
本站作者 2023-04-26 00:42:00


For the second time

in the lives of most of us...

...we are... at...

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

...at war.

Very good.

...who are now our... enemies.

But it has been... in vain.

We have been forced into a conflict,

for we are called

to meet the challenge of a principle,

which, if it were to prevail,

would be fatal to any civilized order

in the world.

Such a principle,

stripped of all disguise,

is surely the mere...

...primitive doctrine that might...

...is right.

For the sake of all

that we ourselves hold dean

it is unthinkable

that we should refuse to meet...

...the challenge.

It is to this high purpose

that I now call

my people at home,

and my peoples across the seas,

who will make our cause their own.

I ask them to stand calm

and firm and united

in this time of trial.

The task will be hard.

There may be dark days ahead,

and war can no longer be confined

to the battlefield.

But we can only do the right

as we see the right,

and reverently commit

our cause to God.

If one and all we keep

resolutely faithful to it,

then, with God's help,

we shall... prevail.

It was very good, Bertie.

You still stammered on the

Well, I had to throw in a few,

so they knew it was me.

Congratulations, Your Majesty.

A true broadcaster.

Thank you, Mr. Wood.

- Congratulations, Your Majesty.

- Sir.

- Congratulations, Your Majesty.

- Thank you.


- Good?

- Perfect, sir.

Your first wartime speech.


I expect I shall have to...

do a great deal more.

Thank you, Logue.

Well done.

My friend.

Thank you...

...Your Majesty.

I knew you'd be good.

Thank you... Lionel.


- Congratulations, sir.

- Well done, sir.

Couldn't have

said it better myself, sir.

Your Majesty, I am speechless.

- Congratulations, sir.

- Gentlemen.

- So how was Papa, Elizabeth?

- Halting at first,

- but you got much better, Papa.

- Well, bless you.

- And how about you, Margaret?

- You were just splendid, Papa.

Of course I was.

Are we all ready?

Come on, girls.

