
本站作者 2024-02-01 13:04:00


I've grown old.

It's so long since I last

dreamed of the Duke of Zhou.

My ideals of ethics, music,

humanity and harmony

can be fulfilled only

in times to come.

Is it Master Kong Qiu,

the mayor of Zhongdu?


Kindly follow me.

Master Kong, you may bow inside.

Announcing Master Kong Qiu,

the mayor of Zhongdu.

His Majesty arrives.

Kong Qiu, you're here.

Your humble servant Kong Qiu

greets Your Majesty.

Kong Qiu,

you've been mayor of Zhongdu

for about a year now.

Many things have changed.

Streets are safe,

homes are secure.

Your Majesty,

as your humble servant has said of

observing the rituals of Zhou,

a year shows progress,

3 years would show much more.

I'd like to see

your policies applied

throughout the Kingdom of Lu!

I have no position,

it is not for me to say.

This could be easily rectified.

I'll appoint you to

the right position.

Lord Ji Yiru has just died.

His oldest son Ji Sunsi

has become Prime Minister

and Chief General of the Army.

But the post of

Minister of Law is vacant.

The 3 Noble Families

all have their own nominees.

But I'm inclined to appoint you.

I cannot presume to be worthy.

I will support you!

You and your disciples

could civilize the Kingdom of Lu.

You could challenge those

you've called unworthy

in the past.

Do you dare?

Run! Hurry up!

Run! Hurry up!

My Lord, a burial slave

has just escaped!

What? Who is it?

The late lord's favorite

young servant,

Qi Sigong!

That little boy.

My father ordered that

this boy would be buried

with him! Get him back!


This way... Stop!

There he is. Stop...


This boy! Stop!

Over there! Poisoned-arrow...

Master, help me...

Teacher, in your opinion,

could the Kingdom of

Lu grow stronger

by emulating the Dukedom of Qi?

Your Majesty,

the people of Qi obey the law

because they fear punishment.

If we respect the law

because we're civil, honest

and have integrity and dignity,

isn't that much better?

When honorable and credible men

are given office,

theft and corruption

will disappear.

Men who care for

their parents and children

also care for others.

Men should perform their duties while

women would be given a home and family.

Then orphans and widows,

the old, the sick

and the weak would

be taken care of.

Then the people will

live well and work cheerfully.

Universal peace

and harmony will reign!


Don't close it!

Let me out! Lift the stone!

Don't close it...

Prepare the meal.

Men should love their parents

and children indiscriminately...

Then the old would be taken care of,

and the strong would

apply their skills.

Your father has returned.

How do you know?

I heard his voice.

He'll be surprised

I've brought you to see him.

Hurry, take this to him.

Father. You're back.

You've been gone for half the day!

Mother and I've been waiting.

You haven't eaten yet?

You must be hungry.

Don't be afraid. Who are you?

I... I'm Qi Sigong.



Yan Hui, bring a doctor, quickly.

I will. Hurry, call for a doctor.

What's this all about?

Master, as I came here,

Ji Family troops were

chasing this boy.

So I rescued him.

He was a burial-slave.

The Ji Family soldiers

want him back.

Master, let's avoid trouble.

I can leave him with my brother-in-law

in the Kingdom of Wei.

This might be better for everyone.

No, Zilu, he can stay here.

Helping others is a measure of bravery.

Then Lord Ji Sunsi

will be furious.

Zilu, you did the right thing.


What do you think you're doing?

Who are you?

General Gongshan Niu of

the city of Biyi.

Search the house!

General Gongshan!


Kong Qiu. What do you want?

It is reported that

the Minister's escaped slave

is hiding here.

If you don't turn him

over to us now,

it may damage your relations

with the Minister!

Minister Kong, a word in private.

Minister Kong, I too despise the

arrogance of the 3 Noble Families.

Today I can report that

I found nothing.

You and I should be friends

and partners.

Drive out the Noble Families

and rule the kingdom ourselves.

Tell me.

What do you think?

Our roads are different.

General, it's getting late,

you should be on your way.


My lords and ministers,

everyone has come to

observe the Winter Sacrifice.

But before we can begin,

a strange occurrence

demands explanation.

Yesterday, the officer responsible

for the sacrifice of birds

reported that one of

the 10 pheasants

prepared for the ceremony

had pecked off its own tail!

So today I must seek your

exalted opinion.

Ought we to cancel the ceremony?

Or delay?

I wish to speak.

Speak, Shu Sunwu.

In my opinion,

since the Winter Sacrifice marks

the most important sacrifice at year-end,

it must not be delayed nor canceled!

We address the gods

through this ceremony

the omen reflects a message

from Heaven.

Therefore, the pheasant should be

spared from sacrifice.

Otherwise we would

disrespect heaven.

We must obey the will of heaven

and allow this bird to live.


Kong Qiu, what is your view?

Your Majesty,

your humble servant fully

agrees with Lord Shu's opinion.

Then you ministers?

Your humble servants also

agree with the Ministers' opinions.

Since all are in

agreement, so be it!

Let the pheasant be released

into the mountain forests.


Your Majesty, your humble servant

wishes to speak.


I request

an end to the evil ritual of

burying living servants

with their deceased masters.

Kong Qiu.

Why do you make such a request?

Because today your humble servant

is pleading for this slave's life!

Which slave?



Isn't that the slave

who ran away from your home?

Kong Qiu!

He was my family's slave.

You brazenly took him

into your house!

How dare you?


Minister, please pardon him.

