
本站作者 2023-06-04 16:15:00


关于”很酷的句子“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Cool sentences。

英文句子模板1:Cool sentences

1、So there's some cool tricks people can do. 这里有很多很酷的技巧。

2、With this mug you can take cool photos or drink a lot of coffee. 用这个杯子,你可以拍下酷照或者喝很多很多的咖啡。

3、Usually well-camouflaged cold, was deep into his eyes, suddenly collapsed. 平时伪装得很好的冷酷,对着他那深邃的眼睛,一下子崩溃了。

4、Unfortunately, he cannot speak English," he said. 报道说,富山在典礼上代表酷斯拉致辞,他说:“很遗憾,酷斯拉不会说英语。

5、In other words, the holders of European bonds will not be subject to cruel or unusual punishment. 换句话说,这样的话欧洲债券持有人将不会受异常严酷的惩罚。

6、And like, Berlin is really cool. Copenhagen is really cool. 还有,柏林也很酷,哥本哈根也很酷。

7、The day was a scorcher. 那是一个酷热的日子。

8、The plum Chuan cool son Yin amounts of say with smile. 梅川酷子阴测测的笑道。

9、Jiang Liwei's hair looks cool. His hair goes well with his trousers. (His hair matches his trousers) 姜立伟的发型看上去很酷。他的发型和他的裤子十分协调。

10、As an added perk, your kids will think you’re cool. 另外还会有意外收获---你的孩子们会觉得你很酷

11、Pbe, how could I put it, was a very weird yet cool, kind and generous lady. 菲比,让我怎没说呢,是一个很古怪但是却很酷、善良和大方的女孩子。

12、They're friends of mine. And you know, they've showed them to me and they're really cool, 我的朋友也使用这种电子书阅读器。他们将这些电子书展示给我看,真的很酷,

13、We are all cool kids with our own interests. 我们都是拥有自己兴趣的酷孩子。

14、You look great! Really really cool! 很好!看起来酷毙了!

15、Cool! I really enjoyed that bug-pizza we had last time! 酷!我喜欢我们上次吃的虫子披萨!

16、Or those cool ss on the woman sitting across the room? 或是坐在屋里的那个女子穿着的很酷的鞋子?

17、It's autumn, but recently still cool, hot. 虽已入秋,但前阵子依旧酷日炎炎。

18、“Steve’s a cool guy and he designs cool products,” Mr. McKenna said. 史蒂夫是一个非常酷的人,而且他也设计出了很酷的产品。“McKenna说。

19、It's primarily amazing because it introduces the notion that hair curlers made from aluminium cans are cool. 起初觉得很棒是因为它引入了一个用铝制罐子作为卷发器的概念很酷。

20、so that was kind of cool to me. 对我来说很酷。

21、It is always hard not to be the cool one anymore. 由酷到不酷是一个很难接受的过程。

22、If you have a tail, four legs, a cold nose and a bark, you do not have a dog. 如果你有一条尾巴,四条腿,一个酷酷的鼻子,有犬吠声,你不一定有一条狗。

23、” “Now that’s a cool archway! ” “那有个很酷的拱门!

24、And bow ties are cool. 领结也很酷。

25、These people are cool with us, too — just maybe a little too cool. 这类型的人也能跟我们和平共处,表现的很酷,只是有点太酷了。


26、Hey, this a cool disco! 嘿,这个迪厅很酷!

27、At midday, the sands are blistering hot. 正午的时候,沙子被晒得酷热。

28、Carrying a knife, it's not a good look. 带刀的样子一点也不酷。

29、Our head teacher is very strict, but we still need many strict rules. 我们的班主任很是严酷,可是我们还需要良多严酷的轨制。

30、Even our kids found it cool - may just have been that day. 我的孩子却觉得这里非常酷。

31、The empty houses look too grim. 这些空房子看上去是那么残酷。

32、Cool or True? 酷酷的真言真语?

33、He is the oldest son in Tachibana family and is always a 'big brother'. He wants to be a 'cool guy' though. 他是橘家的长子,而且很有”长兄”的风范哦。现在的希望就是成为一个”酷酷的家伙。

34、because it was like the same circle of friends. So it was cool. 因为都是一个圈子里的朋友。所以真的很酷。

35、Solaire - Really Cool Carports for Really Cool Cars! 太阳能- 真的很酷车棚对于真正酷车!

36、I think it would be so cool if I could just utter a Spanish phrase from time to time. 我想要是我能时不时冒出一句西班牙语,那该是多酷啊!

37、Move your dog to a cool area of the house . 提出你的狗酷面积的房子。

38、These days, a survival-store brand could be cool. 这些日子,生存店的品牌会很酷。

39、The sentence itself contains a non sequitur - firstly discussing the severe winters of the past several years, and then accusing Mr. Durant of waste and neglect. 该句子本身包含了一个不根据前提的推理——首先讨论过去几年中气候严酷的冬天,紧接着责怪Durant先生的浪费与疏忽。

40、One of the cool coconut water is the day most eat 1-2, eat more easily apparent. 的一个很酷的椰子汁是最一天吃1 - 2,多吃容易明显。

41、And wouldn't it be cool if the touchpad also worked as a signature pad for electronic documents? 当触摸板同时被用作电子文档的署名簿时,也是很酷的事。

42、After in 1988 the Jordan leap basketball buckled the basket to succeed puts down the speech which such very executed. xx年乔丹飞跃罚球线扣篮成功后撂下这么一句酷毙的话。

43、John studied the photo of his son, looking like a young James Dean, cool smirk and all. 约翰仔细端详着儿子的相片,他看起来像个小詹姆斯·笛安,连同酷酷的傻笑。

44、you are very adorable when you are sleeping.不过米国的孩子大多不喜欢被夸奖说可爱,倒是可以说他睡觉的样子很酷。

45、Shiro Tachibana, a cool guy. 橘四郎,一个酷酷的家伙。

46、My son, Douglas, loves to play with toy guns. 儿子道格拉斯酷爱玩具枪。

47、That actually sounds pretty cool. 实际上这听起来很酷。

48、That would be cool. 那会变得很酷。

49、The highlighting part was cool. 挑染的部分很酷。

50、Elly:This is so cool! 艾莉:真的很酷!


51、She's the girl all the bad guys want! 她可是属于坏痞子的酷女孩呢!

52、"It's pretty cool, " Cohan says. 卡汉说:「这很酷。」

53、Fundraising of Ku6 and Youku: both announced new round of financing. 酷6和优酷的融资: 酷6和优酷都宣布了新一轮的融资。

54、He got a cool haircut. 他理了一个很酷的发型。

