怎样问候出差的朋友 如何用英语和朋友、同事互相问候

本站作者 2023-06-16 20:50:00


”How are you?" "Fine think you and you?",虽然算不上什么天雷滚滚的句式,但是老外表示他们从来不会这样跟朋友打招呼。


How to Greet People in English Without Sounding Weird



“How are you today?”


“I'm fine, thank you, and you?”


“How do you do?”


Here are the native greetings you must know:

“How's it going?”


This is asking the same question as “How are you?”. Respond by saying: “Yeah, it's good, you?”

这和问“How are you?”一样。以“嗯不错,你呢?”回答。

Notice that you don't say “I'm good”. You say “It's good.” This is because it is referring to the situation. It--the situation--is good.


You can also respond: “Not bad.” Or you can repeat this phrase: “Not bad, not bad.”


Remember: not bad = good.


It sounds weird but trust me, if someone says that something is “not bad”, they are being positive.


British English speakers often say that they are well by saying that things are not bad.


Quick tip: if you are in Britain, or talking with British people, and you have had a bad day, let them know. Here are some appropriate responses to the question “How's it going?” if you've had a bad day and you are British:


?“Pretty shit, to be honest.”




?“I'm having such a bad day.”


“What's up?” and “Sup?”


“What's up?” is American-influenced, but young British people use it a lot. You can turn the phrase into one word: “Sup?”

“What's up?” 是带有美国影响的,但是年轻英国人经常用它。你可以把这个短语简化成一个词: “Sup?”

You can use more than one greeting in a sentence:


1: “What's up, man, how's it going?”

1: “怎么样,朋友,进展如何?”

2: “Yeah, it's good, thanks, what's up with you?”


Here is an example conversation between two friends who haven't seen each other for a long time:

Person 1: “What's up, man, long time no see.”

角色1: “最近怎么样,兄弟,好久不见。”

Person 2: “How's it going, my friend?’


Person 1: “Yeah, it's good, you?”


Person 2: “Not bad, not bad. You okay?”


Let's look at the different meanings of “What's up?” and the correct responses.

让我们来看一下“What's up?”的不同含义以及正确的回答

1.It's a greeting. “What's up?” can mean “hello” in an informal way. The best response is to also say “What's up?” in return.

问候“What's up?”可以表示一种非正式的“你好”。这是最好的回答也是“What's up?”

2.It also means, “How are you?” But the speaker doesn't usually expect to know exactly how you are. The best response is “Not much.” E.g:


Them: “What's up?”


You: “Not much. You?”


“How's it hanging?”

Another variation on “How's it going?” This phrase is American slang.

“How's it going?”的另一个变形是:“How's it going?” 这是一个美国俚语。


This phrase is used a lot in Northern England. It translates to “Hello.” The appropriate response to “Alright?” is “Alright.” Try raising your eyebrows a little and nodding your head when you say it.


“What have you been up to?”

“What ya been up to?” and “What've ya been up to?” are also used and mean the same thing. Appropriate responses are anything that explains what you have done, e.g.:

“What ya been up to?” 或者“What've ya been up to?”经常也用被使用并有相同的含义。任何解释你做了什么的回答都是合适的。

“Well, yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends, and I've been studying a lot. What about you?”


You don't have to say exactly what you've been up to. Instead, you can just say “This and that,” or “Ah, you know, same old, same old,” or “Bits and bobs.”


Here's an example conversation between two friends:

1: “Alright? How's it going?”


2: “Alright. Yeah, not bad. What ya been up to?”


1: “Ah, you know, this and that. Same old, same old. You?”


2: “Yeah, not much. Lots of school work, bits and bobs.”

2: “对呀,没啥。挺多作业,零碎事情的。”

“Catch ya later”

This is something you can say instead of “goodbye” at the end of speaking with a friend. It basically means ‘see you soon’ and can be used like this:


“Alright, mate. Good seeing ya. Catch ya later. Take care, yeah.”


Another way to say goodbye is “Cheerio.” It's quite old-fashioned, but sounds friendly and fun!


I hope this has helped and you found it interesting! Next time you need to greet an English speaker, try using any of these words. Let me know in the comments about any interesting ways to greet people in your language!


