
本站作者 2024-01-05 05:50:00


If you see it, it's terrible.

It doesn't affect me, except it makes a bad odor.


Hey you guys!

Let's go!

We got the board.

Stop them!

Do not stop!

Make them stop!


Stop That's not your board!

Come on!


Give it back!


Hey clown head!

Come on!

Beat him up! Come on!


Come on!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Is this just me ...

Or getting crazy out there.

This is clearly tense.

Disappointed people.

The struggle, looking for work.

This is a hard time.

How about you?

You keep your journal?

Yes ma'am.


Do you take it with you?

Arthur. Last time, I asked you to bring your journal, but was disappointed.

Can I see it?

I use it as a journal.

But also as a joke diary.

Funny thoughts, or or quotes.

I think I told you I was pursuing a career in comedy.

No, you are not there.

I think I exist.

I just hope my death makes more sense than my life.

How does it feel to have to come here?

Does that help? Is there someone to talk to?

I think I'm better when I'm locked in the hospital.

And think more about ...

Why are you locked?

Who knows.

I just wanted to ask the doctor if I could ask for additional treatment.

Arthur, you're on 7 kinds of medicine.

Surely they must have a reaction.

I just want to feel not too bad anymore.

I'm not bothering him. Stop it.

It's okay, I have a card ..


Hapi, can you check the letter, when you're there.

Yes ma'am.

No, nothing.

Authorities say the city was attacked by a herd of rats.

And now we fight mice.

You stopped taking my letter.

Thomas Wayne.

Is he the one.

Please ... I walked down the aisle for years.

At least you can fight back.

I can't, I'm tired.


You have to eat.

Look how thin you are.

He became a great mayor. Everyone says that.

Oh, yes. I guess too.

Who are you talking to?

Everyone on the news.

He is the only one who can save the city.

He owes it to us.

Sit here honey.


From the NCB studio

In the city of Gotham, this is direct.

With Murray Franklin

Tonight we welcome comedians

Murray Franklin

We have a great audience tonight.

Wow, thank you, thank you.


So everyone heard about super mice in Gotham, right?

Today, the mayor says he has a solution, are you ready for this?

Super cat.

Seriously, I mean ... I love you, Murray!

I love you too.

Hey Bobby, can turn on the light.

Who is that? Is that you? Do you want to stand up, please?

Stand up.


Hi Murray. Arthur.

Arthur./My name is Arthur.

Okay, there's something special with you Arthur, I know.

Where are you from? / I live here in this city.

With my mother.

Okay, wait, wait, there's something funny about that.

I lived with my mother before, I succeeded.

Only me and him. My father went to buy a packet of cigarettes.

And he never returned.

I know how Murray feels.

I've been home for as long as I can remember.

I take good care of my mother.

All of those sacrifices, he must really love you.

He really is.

He always tells me to smile and show a happy face.

He says I'm prettier spreading happiness and laughter.

I like it, I like it very much, come here.

Come on, tonight you have to go down.

Come on! Come on!

Okay, we have a big show tonight.

Stay put, we will be back soon.

That's great Arthur.

Thanks. I can't say a word, it makes my day beautiful.

Thank you friend.

You see all this, the light, the show, the audience, all of that stuff,

I'll leave it in a moment to a kid like you.

Hello, Miss. Hey, how are you?

One more day in a crazy city.

You will come back?

You are okay?

I heard about the beating you experienced.

Basic savage

They are just a group of children, just leave them alone.

No, they will take everything from you if you do that.

All crazy things out there.

They are animals.

Hi guys.

You know what.

What is this.


It is for you.

You have to protect yourself out there.

Otherwise you will be harmed.



It is okay.

Nobody must know.

You can pay me anytime.

You know you're a good girl.

Arthur. Hoyt wants to meet you in his office.

You know what I always think?

No, I do not know.

You call it miniature golf, or just golf for you?

Hello Hoyt.

Gary said you want to see me.

How about comedy? Are you famous?

Not yet, still working on my material.

Do not say. There is a big one. See.

I like you Arthur, many think you're weird, but I like you.

I don't even know why I like you.

But I have a complaint.

Begins to upset me. Kenny Music.

Uh, the person said you disappeared.

Not yet returned the sign.

because I was robbed.

Didn't you hear?

The sign. That is bullshit.

Does not make sense.

Return the sign.

He will go bankrupt, for the sake of Arthur.

I do not know, sorry.

How could I know why nobody did anything?

If you don't return the sign, I have to take it from your salary.

Are we clear?

Look, I'm trying to help you.

Okay, let me tell you something else.

There are men who do not feel comfortable.

Wait for me, wait!



This building is bad, huh?

This building is bad, mom.

