睡美人的台词 睡美人 Sleeping

本站作者 2023-11-26 15:23:00


I know you

I walked with you

once upon a dream

I know you

The gleam in your eyes

is so familiar a gleam

Yet I know it's true

That visions are seldom

all they seem

But if I know you

I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

The way you did

once upon a dream

In a faraway land

long ago...

lived a king

and his fair queen.

Many years had they

longed for a child,

and finally their wish

was granted.

A daughter was born,

and they called her Aurora.

Sweet Aurora

Yes, they named her

after the dawn,

for she filled their lives

with sunshine.

Then a great holiday was proclaimed

throughout the kingdom...

so that all of

high or low estate...

might pay homage

to the infant princess.

And our story begins

on that most joyful day.

On that joyful day

On that joyful day

Joyfully now

to our Princess we come

Bringing gifts

and all good wishes too

We pledge our loyalty anew

Hail to the Princess Aurora

All of her subjects

adore her

Hail to the King

Hail to the Queen

Hail to the Princess Aurora

Health to the Princess

Wealth to the Princess

Long live the Princess Aurora

Hail Aurora

Hail Aurora

Health to the Princess

Wealth to the Princess

Long live the Princess Aurora

Hail to the King

Hail to the Queen

Hail to the Princess Aurora

Thus, on this great

and joyous day...

did all the kingdom celebrate

the long-awaited royal birth.

And good King Stefan and his queen

made welcome their lifelong friend.

Their Royal Highnesses,

King Hubert

and Prince Phillip!

Fondly had these monarchs

dreamed one day...

their kingdoms to unite.

Thus, today would they announce

that Phillip, Hubert's son and heir,

to Stefan's child

would be betrothed.

And so to her

his gift he brought...

and looked unknowing

on his future bride.

Their most honored

and exalted excellencies,

the Three Good Fairies!

Mistress Flora,

Mistress Fauna...

and Mistress Merryweather!

- Oh!

- Oh!

- The little darling.

- Your Majesties.

- Your Majesties.

- Your Majesties.

Each of us the child

may bless with a single gift,

no more, no less.

Little Princess,

my gift shall be

the gift of beauty.

One gift

Beauty rare

Gold of sunshine

In her hair

Lips that shame

the red, red rose

She'll walk with springtime

Wherever she goes

Tiny Princess,

my gift shall be

the gift of song.

One gift

The gift of song

Melody her whole life long

The nightingale's

her troubadour

Bringing his sweet serenade

to her door

Sweet Princess,

my gift shall be the--

- Why, it's Maleficent.

- What does she want here?

- Shh!

Well, quite a glittering

assemblage, King Stefan.

Royalty, nobility,

the gentry, and--

How quaint.

Even the rabble.

I really felt quite distressed

at not receiving an invitation.

- You weren't wanted.

- Not wa--

Oh, dear, what

an awkward situation.

I had hoped it was merely due

to some oversight.

Well, in that event,

I'd best be on my way.

And you're not offended,

Your Excellency?

Why, no, Your Majesty.

And to show

I bear no ill will,

I, too, shall bestow

a gift on the child.

Listen well, all of you.

The Princess shall indeed

grow in grace and beauty,

beloved by all who know her.


before the sun sets on

her sixteenth birthday,

she shall prick her finger

on the spindle of a spinning wheel...

and die.

Oh, no!

Seize that creature!

Stand back, you fools!

Don't despair, Your Majesties.

Merryweather still

has her gift to give.

Then she can undo

this fearful curse?

Oh, no, Sire.

Maleficent's powers

are far too great.

But she can help.

- But--

- Just do your best, dear.

Yes, go on.

Sweet Princess,

if through this

wicked witch's trick...

a spindle should

your finger prick,

a ray of hope there

still may be in this,

the gift I give to thee.

Not in death,

but just in sleep...

the fateful prophecy

you'll keep.

And from this slumber

you shall wake...

when true love's kiss

the spell shall break.

For true love

Conquers all

But King Stefan, still fearful

of his daughter's life,

did then and there decree that every

spinning wheel in the kingdom...

should on that very day

be burned.

So 'twas done.

Oh, silly fiddle-faddle!

Now, come have

a nice cup of tea, dear.

I'm sure it'll

work out somehow.

Well, a bonfire

won't stop Maleficent.

Of course not.

But what will?

- Well, perhaps if we reason with her.

- Reason?

- With Maleficent?

- Well, she can't be all bad.

Oh, yes, she can!

Ooh, I'd like to turn her

into a fat, old hoptoad.

Now, dear, that isn't

a very nice thing to say.

Besides, we can't. You know

our magic doesn't work that way.

It can only do good, dear,

to bring joy and happiness.

Well, that would

make me happy.

But there must be some way.

- There is!

- There is?

- What is it, Flora?

- I'm going to--

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh!

Even walls have ears.

Follow me.

I'll turn her into a flower.

- Maleficent?

- Oh, no, dear. The Princess.

Oh, she'd make

a lovely flower.

Don't you see? A flower

can't prick its finger.

- It hasn't any.

- That's right.

- She'll be perfectly safe.

- Until Maleficent sends a frost.

Yes! Eh-- Oh, dear.

She always ruins

your nicest flowers.

You're right. And she'll be

expecting us to do something like that.

Oh! Well, what won't she expect?

She knows everything.

Oh, but she doesn't, dear.

Maleficent doesn't know

anything about love...

or kindness or the joy

of helping others.

You know, sometimes I don't

think she's really very happy.

That's it! Of course.

It's the only thing she can't

understand and won't expect.

Now, now, now, we'll have

to plan it carefully.

Let's see. The woodcutter's cottage.

Yes, yes, the abandoned one.

Of course, the King

and Queen will object.

But when we explain

it's the only way--

Explain what?

About the three peasant women

raising a foundling child...

deep in the forest.

- Oh? Oh, that's very nice of them.

- Who are they?

Turn around.

- Eww!

- Why, it's us!

- Uh-huh.

- You mean, "we" us?

- Uh-huh.

- Take care of the baby?

- Why not?

- Oh, I'd like that!

Well, y-yes, but w-w-we'd

have to feed it a--

And wash it and dress it

and rock it to sleep.

- Oh, I'd love it.

- Do you really think we can?

If humans can do it,

so can we.

- And we'd have our magic to help us.

- That's right.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

No magic!

I'll take those wands

right now.

Oh, better get rid

of those wings too.

You mean live like mortals?

For sixteen years?

