
本站作者 2023-12-26 22:20:00



1. squeak

a very short high sound or cry 嘎吱声;短促的尖叫声

I heard the squeak of his shoes on the tiled floor. 我听到他的鞋子踩在铺了地砖的地板上吱吱地响。

Annie gave a squeak of surprise. 安妮惊讶地发出一声尖叫。

2. creak

a long high sound that something makes when someone opens it, walks on it, sits on it etc - used especially about a door, wooden floor, bed, or stairs〔尤指门、木地板、床或楼梯受力后发出的〕嘎吱声

the creak of floorboards 木地板的嘎吱声

The door opened with a creak. 门吱呀一声开了。

3. screech

a loud, long, unpleasantly high sound - used especially about someone's voice, or about brakes, tyres etc 尖锐刺耳的声音 (尤指某人的嗓音、或刹车、轮胎等发出的声音)

There was a screech of tyres followed by a bang. 轮胎发出吱的一声,紧接着砰地爆了。

She let out a screech of horror. 她发出惊恐的尖叫。

4. beep(also 又作 bleep BrE【英】)

a high electronic sound that a machine sends out, especially in

order to attract someone's attention 〔机器发出的)哔哔声

You'll hear a bleep when the photocopier's finished printing. 复印机结束复印时会发出哔的一声。


5. hum

a quiet low continuous sound, especially from electrical equipment, traffic, an engine, or people's conversation 嗡嗡声〔尤指电子设备、


The only sound was the faint hum of the air-conditioning unit. 唯一的声音是空调细小的嗡嗡声。

He could hear the hum of distant traffic. 他听得到远处的车流声。

6. rustle

a continuous quiet sound from papers, leaves, or clothes when they rub together〔纸张、树叶或衣服摩擦发出的)沙沙声,窸窣声

She heard the rustle of dried leaves behind her. 她听到身后干枯的树叶在沙沙作响。

the rustle of silk dresses 真丝礼服的窸窣声

7. murmur

a quiet low continuous sound, especially from people's voices that are far away 低语声

The murmur of voices died away. 低语声渐渐消失。

They spoke in a low murmur. 他们轻声低语。

8. rumble

a series of long low sounds, especially from big guns, traffic, or THUNDER〔尤指大炮、车流或雷电的〕隆隆声

I heard a rumble of thunder. 我听到雷声隆隆。

the low rumble of a train approaching 火车开近时低沉的轰鸣声


9. splash

the sound that a liquid makes when something hits it, or when it hits against another thing〔液体的) 溅泼声,飞溅声

She jumped into the pool with a big splash. 她跳进了游泳池,发出很响的扑通声。

the splash of the waves against the rocks 海浪拍打岩石的哗哗声

10. gurgle

the low sound that water makes when it flows gently over or through something〔水流的)汩汩声

the gurgle of a stream 溪水的汩汩声

She listened to the gurgle as the water drained out of the bath. 她听着水汩汩地从浴缸中流走。

11. plop

the sudden short sound when something is dropped into a liquid〔物体落入液体的)扑通声

Kate dropped the ice into her glass with a plop. 凯特扑通一声把冰块扔进她的杯子里。


12. hiss

a continuous high sound when air or gas comes out of something〔空气或气体泄出时发出的)咝咝声

There was a hiss of steam from the coffee machine. 咖啡机咝咝地冒着蒸汽。

Workers reported hearing a loud hiss moments before the explosion. 工人报告说爆炸之前听到了很响的咝咝声。


13. bang

a short sudden loud noise made by a gun, bomb etc〔枪炮、炸弹等发出的〕巨响,砰

There was a loud bang as the bomb exploded. 砰的一声巨响,炸弹爆炸了。

The firework went off with a bang. 烟花砰的一声炸响了。

14. boom

a very loud sound from an explosion, which you can hear for several seconds after it begins〔爆炸发出的)隆隆声

The building exploded into rubble with a loud boom. 大楼随着轰然一声巨响被炸成了废墟。

The boom of artillery fire echoed in the distance. 炮火的轰鸣声在远处回荡。

15. roar

a continuous very loud noise that gets louder and continues for a long time〔越来越响的持久〕轰鸣声,隆隆声

The light was followed by the deafening roar of explosions. 火光之后紧接着便是震耳欲聋的爆炸声。

the roar of the ship's guns 船上枪炮的轰鸣声


16. bang

a loud sound caused especially when something hard or heavy hits something else (尤指硬物或重物撞击其他物体时发出的) 巨响, 砰

I heard a loud bang and rushed out to see what had happened. 我听到砰的一声巨响,赶紧冲出去看看是怎么回事。

He slammed the door shut with a bang. 他砰的一声摔上门。

17. crash

a very loud sound caused when something hits something else, especially when damage is caused 碰撞声,碎裂声

The tray of dishes fell to the floor with a crash. 那一托盘的碟子哗啦一声掉落在地上。

I heard an enormous crash outside our house, and I went to see what had happened.


18. thud

a quiet low sound made when a heavy object falls down onto surface〔重物落到地面上发出的)闷响

There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor. 箱子撞到地上,发出一声闷响。

His head hit the ground with a sickening thud. 他的头撞在地板上,发出一声让人揪心的闷响。

19. thump

a dull loud sound made when a heavy object hits something else〔重物撞击其他物体时发出的)闷响

There was a loud thump as Eddie threw Luther back against the wall. 嘭的一下,埃迪把卢瑟猛推回墙边。

20. clink

a short ringing sound made when two glass, metal, or china objects hit each other〔玻璃, 金属或瓷器碰撞时发出的〕叮当声

the clink of champagne glasses 香槟酒杯的叮叮当当

The clink of cutlery could be heard in the restaurant. 在饭店里,可以听到餐具相碰的叮当声。

21. tinkle

the pleasant sound that is made by light pieces of glass or metal hitting each other repeatedly〔轻巧的玻璃或金属物品互相撞击发出的)丁零声,叮当声

He listened to the faint tinkle of cow bells in the distance. 他听着远处传来依稀的牛铃声。

22. jingle

the sound of small metal objects being shaken together〔小的金属物品晃动时发出的)丁零声

the jingle of her bracelets 她的手镯叮当作响

the jingle of keys 钥匙的叮当声

23. rattle

a short repeated sound made when things hit against each other - used especially when part of something is loose and is hitting against


There was a strange rattle coming from the engine. 引擎发出一种奇怪的咔咔声

the rattle of the trolley 有轨电车的咔嗒声

