头脑特工队经典台词英文15句(头脑特工队 Inside)

本站作者 2023-10-07 16:04:00


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Do you ever look at someone and wonder,

what is going on inside their head?

Well, I know.

Hey, well, I know Riley's head.


And there she was.


- Riley|

- Woh, look at you!

Aren't you a little bundle of joy!

Aren't you a little bundle of joy!


It was amazing!

Just Riley and me...


Or for... 33 seconds.

I'm Sadness.

Oh, hello, I'm Joy. So...☻

Can I just, if you could...

I just wanna me fix that.


And that was just the beginning.

Headquarters only got

more crowded from there.

Very nice.

OK, looks like you got this.

Very good.

Oh, sharp turn!

No, look Out!

That's Fear. He's really good

at keeping Riley safe.

Easy, easy... Fall back!

Oh, we're good.

We're good!

- Thank you. Thank you very much.

- Oo, good job! - And we're back!


Here we go. Alright, open.

- Hm, this looks new.

- Think it's safe? - What is it?

OK, caution! There is a dangerous

smell people. Hold on. What is that?

This is Disgust.

She basically keeps Riley

from being poisoned,

physically and socially.

That is not brightly colored,

or shaped like a dinosaur.

Hold on guys... It's broccoli!


Well. I just saved our lives...

Yeah, you're welcome.

Riley, if you don't eat your dinner,

you're not going to get any dessert.

Wait, did he just say

we couldn't have dessert?

That's Anger,

he cares very deeply

about things being fair.

So, that's how you

want to play it, old man?

No dessert? Oh, sure,

we'll eat our dinner.

Right after you eat this!



Riley, Riley.

Here comes an airplane.

Aaahh... Oh, airplane!

We got an airplane, everybody.

- Ooh! - Ooh!

And you've met Sadness.

She... Well, she...




I'm not actually

sure what she does.

And I've checked,

there's no place for her to go, so...

She's good. We're good. It's all great.

Anyway, these are Riley's memories.

And they're mostly happy,

you'll notice. Not to brag.

But the really important

ones are over here.

I don't want to get too

technical but these are called

core memories.

Each one came from a super

important time in Riley's life.

Like when she first scored a goal.

It was so amazing!

Hey, would you look at that!

Very nice!

- Woo-hoo!

- Yayy!

And each core memory

powers a different aspect

of Riley's personality.

Like, Hockey Island.

Goofball Island

is my personal favorite.

Come back here,

you little monkey!

Yup, Goofball is the best!

Friendship Island

is pretty good too.

Oh, I love Honesty Island.

And that's the truth.

And of course,

Family Island is amazing.

- I have your present.

- Oh...

The point is, the

islands of personality

are what make Riley, Riley.

Look out, Blue fish!

Lava! Hoo!

♪ Who's your friend that likes to play?

Bing Bong. Bing Bong.

Hey, very nice!

- Agh.

- Brain freeze!

- Agh!

- Aah!


- Yeah!

- Yayy!

- Good night, kiddo.

- Good night, Dad.


We're out.

That's what I'm talking about.

Woo! Another perfect day.

Nice job everybody.

Let's get those memories

down to long term.

Alright! We did not die today!

I call that an

unqualified success.

And, that's it.

We love our girl!

And she's got great friends

and a great house.

Things couldn't be better.

After all, Riley's 11 now.

What could happen?

- What?

- Aahh!

- Huh!

- Aahh!

OK, not what I had in mind.


Hey, look, the Golden Gate Bridge!

Isn't that great?

It's not made up of solid gold

like we thought,

which is kind of

disappointing, but still...

I sure am glad you told me

earthquakes are a myth, Joy.

Otherwise I'd be terrified

right now.

Ah... yeah.

These are my kind of people.

Alright, just a few more blocks.

- We're almost to our new house.

- Step on it, Daddy.

Why don't we just live in the smelly car?

We're already been in it forever!

Which... actually was really lucky,

because that gave

us plenty of time

to think about what our new

house is going to look like.

What? Let's review

the top 5 daydreams.

- Woo, that looks safe!

- That looks nice.

Ooh, this'll be great for Riley.

Oh, no, no... this one!

Joy for the last time,

she cannot live in a cookie.

That's the one,

it comes with a dragon.

We're getting close,

I can feel it.

Here it is.

Here's our new house.


Maybe, it's nice on the inside.

- We're suppose to live here?

- Do we have to?

I'm telling you, it smells

like something died in here.

- Can you die from moving?

- Guys, you're overreacting.

- Nobody is dying.

- A dead mouse!

- Great! - I'm gonna be sick.

- It's a house of the dead,

what're we gonna do?

We're gonna get rabies!

- Get offa me!

- Waahh!

Hey, hey,

all through the drive,

Dad talked about how cool

our new room is.

- Let's go check it out.

- It's gonna be great!

Yes, yes, yes!

- No, no, no...

- I'm starting to envy the dead mouse.

Get out the rubber ball.

We're in solitary confinement.

- Riley can't live here.

- She's right, it's really bad.

- It's absolutely the worst.

- This house stinks.

It's the worst place I've been

in my entire life. - Oh, yeah.

Hey, it's nothing our

butterfly curtains couldn't fix.

I read somewhere that an

empty room is an opportunity.

- Where 'd you read that?

- It doesn't matter. I read it and it's great.

We'll put the bed there.

And the desk over there.

The hockey lamp goes there.

- Put the chair there.

- Oh, the trophy collections.


- I like that.

- Now, we're talking!

Let's go get our stuff

from the moving van.

Alright. Goodbye.

Well, guess what?

The moving van won't be here

until Thursday.

You're kidding.

- Our van is lost?

- It's the worst day ever.

- You said it would be here yesterday.

- I know that's what I said.

- That's what they told me.

- Mom and Dad are stressed out.

They're stressed out.

What're we gonna do?

- What is their problem?

- I've got a great idea!

Did you even read the contract?

Anderson makes her move.

She's closing in.

Hey! Oh no, you're not.

- She's lining up her shot.

- Coming behind you, watch out.

And she scores! Yeah!

- Woo-hoo!

- Yo-ho!

Come on, Grandmother!


Oh-oh, she put her hair up.

We're in for it.

Heyyy, put me down!

Ah... Sorry, hold on.

- Hello.

- Wait, wha...?

You're kidding me!

Alright, stall for me,

I'll be right there.

The investor's supposed to

show up on Thursday, not today.

