
本站作者 2023-03-29 00:53:00


1. When you’re young, everything feels like the end of the world. It’s not, it’s just the beginning. I mean you might have to meet a few more jerks. One day, you’re gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you.


2. This is a letter from Mike O’Donnell. He wanted me to read it, “Scarlet before you go through with this... I want to remind you of September 7th, 1968. It was the first time that I saw you. You were reading Less Than Zero. You were wearing a Guns N’Rose T-shirt. I’d never seen anything so perfect. I remember thinking that I had to have you, or I’d die. Then you whisper that you loved me...at the homecoming dance. And I felt...so peaceful...and safe. Because I knew that no matter what happened from that day on...nothing could ever be that bad. Because I had you. Uh... And then I grew up...and I lost my way. And I blamed you for my failures. And I know that you think you have to do this today. I don’t want you to. But I guess...if I love you...I should let you move on.

这封信来自麦克·奥多尔,他希望我来念。斯科丽.....在你经历这一切之前,我想要使你想起1988年的9月7号。那是我第一次见到你,你正在读less than zero 这本书,你穿着一件枪炮玫瑰的T恤衫,我从没有见过如此完美的事物。我记得我想的是要么和你在一起,要么就死去。然后你在我耳边说你爱我,就在归校晚会上,我感觉......那么平静......那么安全。因为我知道从那天起,无论发生什么......事情都不会太糟糕,因为我有了你。呃,然后我长大了,迷失了方向,将自己的失败归于你身上。我知道你认为自己今天必须这么做,但是我不想你这么做,但我猜......要是我爱你.....我就应该放手让你继续新的生活。

3. He’s right. I don’t need one. You know why I don’t need one? Because there’s no one I’m in love with. It’s called "making love" , isn’t it? Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love. And preferably when you’re married. You know, when you’re ready to take that love and turn it into a baby. Because that’s what love is. It’s that first moment when you hold your baby girl...and you didn’t know that anything could be so small or so delicate. And you feel that tiny heart beat...and you know that you couldn’t love anything more in the whole world. And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... and always be there to catch her when she falls and that nothing ever hurts her. Not a broken arm...or a bad dream...or a broken heart.

没错,我才不需要呢。知道我为什么不需要吗?因为我没有爱的人,那叫做"做爱" 对吧?也许我想法老旧,但我觉得那应该和爱的人一起做,最好是婚后,当你已准备好把那份爱变成小婴儿。因为这就是爱所在,当你第一次捧着小婴儿......想不到它会如此的小和娇弱,感觉到那小小心脏的跳动......你知道它是你的至爱,希望自己能够好好照顾她......当她要摔倒时,在她身边扶着她,保护她不受任何伤害,不会摔断胳膊,不会做恶梦,也不会心碎。

4. -Now I'm sorry.


- I guess I deserved that. -


-The second one was out of line. It was uncalled for. Sorry.


-Are you okay? I'm really sorry.


-Makes it even. Now we're even.


-How are you? You okay?



-And finished.

-With the rug area.


-But we've made very good progress.


-We deserve a break.


-I lost my family.


-If it's any consolation, I think you really did help your kids.


-Hey, Mike?


-You did your job, and now the hero can move on.

-你完成了你的职责 现在主角得继续前进了。

-I don't want to.


-Maybe they don't need me anymore, but I need them.


-Hey, not to be a buzzkill...but you're due in court...in 22 minutes.


-Ned, I need more time. I have to stop this.


-To the Nedmobile. -


-Wait, Ned, Ned, Ned.




- 你的裤子。

- I should have pants on. Yes.


-Come on, Glenn!


