木乃伊归来经典台词 木乃伊归来 The

本站作者 2023-11-16 11:22:00


Five thousand years ago,

a fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King

led a great army on a campaign

to conquer the known world.

After a vicious campaign

which lasted seven long years,

the Scorpion King and his army

were defeated

and driven deep into the sacred desert

of Ahm Shere.

One by one, they slowly perished

under the scorching sun

until only the great warrior himself

was left alive.

Near death,

the Scorpion King made a pact

with the dark god Anubis

that if Anubis would spare his life

and let him conquer his enemies,

he would give him his soul.

Anubis accepted his offer

and spared his life.

Anubis gave the Scorpion King

command of his army,

and like an evil flood,

they washed away all that lay before them.

When his task was done,

Anubis forced the Scorpion King

to serve him for all time.

His army was returned to the sands

from whence they came,

where they wait, silently,

to be awakened once again.


What were you thinking,

a mummy had come back to life?

I'll tell you a story sometime.

What are you doing down here?

I told you to wait for us up in the temple.

- But, Dad, I saw...

- No "buts."

It's dangerous down here, Alex.

- But I saw your tattoo.

- You saw what?

On a wall by the entrance.

There's a cartouche just like it.

With the pyramid and the eye

and the two kings and everything.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Okay, well, I'll be up to take a look

at that in a minute.

In the meantime,

I want you to wait for us up there.

But... But...

No, pick up your stuff,

and I'll see you up in the temple. Go.

- Go on.

- And... And what shall I do?

I don't know. Surprise me.

- Build a better mousetrap.

- Okay.

While your mother goes

and desecrates another tomb.

Go away.

- Those are poisonous, you know.

- Only if they bite you.

- What was all that about?

- Oh, nothing.

Alex wanted to show me something.

I swear,

the kid gets more

and more like you every day.

What, you mean more attractive,

sweet and devilishly charming?

No, he's driving me crazy.

Now, where were we?

Hammer and chisel.

- All right, all right! Let's do it your way.

- Thank you.

Ever since I had that dream,

this place is all I can think about.

Ever since you had that dream,

I haven't had a decent night of sleep.

I feel like I've been here before.

- I know I've been here before.

- Evy, nobody's been here before.

Not in at least 3,000 years.

Except for these guys.

Then how do I seem to know exactly

where I'm going?

Let's go.

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You two check out that stuff,

see if it's there.

I'll sort out the O'Connells.

You know, if you move that fast enough,

you can almost write your name.

I just had a vision.

It was...

It was like my dream, but it was real.

It was like I was actually here

in ancient times.

Well, if you actually were here,

could you show me how to open this thing?

Hold this.

- All right, now you're starting to scare me.

- Now I'm starting to scare myself.

What is this?

Look at the state of this rubbish.

Those Egyptians never had a clue.

It's all chintz and stuff.

Look at that.

Cheap pottery, this. Ancient rubbish.

- Jacques, something's hit me head!

- Shut up, Spivey. This place is cursed.

We do not want to wake the gods.

That's the emblem

of the Scorpion King.

He's supposed to be pure myth.

No... No trace of him

has ever been found before.

No artifacts, no archival evidence.

Maybe they didn't want anybody to find him.

Let's open this.

Evy, I don't have

a real good feeling about this.

It's only a chest.

No harm ever came from opening a chest.

Right, and no harm ever came

from reading a book.

- Remember how that went?

- We can't stop now.

Just remember,

I was the voice of reason here.

For once.

Rubbish. Rubbish. Dreck. Chintz.

Only half of this...

God, that hurt!

Hon? Let's do it your way.

The bracelet of Anubis.

I'll take care of this.

Oh, my God.

It's a bit late for that!

- Put it in your rucksack.

- I got a better idea. Let's leave it here.

- I think it's a bit late for that!

- What's it say?

"He who disturbs this bracelet

shall drink from the Nile."

That doesn't sound too bad.

Jacques's gonna make a nice fillet

out of you, my son.

- Oh, please. Please.

- Spivey! Jacques!

- Let's get the hell out of here!

- Come on!

Come on!


This is bad, Evy!

- We've had bad before!

- This is worse!

Mom, Dad, I can explain everything.

The Book of the Dead gives life.

And The Book of the Living

takes life away.

I thought that was my job.

We're getting close.

Did you acquire it?

We're getting very close.

We've found him.

We've found him! We've found him!

Step aside here. Out of the way!

Imhotep. It's him. It's Imhotep.

Now we must raise those that serve him.

Get out of my way.

Get out of my way,

or I'm gonna shoot you in the face.

He means it. He shot someone before.

- Give it to me.

- The opportunity passed us by.

We need that bracelet.

And we need it before it opens.


My dear Hafez,

I told you I should have handled it.

I did not want your past history

to cloud the issue.

We know where it is. We'll take care of it.

No, we'll take care of it.

I have a different chore for you now.

- Where is the bracelet?

- It's on its way to merry old London.

Then London is where we must go.

I think the bracelet is some sort of guide

to the lost oasis of Ahm Shere.

Evy, I know what you're thinking,

and the answer is no.

We just got home.

That's the beauty of it.

We're already packed.

Why don't you just give me

one good reason?

It's just an oasis, darling.

A beautiful, exciting,



The kind with the white, sandy beach

and the palm trees

and the cool, clear, blue water and...

We could have some of those big drinks

with the little umbrellas.

- Sounds good.

- Sounds too good.

What's the catch?

Supposedly it's the resting place

of Anubis's army.

See? I knew there's a catch.

There's always a catch.

And let me guess. It was commanded

by that Scorpion King guy?

Yes, but he only awakens

once every 5,000 years.

Right. And if someone doesn't kill him,

- he's gonna wipe out the world.

- How did you know?

I didn't. But that's always the story.

The last known expedition to actually

reach Ahm Shere was sent by Ramses IV

over 3,000 years ago.

- He sent over a thousand men.

- And none of them was ever seen again.

- How did you know?

- I didn't.

But that's always the story.

- Did I mention there was a pyramid of gold?

- Twice.

Alexander the Great

sent troops in search of it.

- Hooray for him.

- So did Caesar.

- Yeah, look what happened to his career.

- And Napoleon.

But we're smarter than him.

And taller, too.

- Exactly. That's why we're gonna find it.

- Because we're taller?

- That's why I love you.

- Nice try.


What do I do with this chest?

This sucker weighs a goddang ton.

Alex, watch your language!

Rather weighty, this.


Evy, that first weird dream of yours

was exactly six weeks ago, right?

I think so, yes.

But what's that got to do with anything?

It just happens to coincide

with Egyptian New Year.

Oh. That's right. What a coincidence.

Maybe. All I'm saying

is, let's be cautious.

