攻壳机动队结尾含义 《攻壳机动队》经典台词

本站作者 2023-04-11 06:09:00


Only stand in a position higher than others, the bow will have effect.只有站在比别人高的位置时,低头才会有效果。

2.The unyielding man is hard to pass the world, to the upright to sleep. 不屈者难渡人世,予正直者以安眠。

3.No matter how far a jackass travels, it won't come back a horse. 一头驴子无论走多远,回来时都不会变成一匹马。

4.I thougth what I ‘d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes,or should I ?我曾经想过变成一个堵上眼睛和耳朵,缄口不言的人,我应该这样做吗?

5. We cling to memory and feel it defines us.But what defines us is our behavior.我们执着于记忆,觉得它定义了我们。但是定义我们的是我们的行为。

6.I will always be by your side ,in your soul. 我会永远陪在你身边,在你的灵魂里。

7.The prototype does not exist, creating a copy without a prototype. 原型的不存在,创造出了没有原型的复制品。

8.Most of the so-called understanding is based on individual’s subjective desire.所谓理解,大都是基于个人的主观愿望。

9. When I'm floating on the sea, there's even a feeling of rebirth. 在我浮向海面时,甚至会有一种重生的感觉。

10.It is impossible to prove whether a species is alive or not.一种存在是否为生命,是无法证明的。

11. .In any case, one can contact the things of this world, just a drop in the bucket.无论如何,人一生所能接触的事物,对这世界而言,只是沧海一粟罢了。

12.By drama, the audience themselves are part of the performance.所谓戏剧,观众自己也是演出的一部分。

13.When you seek freedom,you have lost it.当你追求自由的时候,你就已经失去自由了。

14. Immature man gave his life for the ideal. 不成熟的人为理想献出生命。15.By his death a hero is born.英雄因其死亡而诞生。

