not very happy."


"She has all she could want."


"it's something deep inside."


9."" This is the present for you,my dear child."


"There's nothing in it."


“because you're fill it up yourself.”


10.“If something in life brings you joy.”


“regardless of what people say,”


“then you simple to do it.”


