夜访吸血鬼台词 英语(夜访吸血鬼 英文精句赏析)

本站作者 2024-01-23 01:01:00

夜访吸血鬼台词 英语


Our life there was both luxurious and primitive. And we ourselves found it extremely attractive. You see, we lived far better there than we could have ever lived in France. Perhaps the sheer wilderness of Louisiana only made it seem so, but seeming so, it was. I remember the imported furniture that cluttered the house." The vampire smiled. "And the harpsichord; that was lovely. My sister used to play it. On summer evenings, she would sit at the keys with her back to the open French windows. And I can still remember that thin, rapid music and the vision of the swamp rising beyond her, the moss-hung cypresses floating against the sky. And there were the sounds of the swamp, a chorus of creatures, the cry of the birds. I think we loved it. It made the rosewood furniture all the more precious, the music more delicate and desirable. Even when the wisteria tore the shutters oft the attic windows and worked its tendrils right into the whitewashed brick in less than a year.... Yes, we loved it. All except my brother. I don't think I ever heard him complain of anything, but I knew how he felt. My father was dead then, and I was head of the family and I had to defend him constantly from my mother and sister. They wanted to take him visiting, and to New Orleans for parties, but he hated these things. I think he stopped going altogether before he was twelve. Prayer was what mattered to him, prayer and his leather-bound lives of the saints.


Our life (there) was (both) luxurious and primitive.

luxurious(adj.=形容词词性)奢侈的, ous是形容词后缀 ,是奢侈luxury的变形



句子的主干: Our life was luxurious and primitive.该句为主系表(n.+be动词+表语)结构


And we (ourselves) found it (extremely) attractive.




attractive作形容词词性,同时在这里作补语,即宾语it的补语,宾语与其后的成分之间存在着逻辑上的主谓或主表关系,为宾语宾补,因为这句话中,it is attractive是逻辑和语义都是成立的,所以it和attractive不是双宾语关系,

4. found it attractive:find sb sth

句子主干:And we found it attractive.



