
本站作者 2023-04-24 06:20:00


Section 5,

speed her up, 4-1.

Attention foreman, trouble on

bench 5, check nut tightening.

Nut coming through loose

on bench 5, attention foreman.


Section 5, more speed, 4-7.

Relief man, passing,

relief man, passing.


Quit stalling,

get back to work!

Go on!

Good morning my friends.

This record comes to you through

the Sales Talk Transcription Co. Inc.

Your speaker,

the mechanical salesman.

May I introduce

Mr. J. Willacomb Bellows,

inventor of the Bellows

Feeding Machine,

a practical device which

automatically feeds your men at work.

Don't stop for lunch.

Be ahead of your competitor.

The Bellows feeding machine

will eliminate the lunch hour,

increase your production

and decrease your overhead.

Allow us to point out some of the

features of this wonderful machine.

Its beautiful aerodynamic

streamlined body,

its smoothness of action made silent

by electroporous metal ball bearings.

Let us acquaint you

with our automaton soup plate,

it's compressed air blower,

no breath necessary,

no energy required to cool the soup.

Notice the revolcing plate

with the automatic food pusher.

Observe our countershaft

double-knee action cornfeeder,

with its synchromesh transmission,

enabling you to shift gears

by the mere tip of the tongue.

Then there is the hydrocompressed

sterilized mouth wiper.

Its factors of control insure

against spots on the shirt front,

These are but a few

of the delightful features

of the Bellows Feeding Machine.

Let us demonstrate with a worker.

Actions speak louder than words.


to keep ahead of you competitor,

you cannot ignore the importance

of the Bellows Feeding Machine.

Section 5, give 'em the limit.

Local news: a pardon

was granted to the prisoner

who thwarted

the attempted city jail break.

Sheriff Couler will inform

the prisoner of the good news today.

If you are suffering from gastritis,

don't forget to try...

We are the singing waiters

We will sing and serve potatoes

We will strive to do our bit

And if you leave a modest tip

We'll sing the whole night long

In the evening by the moonlight

You can hear those banjoes singing

In the evening by the moonlight

You can hear those banjoes ringing

How the old folks would enjoy it

They would sit all night and listen

As we sang in the evening

by the moonlight

Hop along sister Mary

hop along, hop along, hop along

Hop along sister Mary hop along

and we'll get there by and by

Homeward bound

Way down yonder in the old cornfields

