飞屋环游记优美台词 飞屋环游记 Up

本站作者 2023-06-14 23:40:00


Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen.

You ready to go?

Ready as I'll ever be.

Would you do me a favor

and take this?

I'll meet you at the van in just a minute.

I wanna say one last goodbye

to the old place.

Sure. Take all the time you need, sir.

That's typical. He's probably

going to the bathroom for the 80th time.

You think he'd take better

care of his house.

So long, boys! I'll send you a postcard

from Paradise Falls!


We're on our way, Ellie.



Hi, Mr. Fredricksen. It's me, Russell.

What are you doing out here, kid?

I found the snipe

and I followed it under your porch,

but this snipe had a long tail

and looked more like a large mouse.

Please let me in.


Oh, alright, you can come...


I've never been

in a floating house before.

Goggles. Look at this stuff.

Wow! You're going on a trip?

"Paradise Falls, a land lost in time."

You're going to South America,

Mr. Fredricksen?

Don't touch that! You'll soil it.

You know, most people take a plane,

but you're smart because you will

have all your TV and clocks and stuff.


Is this how you steer your house?

Does it really work?

Kid, would you stop with the...

- This makes it go right.

- Let go of that...

- And that way's left.

- Knock it off!

Hey, look! Buildings.

That building's so close

I could almost touch it.

Wow! This is great!

You should try this, Mr. Fredricksen.

Look, there's a bus that could

take me home two blocks away!

Hey! I can see your house from here.

Don't jerk around so much, kid. Whoa!

Well, that's not gonna work.

I know that cloud. It's a cumulonimbus.

Did you know that

the cumulonimbus forms

when warm air rises over cool air?

Stayed up all night

blowing up balloons... for what?

And that's how we get lightning.

- That's nice, kid.

- Mr. Fredricksen?

There's a storm coming.

It's starting to get scary.

We're gonna get blown to bits!

We're in big trouble...

- What are you doing over there?

- Look.

See? Cumulonimbus.

My pack!

Got ya!

I thought you were dead.

What happened?

I steered us. I did. I steered the house.

Steered us?

After you tied your stuff down,

you took a nap.

So I went ahead

and steered us down here.

Yeah. Sure.

Can't tell where we are.

Oh, we're in South America, all right.

It was a cinch

with my Wilderness Explorer GPS.

- GP... What?

- My dad gave it to me.

It shows exactly where we are

on the planet.

With this baby, we'll never be lost!


We'll get you down, find a bus stop,

you just tell the man

you wanna go back to your mother.

Sure, but I don't think

they have buses in Paradise Falls.

There. That ought to do it.

Here, I'll give you

some change for bus fare.

No, I'll just use

my city bus pass.

Whoa. That's gonna be

like a billion transfers

to get back to my house.

Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer?

Well, we're up pretty high.

Could take hours to get down.

That thing was... building or something.

What was that, Mr. Fredricksen?

We can't be close to the ground yet.

Wait! Wait, no, don't! Don't, don't!

Wait, wait. Wait!

- Russell, hang on! Hey!

- Whoa! Whoa!


- Walk back. Walk back.

- Okay.

Come on. Come on.

Where... Where are we?

This doesn't look like the city

or the jungle, Mr. Fredricksen.

Don't worry, Ellie. I got it.

There it is.

Ellie, it's so beautiful.

We made it.

We made it! Russell! We could float

right over there! Climb up. Climb up!

You mean, assist you?

- Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

- Okay. I'll climb up.

- Watch it!

- Sorry.

Now, when you get up there,

go ahead and hoist me up!

Got it?

You on the porch yet?

What? That's it?

I came all this way just to get stuck

at the wrong end of this rock pile?


Hey, if I could assist you over there,

would you sign off on my badge?

- What are you talking about?

- We could walk your house to the falls.

- Walk it?

- Yeah! After all, we weigh it down.

We could walk it right over there.

Like a parade balloon.

Now, we're gonna walk

to the falls quickly and quietly

- with no rap music or flash dancing.

- Uh-huh.

We have three days, at best, before

the helium leaks out of those balloons.

And if we're not at the falls

when that happens...

- Sand.

- We're not getting to the falls.

I found sand!

Don't you worry, Ellie.

We'll get our house over there.

This is fun already, isn't it?

By the time we get there,

you're gonna feel so assisted.

Oh, Mr. Fredricksen,

if we happen to get separated,

use the Wilderness Explorer call.

Caw, caw! Raar!

Wait. Why are we going

to Paradise Falls again?

Hey, let's play a game.

It's called

"see who can be quiet the longest."


My mom loves that game!

Darn thing!

Come on, Russell.

Would you hurry it up?

I'm tired. And my knee hurts.

Which knee?

My elbow hurts,

and I have to go to the bathroom.

I asked you about that five minutes ago.

Well, I didn't have to go then!

I don't wanna walk

anymore. Can we stop?

Russell, if you don't hurry up,

the tigers will eat you.

There are no tigers in South America.


Oh, for the love of Pete! Go on into

the bushes and do your business.

Okay! Here! Hold my stuff.

I've always wanted to try this.

Mr. Fredricksen,

am I supposed to dig the hole

before or after?

None of my concern!

Oh. It's before!


La la la la la!




Here, snipe. Come on out, snipe.



Ha! Gotcha! Don't be afraid, little snipe.

I am a Wilderness Explorer,

so I'm a friend to all of nature.

Want some more?

Hi, boy. Don't eat it all. Come on out.

Come on. Come on.

Don't be afraid, little snipe.

Nice snipe. Good little snipe. Nice...

Giant snipe.

- I found the snipe!

- Oh! Did you?

- Are they tall?

- Oh, yes, they're very tall.

- Do they have a lot of colors?

- They do, indeed!

- Do they like chocolate?

- Oh, yes... chocolate?

- Gah! What is that thing?

- It's a snipe!

There's no such thing as a snipe!

- But you said snipes eat your... Whoa!

- Hey!

Go on! Get out of here! Go on!



Careful, Russell!

Hey, look, Mr. Fredricksen.

It likes me. Whoa!

- Russell!

- No, stop! That tickles.

Get out of here! Go on! Get!

Uh-oh. No, no, no! Kevin!

It's okay. Mr. Fredricksen is nice.

- Kevin?

- Yeah. That's his name I just gave him.

Beat it! Vamoose! Scram!

Hey! That's mine!

Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here!

Go on! Beat it!

Can we keep him? Please?

I'll get the food for him. I'll walk him.

I'll change his newspapers.


"An Explorer is a friend to all,

be it plants or fish or tiny mole."

- That doesn't even rhyme.

- Yeah, it does.

- Hey, look. Kevin.

- What?

Get down! You're not allowed up there!

