
本站作者 2023-11-15 19:17:00


We get the wheels, we get la feria,

we keep moving on.

No messing around.

You mess those wheels up

this time, Chong,

I'm gonna have your ass.


Right there, homes.

There's nobody, homes.

Where's your party, boy?

Turn down the radio.

You inviting the cops too or what?

I want El cromo.

Gonna get some green

for this shit right here, homes.


Hey guys?

Those are chrome-plated lugs.

You're gonna strip them.

Look at this guy?

The plating flakes off.


This is a lease.

No one's gonna pay to ride...


Come on, man.

Hey guys.


What the fuck?

Guys seriously, you don't wanna do this.

Take him out.

Fuck him up!

No! Not the car!

Get that puto!

Fuck him up, man!

Fuck him up!

Get him!

Hit that fool!




Everyone's asleep, Burt.


Between the ice caps,

the pornographers,

poisoned water, mutants...

it's all connected.

Hey, Clyde. It's 2029.

Why are we still talking about mutants?

Hey, it's me. I'm in the car.

Yeah, it was a good trip.

Killed it up and down the fence.


I knew it was you.

Oh, fuck.


I'm in trouble!

You're the only one that could help!

Get the fuck away from me!



Who was that?

I don't know, some crazy lady.

Don't worry.

As I live and breathe, the Wolverine.

And he's a junkie now.

Who the fuck are you?

You know, you got some

buckshot in your door.

I heard you was in Phoenix.

But then last night, some friends of mine

in Texas HP called and told me they found

three dead cholos in a pullout on 54.

Not unusual, I know.

Except one was missing a hand,

another one a leg.

So they was thinking,

it was either an escaped tiger

or Freddy Krueger.

But neither one of them can drive,

one being fictional, the other one extinct.

And since the wheel lugs they found

belonged to a '24 Chrysler,

and well,

this is a '24 Chrysler.

She found you yet?



I'm not looking for you, Wolvie.

Well, not really.

I'm looking for someone,

who's looking for you.

She took something of mine

when I wasn't looking.

Something for which I am responsible.

Mexican lady.

Has her sights on you now.

Doesn't ring any bells?

I don't know any Gabriela,

so get the fuck out of my car.

You know...

I know what you're hiding, amigo.

The old cue ball south of the border.

What do you want?

A little co-operation.

I'm a fan, by the way.

Fuck, fuck!

No, Mr. Esperanza, no.

I know I said June, but I need the boat now.

Why would that mean the price go up?

Listen to me.

I know you wanted 70.

Ok, what if I could put together

$45,000 cash right now?

Hello? Hello?


Hey, Sam.


He's having a bad day.

They're all bad days.

He needed these six hours ago.

This is not enough, you know.

Won't see us through the week.

I'm working on it.

Your turn.

I've had a rough night.

Poor you.

In other news,

he told me last night

he's communicating with someone.

He's not talking to anybody.

Don't be so sure.

He's got all these details.

I thought that tank was supposed

to act as a barrier.

It's got them cracks in it.

Just please stop.

Bottom left.

You're not listening.

He's been asking questions again,

about why we're here.

I think he's trying to read my mind.

That's what these are for.

Eating his curds and whey.

Then came a big spider.

Which sat down beside her.

Miss Muffet...

Friends, I have good news for you today!

It's not about what you do.

It's not about your deeds.

You can't live up to God's rules.

He knows that you can't.

It's Ok, we're imperfect.

Make way, sir.

I said make way!

The new Quesalupa from Taco Bell!

Get it with chicken!

Get it with steak!

And with the cheese baked right in the shell,

it's the next big thing!

Go now while supplies last.

Who are you?

You know who I am.

You're the man who puts me to sleep.

We both could use some sleep.

No! No!

What are you doing to me?


Come on, now.

How long have I been here?

What are these?

You remember what they are.

The shots mellow the seizures.

The pills keep them from happening.

How about you blow on them

to make them safe?

Fuck off, Logan.

So you remember who I am now.

I always know who you are.

It's just sometimes I don't recognize you.

Take the pills.

You leave me alone with that fucking albino.

He doesn't listen to me.

I know a damn speciation when I see one.

A what?


New mutant, a young one.

There are forces trying to kill them.


They want help.

Forces, forces.

It's too bad you're not

in that business anymore.

They don't want me, they want you.

Oh yes,

that's how fucking stupid they are.

They're waiting for you

at the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty was a long

time ago Charles, a long time.

There are no new mutants.


Hasn't been a new one born in 25 years.

Not anywhere.

