
本站作者 2024-07-21 10:08:00


【#生日祝福语# #生日祝福语中英文对照(精选64条)#】through the long years of long, get out of, is mother warm heart! Happy birthday~~关于这个还有哪些句子?


1、love to relatives and friends! Today is your birthday, please put the heart to

2、is said that years ago today, have a very lovely angel reborn in the world came

3、w that something is called a memo, it remember everything, ha ha. Happy

4、or disagree, I will be waiting for; You want to or don't want to, will not

5、wish our blessing is the source of your happiness.

6、change my love for you; You love or not love, my heart is love; Share the rest

7、friends forever! Today is your birthday, SMS send birthday wishes!

8、the most extraordinary day, hope you can happy. Willing to sweet cakes you sweet

9、will haunt you.

10、今天是你的生日,我祝福你一周七喜,百事可乐,万事芬达!today is your birthday, I wish you a week 7 up,

11、愿快乐的歌声,时刻围绕着你,使你的人生充满着幸福喜悦,永浴于无止尽的欢乐年华!生日快乐!may the joy of singing, always

12、在你生日的这一天,将快乐的音符,作为礼物送给你,愿您拥有个美丽的日子,衷心地祝福你--生日快乐!in your birthday this day,

13、everything goes well.

14、在你的生日到来之际,诚挚地献上我的三个祝愿:一愿你身体健康;二愿你幸福快乐;三愿你万事如意。in your birthday is coming,

15、seconds, has to the front, open the phone, let your heart be glad, can you good

16、today, happy at this time, all the luck to get, laughter laughter, wanli waves

17、too old, send you flowers too obtrusive, send your new little cake, send you

18、生日短信祝福你,吉星日日照着你,财神天天撵着你,健康时时陪着你,幸福分分伴着你,快乐秒秒缠着你。bless you, 16th birthday,

19、亲爱的朋友,生日快乐!感动于我还记得你的生日?呵呵,不要太感动了,现在有种东西叫做备忘录的嘛,它什么都记得,呵呵。生日快乐哦!dear friend,

20、what did you sent me last year? As the year before, "he said. The girl

21、你同意或者不同意,我都会等待;你想或者不想,我对你的情不会变;你爱或者不爱,我的心里都是爱;今生今世不离不弃;祝生日快乐!do you agree


22、gold combination affection! I wish a happy birthday!

23、流星带着祝福划过天宇,萤火虫带着祝福点亮黑夜,我的短信带着祝福穿透时空,虽然不在你身边,我一直把你惦念,衷心祝你生日快乐!meteor with

24、birthday, my friend, happy birthday.

25、candle for you to say "happy birthday to you", but I think you will feel my

26、cloud is water stray. Always remember to water hometown's birthday, the cloud

27、liquid daily always call the cloud of attachment.

28、spontaneous temperament. You are a trickle, moistens our hearts... Happy

29、生命只有一次,愿你把一世的幸福抓牢。生日只有一天,愿你时刻开心每分每秒。祝福只有一条,给你一个健康平安的金钟罩!生日快乐!life only have

30、with you, I firmly in mind your profound friendship. On this special day, I put

31、sincere blessing, wish you have more health and happiness in the future, the

32、than thousands of words, when a ring in your birthday, don't forget my blessing,

33、Pepsi, everything fenda!

34、flower, youth someone kua, really happy birthday, cause the horse.

35、Look look, my memories; The sway of the bright moon is your gentle eyes in eyes.

36、once, wishing you a grip on life-long happiness. Birthday only one day, I wish

37、words, I don't have a precious gift, I didn't move, I only in good faith for you

38、laugh sweet honey, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze, open in the

39、愿你生命中的愿望都能得到实现--生日快乐!may wish can be true in your life - happy

40、用我的祝福为你点亮生日的烛光,用我的问候装点你甜蜜的快乐,愿温馨伴你在每一个幸福的时刻,微笑甜甜度生活,衷心地道一声:生日快乐!with my

41、You must be proud joy? Should such. I wish you a happy birthday greatly!

42、implement the spirit, advancing with The Times, make persistent efforts, as soon


43、blessing to light up the birthday candle for you, with my regards to decorate

44、眼看你生日来到,却不知送你啥好,送你贺卡稍嫌老套,送你鲜花太过招摇,送你蛋糕新意太少,送你短信真情闪耀,满含温馨祝福环绕。生日快乐!soon come

45、person you love to see: let the sun and the moon adds your maturity and charm,


47、我不用甜言蜜语,我没有贵重礼物,我没有惊人的举动,我只有诚心诚意地为你送上一份关怀,简单的跟你说句:生日快乐!I don't need sweet

48、message the truth shine, full of warm wishes. Happy birthday!

49、to the earth. Her beautiful talented dexterity. After for years after the

50、is so romantic, full of poetic, only hope that your health and beauty, every day


52、send you a birthday cake! As for is you so happy? Still want want call to my

53、走过重重生命的关隘,走过漫漫岁月的长河,走不出的,是母亲温暖的心田!祝妈妈生日快乐!the pass through many lives,

54、sweet life, say it sincerely happy birthday!

55、remember, whether very surprise, how can forget your birthday! On this special

56、the poor are all tired, poor leaves the mouth; Generous clockwork information: I

57、day, say to you, happy birthday!

58、universiade wishing you a happy birthday!

59、wish you a happy birthday!

60、娇艳的鲜花,已为你开放;美好的日子,已悄悄来临。祝你生日快乐!delicate and charming flowers, has been open

61、around you, make your life full of happiness, forever the bath in endless joy

62、peace, carnation contains happiness, moral primrose, longevity and health. Today

63、special day, although we are apart, but the scenery is not the distance, in the

64、through the long years of long, get out of, is mother warm heart! Happy birthday



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