隐藏人物 台词 隐藏人物 Hidden

本站作者 2024-01-01 20:59:00

隐藏人物 台词

Translation and subtitles by



West Virginia

Collegiate Institute

is the best school for

Negros in the state.

It's the only school

past the eighth grade

anywhere near here.






Katherine's in the sixth grade.

They want to take her early.



They're offering

a full scholarship.

All you have to do is get there.

Ms. Coleman...

why don't you solve

the equation on the board?

We took up a collection

amongst the teachers and such.

It's not a lot...

but it's enough

to help get you settled in.

That's more than kind,

Ms. Sumner.

If the product of two terms

is zero then common sense says

at least one of the two terms

has to be zero to start with.

So if you move all the

terms over to one side,

you can put the

quadratics into a form

that can be factored...

allowing that side

of the equation

to equal zero.

Once you've done that,

it's pretty straightforward

from there.

In all my years of teaching.

I've never seen a mind like

the one your daughter has.


Hurry on now, love.

You have to go.

Let Mama tuck you in.

You have to see

what she becomes.


try to turn it over now.





Quit staring off into space

and turn the damn car over.

I got it.

I'm not deaf.

I wonder sometimes.

Here it goes.

Yeah, it's the starter.

That is definitely the starter.

This starter is starting

to make us late.

We are all gonna

end up unemployed...

riding around in this pile

of junk to work every day.

You're welcome

to walk the 16 miles.

Or sit in the back of the bus.

I won't do neither.

I'll hitchhike.


No crime in a

broken-down car.

No crime being Negro neither.

Button it up, Mary.

Nobody wants to go to jail

behind your mouth.

I'll do my best, sugar.

Not a great place for three

of y'all be having car trouble.

We didn't pick the place,

Officer. It picked us.

You being disrespectful?

No, sir.

You have identification on you?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

We're just on our way to work...

at Langley.

NASA, sir.

We do a great deal

of the calculating.

Getting our

rockets into space.

All three of you?

Yes, sir.

Yes, Officer.


Now that's something.

I had no idea they hired...

There are quite a few women

working in the space program.

Damn Russians are

watching us right now.


You girls ever

meet those astronauts?

Mercury Seven?


Uh, yes, sir. We work with those

gentlemen all the time.

Those boys are the best

we got. I'm sure of that.



We gotta get a man up

there before the commies do.



Whole damn country's

counting on them.

That's for certain.

Hard being of

service broken down

on the side of the road,


Right, right.

Well, do y'all need a tow

or something?

No, thank you, Officer.

I think I got it.

Just give me my...

Just need to bypass the starter.

She's good at this stuff.

Whoo! Attagirl.

We're all set.

Well, hell, least I can do

is give y'all an escort.

I imagine you're

running late to work.

No, sir. We wouldn't

wanna bother you.

That would be

wonderful, Officer.

Thank you so much, sir.

Follow me.

I'm driving.

Hurry up, Dorothy,

before he changes his mind.

- We're coming.

- Hold your horses.


Whoa, slow down, Mary!

Mary, slow down!

You're too close!

Be quiet.

He said to follow him.

He didn't mean up his behind!

Dear Lord, I don't even

know where to begin!

Oh, I'll tell you

where to begin.

Three Negro women are

chasing a white police officer

down the highway

in Hampton, Virginia...


Ladies, that there

is a God-ordained miracle.

And, tomorrow,

I'm riding the bus.

I'm moving over

I'm on a sidewalk

I'm going over

Lift off

is good. Trajectory is stable.

Show me.

No, exactly.

40.349110 degrees North.

Ascent angle 46.56.


7,400 miles per hour.

118 seconds.

Boosters have disengaged.

Second stage success.

Of junk-Sputnik 4 is orbital.

Orbital entry is established.

Russian orbital entry

is established.

Jim Webb.

Yes, Mr. President.

We certainly are, sir.

Uh, it looks like

they've achieved

at least one orbit, maybe two.

Chernushka is ready to go again.

So is our comrade, Ivan,

a brave space traveler.

We have proven life can

be sustained in space.

Now we will be first

to send a human.

A damn dog and a damn mannequin.

And then, a 1.6 megaton RDS-37

thermonuclear warhead...

drops down in the middle

of Des Moines.

Well, that's

a pretty big jump, sir.


Just that...

Who the hell is he?

Paul Stafford, our lead

engineer, Mr. Webb.

I think what he meant to say...

is that speculation,

at least on our side of the equation...

by definition can be...

just a little dangerous.


You know what's dangerous,

Mr. Stafford?

Inaction and indecision.

The Russians

have a spy satellite

lapping the planet,

taking pictures

of God knows what!

The President is demanding

an immediate response.

No more delay.

Alan Shepard, John Glenn,

your uncle Bob,

it doesn't matter.

Get us up there, Harrison.

We can't justify a space program

that doesn't put

anything in space.

